Al Eteneo Grand Splendid. Photo by Roberto Fiadone. Wikimedia Commons.

Top 10 facts about El Ateneo Grand Splendid


El Ateneo Grand Splendid is a huge book and music shop in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was first opened as a theatre in 1919 to hold a seating capacity of 1,050.

The owner Max Glücksmann loved Tango and commissioned the creation of the theatre for ballet, opera, musical performance, and tango on its beautiful stage.

It was initially called Teatro Gran Splendid and was also used as a recording studio, radio station, and cinematic before it was finally transformed into a bookstore.

It has since been named El Ateneo Grand Splendid and named the world’s most beautiful bookstore by National Geographic.

The palatial theatre retained its original intricate designs as envisioned by architects Peró and Torres Armengol during its first creation like frescoed ceilings, ornate theater boxes, elegant rounded balconies, etc.

Here are 10 facts about El Ateneo Grand Splendid:

1. It has been named the most beautiful bookstore in the world

El Ateneo was first a classic theatre for the performing arts like ballet, opera, and Tango.

The building’s architects Peró and Torres Armengol designed a grand theatre that could incredibly seat 1050 people with a spectacular stage to leave the audience in awe.

Its interior design especially the ceiling frescoes was painted by revered Italian artist Nazareno Orlandi.

When the theatre was converted to a bookstore many of its intricate designs were retained like the elegant rounded balconies, detailed trimmings, and plush red stage curtains.

This gave the bookstore a stunning layout. It was named the world’s most beautiful bookstore by National Geographic in 2019 and the second most beautiful bookshop in the world by The Guardian in 2008.

2. It was also a radio station

Max Glücksmann was a lover of the performing arts. He especially enjoyed music and dance.

In 1924, more than five years after the theatre first opened Glücksmann started his own Radio Station.

It was called Radio Splendid that broadcasted from the building. The Gran Splendid, therefore, catered to all entertainment industries making its popularity grow faster than before.

Radio Splendid could broadcast a great radius in Buenos Aires making it quite popular in the city back then.

3. Grand Splendid was first an opera house that became the world’s most enchanting book shop

El Ateneo, Argentina. Wikimedia Commons. Photo by Carlos Adampol Galindo from DF, México. Wikimedia Commons.

Gran Splendid was first created to serve as a theatre back in 1919. The eclecticist building was created to cater to many of South America’s most famous artists to grace its stage.

The alluring theatre’s eclectic design appealed to visitors and civilians alike due to its style and taste from a diverse range of sources. This made the Theatre quite popular, especially among the rich.

4. It was transformed into a cinematic in 1929

A cinema is a theatre where films are shown for public entertainment. It was first referred to as motion picture and started to become quite popular in the 19th century.

In 1929 Glücksmann decided to transform the building into a cinema. He had also grown fond of motion pictures and decided to convert the theatre to the silver screen ten years later.

This created a buzz around Buenos Aires as everyone wanted to attend the cinema. This was because the Gran Splendid showcased some of Argentina’s first sound films.

The Theatre became more popular than before since coverages in the newspaper spread the news like wildfire.

5. The initial backstage for performers is now a café

Backstage is the collective parts of the theatre that lie behind the proscenium arch which is behind the back wall of the stage setting.

This includes the spaces beside, above, or under the stage and dressing rooms and was used to prepare everything before the show which included props, scenery, lighting, and sound.

The theatres backstage have since been modified into a cafe. Customers now get to admire the original ceiling fresco and ambiance of the theatre that has been retained.

6. The bookstore has 120,000 strong collections of books

El Ateneo Grand Splendid, Buenos Aires. Photo by Deensel. Wikimedia Commons.

The theatre Gran Splendid was leased by Grupo Ilhsa in February 2000 almost 50 years after owner Glücksmann’s death.

Ilhsa also owns El Ateneo publishing house and Yenny bookstore. The building was ultimately renovated and converted into a book and music shop with the cinema seating removed and in its place bookshelves were installed.

Architect Fernando Manzone directed the renovation Throughout the 22,000 sq. ft. venue with thousands of books sitting amidst the grand furnishings of the theatre.

The bookstore now contains 120,000 collections for visitors to enjoy

7. Glücksmann ran a Latin American branch of the record label Odeon at the theatre

Max Glücksmann was a film and music pioneer revered for his influence in the industry during the 19th century.

He opened a theatre for the performing arts for tango and opera among many others. He interacted with the artist in the theatre more so with the singers.

He has a radio station and soon after opened a recording studio in the building. Many leading musicians performed and recorded their music in the theatre.

The recording studio was called the Odeon. it was a Latin American branch of the record label Glücksmann ran.

8. Various famous South American artists at the time performed on its stage

El Ateneo, Buenos Aires.Photo by Carlos Adampol Galindo from DF, México. Wikimedia Commons.

When the theatre was first opened it attracted a lot of talents to its alluring stage.

Various rising Stars in their field took to the stage at Gran Splendid most of which were tango legends Some well-known names like Carlos Gardel the singer, violinist Francisco Canaro, Ignacio Corsini, and also a singer.

Some artists even created special performances dedicated to the theatre like pianist Roberto Firpo who dedicated a tango to the theatre.

9. Grand Splendid was built for Max Glücksmann

Mordechai David Glücksmann officially known as Max Glücksmann emigrated to Argentina in 1890.

In Buenos Aires, he first worked as a photographic assistant at the Casa Lepage.

He was then appointed as the importation agent, in Argentina, for European machines and records after the foundation of Odeon Records in 1904.

He then commissioned the construction of the theatre in 1919. He had initially set out to capture the tango market which he achieved very successfully.

He had already overall control of the Argentine record industry by simply offering long-term signing contracts with the best musicians and songwriters.

He controlled the sheet music and silent movie house business and became a folk hero among musicians due to royalties.

He introduced this both in music publishing and in record-making, for the first time in Argentina.

10. Over a million people walk through the bookstore annually

El Ateneo bookstore. Photo by Liam Quinn from Canada. Wikimedia Commons.

The music and book store El Ateneo Grand Splendid is the most popular one in Argentina.

The flagship store attracts tourists for its vast collection of books and interior design of marbled columns, original frescoed ceiling, and a stage framed by plush red cloth curtains.

Thousands of customers visit the bookstore and in 2007 sold over 700,000 books. It is estimated that over a million people visit the bookstore annually. 

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