A portrait of Maria Theresa of Spain. Photo by Diego Velázquez on Wikimedia

Top 10 Sensational Facts about Maria Theresa of Spain


Maria Theresa of Spain was Queen of France from 1660 to 1683 as the wife of King Louis XIV. She was born on 10th September 1638 at the Royal Monastery of El Escorial. The Infant Maria Theresa was the daughter of Philip the third and fourth and his wife Elisabeth of France.

Her mother, Elisabeth of France died when Maria Theresa was six years old. Maria Theresa was born as an Archduchess of Austria as a member of the Spanish branch of the House of Habsburg. She was an Infanta of Spain and Portugal.

Before her death, Elisabeth of France chose Sainte Therese to protect her daughter. She gave her daughter the name Marie-Therese to protect her. In Spain, she was known as Maria Teresa de Austria and in France as Marie-Therese d’Autriche. Maria Theresa of Spain was raised by the royal governess Luisa Magdalena de Jesus.

She was given religious education by Juan de Palma who was the commissioner of the Indies as forested by Elisabeth of France. Later on, Father Vasquez who was recognised in Spain for his high education and great virtue was entrusted with the spiritual education of Maria Theresa. Here are the Top 10 Sensational Facts about Maria Theresa of Spain:

1. Maria Theresa of Spain was born into a Royal Family

Maria Theresa of Spain was born on 10th September 1638 at the Royal Monastery of El Escorial. She was known as the Infanta Maria Theresa.

Maria Theresa of Spain was born into a royal family as his father was Philip IV & III and his first wife Elisabeth of France. Maria was a member of the House of Austria and got entitled to use the title Archduchess of Austria.

2. She was put under Protection by her Mother before her Death

Portrait of Maria Theresa of Spain. Photo by Diego Velázquez on Wikimedia

Her mother, Elisabeth of France chose Sainte Therese to protect Maria Theresa of Spain. This is because she was the youngest of a series of precocious births.

Elisabeth of Austria gave her the name Therese to protect her daughter. In Spain, she was known as Maria Teresa de Austria and Marie-Therese d’Autriche in France.

At the age of six, the mother of Maria Theresa of Spain died. She was later raised by the royal governess Luisa Magdalena de Jesus.

3. Maria Theresa had Two Religious Educators

As she grew up in the royal palace, Maria Theresa had to grow up in a religious environment. She had two religious teachers as she grew.

At first, the religious education of Marie-Thérèse was carried out by Juan de Palma. Juan was the commissioner of the Indies who had previously been the director of Elisabeth of France. He got this task from Philip IV because he had taken care of his wife.

However, the teacher of Maria Theresa of Spain was changed. Father Vasquez, a recognised man of great virtue was given the task of spiritual education of Maria Theresa.

4. She became Heir Presumptive on Two Occasions

Portrait of Maria Theresa of Spain. Photo by Henri and Charles on Wikimedia

Maria Theresa of Spain grew up in a good way in the palace. In the kingdom of Spain, no Salic Law denying a female to assume the throne like in France.

After the death of Balthasar Charles in 1646, Maria Theresa became heir presumptive to the vast Spanish Empire. She remained in such a position until the birth of her brother Philip Prospero in 1657.

For a second time between 1st to 6th November 1661, Maria Theresa became heir presumptive again. This followed the death of Prince Philip until the birth of Prince Charles who later inherited the thrones of Spain as Charles the second.

5. Maria Theresa’s Large Dowry was Never Paid by Spain after Decades of War

The unification of Spain and France through the marriage of Maria Theresa to Spain progressed well. The skill of Mazarin and his French diplomats helped the renunciation and marriage of Maria to Spain.

Spain agreed to pay a large dowry in exchange for Maria Theresa. After decades of war, Spain became bankrupt and was unable to pay France the agreed sum of 500,000 ecus they owed them.

6. Maria was Married to her First Cousin Louis XIV

Engraving from La Mode par l’Image du XIIe au XVIIIe Siècle. Photo by Louis-Marie Lanté on Wikimedia

Maria Theresa was married to the French King, Louis XIV who was her first cousin. The father of the King, Louis the eighth of France was the brother of Maria Theresa’s mother.

Her father was the brother of Anne of Austria, Louis XIV’s mother. The couple got married officially in 1660.

7. She became Friends with her Mother-in-law unlike other Princess in Foreign Lands

On 26th August 1660, Maria Theresa and her husband joyously entered Paris and were received well by the people. She quickly blended into her new home which took many by surprise.

Maria Theresa became more found and a friend of her mother-in-law at the court which was not that common unlike many princesses in foreign lands. She spent much of her time playing cards and gambling as she showed less interest in politics or literature.

8. Maria and Her Husband had Six Children with Only One Surviving to Adulthood

Portrait of Maria Theresa of Spain. Photo by After Nicholas Pitau on Wikimedia 

Maria Theresa got pregnant with her first child the following year after she got married to Louis XIV. The couple had six children with only one managing to survive till adulthood.

Louis, Grand Dauphin was born on 1st November 1661 and survived to adulthood. The second born was Anne-Élisabeth who was born on 18th November 1662 and died in infancy.

Marie-Anne was bronze on 16th November 1664 and died in infancy on 30th December 1664. The fourth born, Marie Thérèse was born on 2nd January 1667 and died at the age of five.

Philippe Charles was born on 5th August 1668 and died at the age of two. Their last born, Louis François was born on 14th June 1672 and died in infancy.

9. She Played Little Part in Political Affairs

Maria Theresa of Spain never had any interest in politics since she was born until her marriage to Louis XIV. It was expected that she will be part of the political ring of her husband, but she was not.

However, Maria played little part in the political affairs of her husband except in 1667, 1672 and 1678. Theresa acted as regent while Louis XIV was away on campaigns on the frontier.

10. Maria Got Ill and Died a Painful Death

Portrait of Marie Therese de Choiseul. Photo by Unknown author on Wikimedia

Maria Theresa enjoyed good health since she was born till later in her life. She fell ill in the last week of July 1683.

Maria Theresa’s illness got worse which made her husband order for the sacraments to be kept nearby. On 30th July 1683, Maria Theresa of Spain died a painful death at Versailles. A grand funeral was held as she was buried at the Basilica of St Denis.

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