The Temple of Heaven in Beijing, China. Photo By Philip Larson – Wikimedia

Top 10 Interesting Facts about Temple of Heaven   


The Temple of Heaven has been a World Heritage site since 1998. It is an imperial complex of religious buildings situated in the southeastern part of central Beijing.  

The complex is often described as a masterpiece of architecture and landscape design. This place was visited by the Emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties.

It was used for annual ceremonies of prayer to Heaven, requesting a good harvest. It was built from 1406 to 1420 under the reign of the Yongle Emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

Forbidden City, located north of The Temple of Heaven was built around the same time as the venue for annual ceremonies of prayer for good harvest. 

Here are 10 facts about the Temple of Heaven 

1. Its Southeast Location is Believed to be the Supreme Side

This highest-level worshipping venue is somewhat east of Beijing’s central axis. That is because southeast to the imperial palace is the direction where solar power is supreme.

This marvelous temple complex is located within an enormous landscaped park just south of Tiananmen Square. This amazing square is in turn adjoined to the north by the Imperial City which features the Forbidden City.

That is to say that the Temple of Heaven was built southeast of the Forbidden City. All of the famous landmarks in Beijing are situated in the Dongcheng District, the eastern part of the historical heart of the city. 

2. The Design is Because Heaven is Round and Earth Square

Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest. Photo By Gary Todd – Wikimedia Commons

The architecture of the complex resembles the symbolism in which the ceremonies were conducted. The design of the main buildings is a combination of circles and squares, which symbolize the belief that Heaven is round and Earth square. 

In 1530, the Jiajing Emperor (eleventh emperor of the Ming dynasty) took his minister’s advice: “Heaven and Earth should be worshiped separately. Worship Heaven at a circular altar and Earth at a square altar.”  

It features numerous squares and circles as it was believed that a square represented Earth and a circle Heaven. 

3. The Original Building Was Burnt Down

The Temple grounds cover 2.73 kilometers squared of parkland and comprise three main groups of constructions, all built according to strict philosophical requirements. 

The first one is the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests. This is a magnificent triple-gabled circular building, built on three levels of marble stone base, where the Emperor prayed for good harvests.  

The building is completely wooden, with no nails. The original building was burned down by a fire caused by lightning in 1889 and the current building was rebuilt several years after that fire incident. 

4. There is an Imperial Vault of Heaven 

The second group is the Imperial Vault of Heaven. This one is a single-gabled circular building, built on a single level of marble stone base.

It is located south of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests and resembles it, but is smaller.  The Imperial Vault is connected to the Hall of Prayer by the Vermilion Steps Bridge.

The bridge is a 360-meter-long raised walkway that slowly ascends from the Vault to the Hall of Prayer. The dome for this building has no crossbeams to support the dome. 

5. There is the Circular Mound Altar 

View of the Imperial Vault of Heaven. Photo By Maros – Wikimedia

The Circular Mound Altar is the altar proper that was built in 1530 by the Jiajing Emperor. It is the third group of structures located south of the Imperial Vault of Heaven.  

The altar is the empty circular platform on three levels of marble stones, each decorated by lavishly carved dragons. The numbers of various elements of the Altar, including its balusters and steps, are either the sacred number nine or in multiples of nine.  

The center of the altar is a round slate called the Heart of Heaven or the Supreme Yang. This is where the emperor prayed for favorable weather.  

Thanks to the design of the altar, the sound of the prayer will be reflected by the guardrail, creating significant resonance, which was supposed to help the prayer communicate with Heaven.  

6. The Echo Wall Resonates Sound Over Long Distances

This is a smooth circular wall that surrounds the Imperial Vault of Heaven that can transmit sounds. This circular wall can resonate sound over long distances. That was believed to be the reason why the emperor’s prayers reached heaven.  

Visit the Imperial Vault of Heaven with a friend. Ask them to stand on the opposite side of the Echo Wall, the smooth circular wall that surrounds the vault.

As long as both of you are sticking to the wall facing north, one can hear the other’s voice even if it’s just a whisper. You will be lucky if the courtyard is not too crowded and noisy.

That’s because the wall’s eaves and the hermetically laid bricks make the refraction of soundwaves possible. 

7. It Has Four Gates 

One of the Temple of Heaven Gates. Photo By 钉钉 – Wikimedia Commons

The temple is accessible to all and so it has four gates. There is the East Gate that is on Tiantan East Road and Tiyuguan Road. The other is the West Gate on Tianqiao South Street and Nanwei Road. 

There is a North Gate that is on Tiantan Road and Qinian Street and lastly the South Gate that is located on Yongdingmen East Street and Jintai Road. 

8. The Pillars Are Symbolic

Temple of Heaven’s architecture has fascinating details. A good example is the pillars in the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests. These pillars have a lot of significance. 

The four dragons’ well pillars, on the inner circle, embody the four seasons of the year that is Summer, Winter, Spring, and autumn.  

The 12 inner pillars represent 12 months of the year while the 12 outer pillars stand for 12 two-hour periods of the day. 

When the inner and outer pillars are added up, they implicate the 24 solar terms. Add the four dragons’ well pillars to these 24 you will have 28 pillars altogether that represent the 28 Mansions of the Moon. 

9. It Is Used as an Exercise Park 

Early morning is the best time to visit the Temple of Heaven. It is well worth waking up for. You will have an interesting experience watching local people doing morning exercises. 

People of all ages come to exercise in the morning. There will be a person practicing the slow and flowing movements of tai chi. On the other end, another will be performing vigorous kung fu punches and kicks.  

There could be a group learning the ancient martial art of sword fighting, while another, practicing a traditional dance. 

10. There is an Imperial Bridge

Star-Stones, at Temple of Heaven, Beijing. Photo By Daniel Case – Wikimedia Commons

Just next to this Hall you’ll find 8 peculiar stones lying on the grass. These stones are referred to as the “Seven-Star Stone Group”.  Each has a special meaning. There is an eighth stone that is smaller than the rest. 

They represent the peaks of Taishan Mountain, also known as “Mount Tai,” a sacred mountain in ancient China that is located in Shandong Province. 

Other buildings there include The Hall of Imperial Zenith, The Palace of Abstinence, Kitchen for Sacrifice, The Divine Music Administration, and the Imperial Walkway Bridge or Danbi Bridge that connects the inner and the outer temple. 





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