Bada Rajan Exposed: 20 Fascinating Details About the Feared Mumbai Gangster


Bada Rajan’s name echoes with both fear and fascination throughout Mumbai’s underworld. This expose delves into the shadows of organized crime, revealing 20 riveting details about the enigmatic gangster who commands respect in the city’s underground circles.

I invite you to join me on a journey through the power, crime, and charisma that define this feared figure. From his early days to his clandestine dealings, the story peels back the layers of a man who defies the traditional boundaries of criminality. Prepare for a riveting journey into the heart of Mumbai’s underworld, where Bada Rajan’s legacy casts a long, mysterious shadow.

1. His real name was Rajendra Sadashiv Nikalje

Born Rajendra Sadashiv Nikalje, the notorious figure behind the ominous moniker Bada Rajan earned his nickname due to his imposing physical stature. He surpassed his peers in both stature and influence, becoming a formidable force in Mumbai’s criminal landscape. His real name, which is frequently overshadowed by the terrifying echoes of “Bada Rajan,” holds the key to understanding the man behind the enigmatic exterior.

Rajendra Sadashiv Nikalje’s journey, filled with shadows and intrigue highlights the complex interplay of power and personality that defines the underworld. In a world where reputation is everything, his larger-than-life persona became synonymous with Mumbai’s criminal underworld.

2. He grew up very poor

Rajan was born into the harsh reality of Mumbai’s Tilak Nagar slum in 1959 and has faced the unforgiving embrace of poverty since his early years. Raised in humble circumstances, his formative years were spent amidst the hardships and challenges of slum life. The concrete alleys of Tilak Nagar served as the backdrop for his journey, forging resilience in the face of adversity.

Against the backdrop of economic adversity, Bada Rajan’s early life in the slums laid the groundwork for the gritty determination that would later define his rise in the underworld, a story shaped by Mumbai’s unforgiving streets.

3. He started working as a black-market ticket scalper and small-time smuggler

In the turbulent 1970s, Bada Rajan began his career in the criminal underworld as a black-market ticket scalper and small-time smuggler. Navigating the shadows of Mumbai’s illicit trades, he skillfully cultivated alliances with both law enforcement and politicians, creating a complex web of connections to strengthen his criminal empire.

Rajan’s astuteness in forming these strategic alliances enabled him to navigate the murky intersections of crime and power. This early stage of his criminal career laid the groundwork for a path that would see him rise through the ranks, cementing his influence in the intricate tapestry of Mumbai’s underworld, where alliances with the powerful were just as important as street smarts.

4. Rajan entered the Mumbai underworld in the 1980s, working for mob boss Karim Lala

Rajan made his name in Mumbai’s underworld during the 1980s while working for the formidable mob boss Karim Lala. He stepped into the shadows, seizing control of liquor dens and orchestrating illegal gambling operations, cementing his status as a rising force in organized crime.

Rajan honed his skills in the complexities of the underworld under Karim Lala’s tutelage, increasing his influence throughout the city’s clandestine establishments. This was a watershed moment for Bada Rajan, as he progressed from a small-time operator to a key player navigating the volatile landscape with a deft combination of cunning and ruthlessness.

5. Rajan took over Dawood Ibrahim gang’s operations in the 1980s

Rajan seized control of his gang operations in Mumbai after Dawood Ibrahim fled India in the 1980s, ushering in a brutal and protracted gang war. The struggle for dominance heated up as Rajan attempted to expand his influence, challenging Dawood’s former stronghold.

The ensuing conflict resulted in a series of bloody clashes, ushering in a dark chapter in Mumbai’s underworld history. The bitter rivalry between Bada Rajan and Dawood Ibrahim became synonymous with violence and vengeance, resulting in a trail of casualties and deepening the animosity that defined their respective criminal empires for years.

6. He masterminded the shooting of Dawood’s brother Ibrahim Parkar in 1992

In a chilling display of ruthlessness, Rajan orchestrated the heinous murder of Dawood Ibrahim’s brother, Ibrahim Parkar, in 1992. This calculated move not only removed a key figure from Dawood’s inner circle but also solidified Rajan’s reputation as a formidable and fearless emerging gang leader.

The brazen attack rocked Mumbai’s criminal landscape, cementing Rajan’s reputation for strategic cunning and cold-blooded execution. The event marked a watershed moment in the ongoing gang war, propelling Bada Rajan to the forefront as a force to be reckoned with, as he demonstrated a willingness to go to extreme lengths to establish dominance in the dangerous underworld.

7. He transitioned from illegal liquor to drug trafficking, extortion, contract killings, and property grabbing

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Bada Rajan’s criminal empire grew as he expanded beyond illicit liquor to include drug trafficking, extortion, contract killings, property grabbing, and even financing Bollywood films. This strategic expansion demonstrated his adaptability and business acumen in the complex tapestry of Mumbai’s underworld.

