Pile Gate, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Photo by Bernard Gagnon on Wikimedia

Top 10 Intriguing Facts about Pile Gate


Pile Gate is a famous landmark for all visitors who come to the city of Dubrovnik. The gate was built in 1537 as a kind of fortification for a city that was prosperous. It has been in existence for over five hundred years and has been a remarkable medieval landmark in Croatia.

The Pile Gate has a grand drawbridge which is thronged by thousands of people every year. Since the medieval ages, this has been the gate of the main entrance to the medieval Old Town of Dubrovnik. Initially, the drawbridge was made of wood and used to be pulled up at night to deter any unwanted visitors from the heavily walled city.

However, the wooden gate was replaced by stone which was stronger than wood. Beside the Pile Gate is a figure of Dubrovnik’s patron saint St Blaise which was built by the Croatian sculptor Ivan Mestrovic.

There are visible mechanical counterweights which were previously used to raise and lower the drawbridge. Imposing cannons can also be seen above the towering city walls.

Below are the Top 10 Intriguing Facts about Pile Gate:

1. Pile Gate Is At The Main Entrance of the Medieval Old City of Dubrovnik

There are several medieval Old towns across Europe with some located in Croatia and other European countries. In Croatia, Dubrovnik is one of the medieval cities.

Pile Gate, a great landmark in Croatia is the main entrance to the medieval city of Dubrovnik. This country is one of the most fortified modern-day cities in the world. The huge wall which was built several years ago still stands strong with the Pile Gate being the welcoming note.

2. Pile Gate Previously had Wooden Drawbridge

The drawbridge of Pile Gate. Photo by Jerzy Strzelecki on Wikimedia

The gate was built in the 15th century with the name Pile Gate being derived from the Greek word Pylaj which means gate. The current material used to build the Pile gate’s drawbridge is not the original one.

Initially, the drawbridge was built using wood. This drawbridge made from wood was used to be pulled up at night to prevent any intruders and unwelcome guests to enter the walled city.

3. The Gate Paves the Way to the Main and Most Famous Street in the City

Pile Gate is not only the main entrance to the walled city of Dubrovnik. It also leads to several other popular streets and landmarks within the city.

Pile Gate which is located on the western part of the town walls paves the way to The Stardust. The Stardust is the main and most famous street found within Dubrovnik. This is also the main promenade of the town.

Several activities usually take place on this main street that is full of people every day.

4. Pile Gate has Medieval Architecture and Consists of Two Gates

Pile Gate in Dubrovnik. Photo by János Korom Dr On Wikimedia

Built-in the 15th century, Pile Gate was built in the medieval style and architecture. It is unique in that it consists of two gates which were useful during the early centuries as they formed part of the defensive structure for the walled town.

The two gates include the inner and the outer gate. The inner gate was the first to be built in 1460 and the second gate was built later in 1537.

5. A Dry Moat Once a Deep-Water Ditch Surrounds the Gate and Wall

As you walk through the drawbridge leading to the walled city of Dubrovnik, you come across several other medieval features. Looking down the drawbridge as you approach the Pile Gate, you can see a dry moat.

This area was usually deep and filled with water that surrounded the wall of the city. The deep-water ditch was meant to fend off and delay any sort of external threat and any other plans.

6. The Statue of the Patron Saint of the City is at the Entrance of the Gate

Statue of St. Blaise on Pile Gate, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Photo by Bernard Gagnon on Wikimedia

Some beautiful medieval sculptures and statues are located at the entrance of Pile Gate. At the entrance of the gate when you look above, you will notice the statue of St Blaise.

St Blaise was the patron saint of the city which was sculpted on both the inner and outer arches. The statue of the patron saint, St Blaise is located on the Renaissance arch which is also as old as the Pile Gate.

However, the statue in the inner part of the gate is not that old. It was created in the 20th century by the most prominent Croatian sculptor Ivan Mestrovic.

7. Mechanical Counter Weights Can Be Seen At The Gate

With the previous functions of the gate protecting the walled city from external attacks and threats, more features remain intact to prove this function. After going through the outer gate, the mechanical counterweights can be seen.

The mechanical counterweights were used to raise and lower the drawbridge in the medieval period. They were critical during this time as they helped to reinforce the city for a very long time.

8. Pile Gate is a Meeting Point for Both Tourists and Locals

Pile Gate. Photo by lienyuan lee on Wikimedia

Located on the western part of the walled city, Pile Gate plays a major role in the current era. Pile Gate is a common meeting point for both tourists and locals.

It is one of three access points to the city. At this meeting point, visitors can enjoy the view over a nearby small fishing harbour, fort Lovrijenac.

9. The Gate has been used as a Filming Location

The scenery of the Pile Gate has been used for commercial purposes which include filmmaking. Being one of the most important medieval fortifications, Pile Gate has been used by film companies to shoot their movies.

The popular HBO series Game of Thrones was filmed at Pile Gate. The scenes from this spot are amazing and light up the film.

10. Orientation Maps with a Code of Conduct are Located Inside the Gate

Pile Gate. Photo by lienyuan lee on Wikimedia

Tourists coming to this area not only want to enjoy the view of the Pile Gate but also to explore more about the walled city of Dubrovnik. You will enjoy the outside view of the gate and then get inside.

As you arrive in the medieval town through the gate, visitors are welcomed by an orientation map which has a code of conduct. These orientation maps are very useful for every visitor as they guide them through their tours in the city.

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