His involvement in a variety of criminal activities demonstrated his ability to navigate both the shadows of organized crime and the glamour of the film industry. From orchestrating violent acts to infiltrating the entertainment industry, Bada Rajan’s portfolio demonstrated his ability to leverage influence and power across multiple domains, solidifying his enigmatic status.

8. Rajan had connections to India’s intelligence agency RAW

Rajan’s intrigue grew as he formed clandestine alliances outside the criminal realm. Unbeknownst to many, he formed covert ties with India’s intelligence agency, RAW. In an unexpected twist, Rajan became an informant, providing critical information to Indian authorities to counter the influence of his archrival Dawood Ibrahim and Pakistan’s ISI.

This unexpected collaboration between a feared underworld figure and the intelligence community added a layer of complexity to Rajan’s story, highlighting his intricate role as both a criminal and an informant on the geopolitical chessboard, where alliances stretched beyond the traditional boundaries of law and order.

9. He split from the Chhota Shakeel faction in 2000 due to internal disputes within D-Company

In a dramatic and significant turn of events in 2000, Bada Rajan made headlines by breaking away from the Chhota Shakeel faction within D-Company, Dawood Ibrahim’s criminal organization. Internal disagreements and power struggles fueled the acrimonious split, exacerbating the already volatile Mumbai underworld conflict.

The schism not only exacerbated existing gang rivalries but also marked a watershed moment in the dynamics of organized crime in the city. Bada Rajan’s decision to part ways with D-Company’s influential faction exacerbated the complexities of Mumbai’s criminal landscape, resulting in increased unrest and shaping the intricate narrative of underworld power dynamics.

10. Rajan survived assassination attempts and brutally eliminated his rivals

Rajan’s survival in the dangerous world of Mumbai’s underworld was marked by his resilience in the face of numerous assassination attempts. His journey was defined by brutal responses to threats, and he eliminated rivals with calculated ruthlessness. Between 1992 and 2000, he was suspected of over 75 gangland murders, demonstrating his willingness to go to extreme lengths to maintain power.

His reputation for orchestrating heinous acts of violence bolstered his notoriety within the criminal community. The blood-stained trail of these activities highlighted the dark and merciless reality of Bada Rajan’s reign, leaving an indelible mark on the history of Mumbai’s notorious underworld.

11. Dawood’s associates tracked Rajan in Bangkok and fired upon him

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In a gripping survival story, Rajan was nearly killed in 2000 when Dawood Ibrahim associates tracked him down in Bangkok. The confrontation heated up as gunfire erupted, forcing Rajan to make a daring escape. He leaped from a hotel window, demonstrating extraordinary agility and quick thinking, evading the attackers and escaping death.

This sensational incident not only added to the lore surrounding Bada Rajan’s enigmatic persona but also fueled the ongoing underworld feud. His narrow escape from his adversaries highlighted the high stakes and dangerous nature of Mumbai’s criminal battleground.

12. Rajan continued to operate from Dubai, Southeast Asia, and even Australia while feuding with Dawood’s D-Company

Undeterred by the assassination attempt, Bada Rajan demonstrated remarkable tenacity, coordinating his criminal operations remotely. From the safe havens of Dubai, South East Asia, and even Australia, he continued to wield power, navigating the global underworld with strategic precision.

Despite geographical distances, the war with Dawood’s D-Company continued, adding an international dimension to the Mumbai underworld conflict. Bada Rajan’s ability to sustain and expand his criminal empire across borders exemplified the changing nature of organized crime, transcending regional boundaries and cementing his reputation as a cunning and elusive figure in the shadowy corridors of the international underworld.

13. Rajan heavily invested his illicit earnings in legitimate real estate and construction businesses as cover

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Rajan, demonstrating a keen understanding of concealment, strategically invested his illicit earnings in legitimate real estate and construction ventures. Using these businesses as a deceptive cover, he successfully laundered and diversified his wealth. Rajan was able to seamlessly navigate both the criminal and legitimate worlds thanks to the marriage of underworld operations and the façade of lawful enterprises.

This sophisticated financial maneuver not only protected him from scrutiny but also demonstrated his adaptability to the complexities of money laundering. Bada Rajan’s dual investment strategy demonstrated his astuteness in concealing the origins of his wealth while conducting lawful business operations.

14. He maintained a Robin Hood image among Mumbai’s slum residents

Despite his notorious criminal activities, Rajan cultivated a dual image in Mumbai’s slum communities. While orchestrating illegal activities, he skillfully maintained a Robin Hood persona by funding food pantries and providing assistance to impoverished households. This calculated benevolence endeared him to the slum residents, resulting in a paradoxical story of both menace and benefit.

Rajan’s strategic philanthropy served as a shield against potential opposition, fostering a complex relationship with the communities impacted by his criminal activities. This dual identity demonstrated his ability to manipulate public perception, portraying him as a criminal with a false sense of social responsibility in Mumbai’s impoverished neighborhoods.

15. Rajan’s influence spread beyond Mumbai to Karnataka, Gujarat, Delhi, and Uttar Pradesh

Rajan strategically formed alliances with local gangs, resulting in a formidable network that extended far beyond the city’s borders. These collaborations enabled him to broaden his reach and exert control over illicit activities in a variety of locations.

His ability to establish and maintain relationships with regional criminal entities demonstrated a sophisticated understanding of organized crime dynamics, consolidating his power on a larger scale. His empire’s expansion beyond Mumbai exemplified the intricate web of alliances that defined his lasting legacy in India’s underworld.

16. He was a suspect in the 2003 assassination attempt of cricket player Shoaib Akhtar in South Africa

In 2003, Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Akhtar was the target of an assassination attempt while playing in South Africa. Unknown assailants fired at his vehicle as he was leaving the Durban stadium after a match. Akhtar escaped unharmed, but the news sent shockwaves through the cricket world. Though the attackers were never officially identified, Chhota Rajan and his gang quickly came under suspicion.

Rajan, who operated out of South Africa at the time, was a prime suspect in the shooting. However, South African police were unable to find conclusive evidence linking him to the attack on Akhtar. The sensational incident remained a high-profile mystery, with Rajan identified as the likely mastermind given his prowess in carrying out audacious transnational crimes during his heyday.

17. Rajan was arrested in Bali in 2015 after evading authorities for more than 15 years

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Rajan had been one of India’s most wanted fugitives for more than 15 years, having escaped assassination in Thailand in 2000. He evaded arrest by frequently changing locations and identities throughout Southeast Asia. However, Indian intelligence eventually tracked him down in Bali, Indonesia, in 2015. He was living under the alias Mohan Kumar when Indonesian police apprehended him after receiving a Red Corner Notice.

After his fingerprints were verified, Rajan was deported to India in November 2015. His high-profile arrest represented a significant victory for Indian law enforcement agencies, which had been unable to apprehend Rajan since he went underground in 2000. It marked the end of his ruthless criminal empire in Mumbai, which was built on drug trafficking, extortion, and gang wars.

18. Rajan was convicted for the murder of journalist Jyotirmoy Dey and sentenced to life in prison

In 2017, Chhota Rajan was found guilty of ordering the 2011 murder of investigative journalist Jyotirmoy Dey. Dey had exposed Rajan’s crimes through his reporting, which sealed his fate. Rajan ordered a hit on Dey, which his associates carried out in Mumbai. Key witnesses testified against Rajan, resulting in his conviction.

The judge sentenced him to life in prison for the high-profile assassination that sent shockwaves across the media. The sentencing marked Rajan’s descent from his peak, as he was unable to evade justice this time. It highlighted his ruthless retaliation against anyone who dared to expose his underworld operations.

19. Rajan’s arrest weakened his gang

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The arrest of Rajan dealt a significant blow to his criminal empire, causing it to split into smaller factions led by his associates. The power vacuum left by his absence sparked internal conflict, causing the once-cohesive gang to splinter.

This shift in leadership dynamics and internal conflicts weakened his organization’s overall strength while also fueling infighting among rival factions. The arrest of Rajan created a void in Mumbai’s underworld, reshaping power structures and alliances within the criminal fraternity as former associates competed for control in the incarcerated kingpin’s absence.

20. Even from behind bars, Rajan is said to control multimillion-dollar smuggling, gambling, and extortion rackets in Mumbai

Despite his imprisonment, Rajan reportedly maintains a tight grip on lucrative criminal enterprises, orchestrating multimillion-dollar smuggling, gambling, and extortion rackets in Mumbai. His continued influence from jail demonstrates the tenacity of his criminal network.

Authorities continue to grapple with the formidable challenge of curtailing his far-reaching clout, as Rajan’s reach extends beyond prison walls. The enduring fear of his influence reflects the complexities of dismantling deeply entrenched criminal networks, emphasizing law enforcement’s ongoing struggle to neutralize the impact of one of Mumbai’s most notorious underworld figures, even while incarcerated.

In his prime, Bada Rajan was the undisputed don of Mumbai’s underworld, wielding power with an iron fist. His larger-than-life persona was both myth and reality. While many of his crimes remain unsolved, Rajan’s legacy is that of a ruthless mob boss who transformed the Mumbai mafia through bloody wars and fearless tactics. Despite being imprisoned, his story captures the dark underbelly of India’s largest city.

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