Varadarajan Mudaliar: 20 Lesser-Known Facts About the Prominent Mumbai Mafia Don


A saga unfolds in Mumbai’s labyrinthine underworld, with Varadarajan Mudaliar at the center—a name whispered in awe and trepidation. As I delve into the mysterious life of this Mumbai Mafia Don, the shadows cast by his legacy reveal a tapestry woven with intrigue and audacity. Mudaliar, born in Kanyakumari, embarked on a journey that transformed him into the elusive Vardha Bhai.

Beyond the well-known stories, join me in uncovering 20 lesser-known aspects of his life—a mosaic of smuggling, political intrigue, and escapes that shaped his legend. Mudaliar’s story is told in layers, from the white-clad silhouette to his clandestine ties to the notorious D-Company, leaving an indelible mark on the city’s underworld folklore.

1. His full name was Varadarajan Muniswami Mudaliar

Varadarajan Mudaliar was born Jan on 2, 1926, in Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu, India. His full name is Varadarajan Muniswami Mudaliar. He rose from humble beginnings to become a legend in Mumbai’s underworld. Infamously known as Vardha Bhai, he navigated the worlds of smuggling, bootlegging, and legitimate business, leaving an indelible mark on the city’s past. 

2. He moved to Mumbai in the 1940s and began working as a porter at VT Station

Varadarajan Muniswami Mudaliar’s entry into Mumbai’s underworld began in the 1940s when he arrived in the bustling city. Beginning as a porter at VT Station, he experienced the harsh realities of life before delving into the shadows of petty crime.

His training ground was Mumbai’s crowded platforms and labyrinthine alleys, which catapulted him from humble porter to notoriety. This transition marked the beginning of Mudaliar’s rise, as he navigated the city’s underbelly, gradually evolving into a prominent player in organized crime that would shape Mumbai’s landscape for decades to come.

3. Mudaliar engaged in a variety of criminal activities

Photo by MART PRODUCTION from Pexels

Mudaliar’s criminal repertoire was as diverse as the city he worked in. From the illegal brew of prohibition-era bootlegging to the orchestration of clandestine gambling dens, his influence spanned Mumbai’s underworld. Extortion became a craft in his hands, and contract killings lent a sinister edge to his reputation.

Mudaliar’s involvement in smuggling and drug trafficking strengthened his position, creating a web of criminal enterprises. As his empire grew, he seamlessly transitioned into real estate acquisition, using legitimate fronts to conceal the shadowy dealings that defined his multifaceted criminal career in the volatile world of Mumbai’s organized crime.

4. He had relationships with powerful politicians, police officers, bureaucrats, and celebrities

Varadarajan Mudaliar’s network of influence extended far beyond organized crime, into the corridors of power in Mumbai. With astute connections to powerful politicians, police officers, bureaucrats, and even celebrities, Mudaliar built a network that allowed him to operate freely.

These alliances not only shielded him from the long arm of the law but also allowed him to operate freely for decades. The link between the underworld and the upper echelons of society became a defining feature of Mudaliar’s reign, emphasizing the intricate dynamics that enabled him to navigate Mumbai’s criminal underworld freely.

5. He was the undisputed kingpin of the Mumbai underworld in the 1980s

Sgt. Michael Sword, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Mudaliar emerged as the undisputed kingpin of Mumbai’s underworld during the turbulent 1980s. At the height of his power, he reigned supreme alongside other notorious figures such as Haji Mastan and Karim Lala, collectively dominating the criminal underworld.

This triumvirate shaped the narrative of organized crime, orchestrating a symphony of illegal activities that reverberated through the busy streets. His influence peaked during this period, cementing his position as a dominant figure as he navigated the complex dynamics of Mumbai’s underworld, leaving an indelible mark on its history.

6. Mudaliar commanded an army of over 500 hardcore criminals at one time

His reign over the Mumbai underworld was supported by a formidable army of over 500 hardened criminals at his peak. His key lieutenants included influential figures such as Rama Naik, Anjali Brahmanand Jadhav, Sukur Narayan Bakhia, and Babu Reshim.

Together, they formed a formidable alliance, orchestrating a symphony of criminal activity that reverberated throughout the city’s underground. Mudaliar’s ability to command and control such a large force demonstrated his strategic acumen and organizational prowess, cementing his position as a kingpin in the complex and dangerous world of Mumbai’s organized crime.

7. He financed numerous Hindi films

Skip, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Mudaliar did not limit his influence to the underworld; he expanded into Bollywood by financing Hindi films. His most notable collaboration was with Mahesh Bhatt, who made his directorial debut in 1974’s “Manzilein Aur Bhi Hain.” This unexpected foray into the film industry earned him the affectionate nickname “Nana” among Bollywood fans.

The underworld’s financial support in the glitzy world of cinema added intrigue to Mudaliar’s persona, demonstrating his ability to straddle both legitimate and illegal realms, leaving an indelible mark on the intersection of Mumbai’s underworld and the glamorous world of Hindi cinema.

8. Mudaliar was a devout Hindu and worshipped the goddess Mathaji

Despite his notorious underworld persona, Mudaliar was a devout Hindu and a devotee of the goddess Mathaji. His daily routine included a visit to the Mathaji temple in Vashi without fail, demonstrating a deeply ingrained spiritual aspect of his life.

His unwavering devotion to his religious practices lent a paradoxical dimension to his character, highlighting the contrast between his criminal activities and his faith. This devotion to the goddess Mathaji, amidst the chaos of his criminal empire, reflected the complexity and multifaceted nature of his personality, adding a fascinating layer to the story of Mumbai’s underworld.

9. He built educational institutes, hospitals, and housing complexes for the poor

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Mudaliar, who amassed wealth through illegal means displayed a complex duality by investing heavily in real estate for ostensibly philanthropic purposes. His ill-gotten gains were used to build educational institutions, hospitals, and housing complexes for the underprivileged. This paradoxical combination of criminality and apparent altruism left a complex legacy.

His contributions, while tainted by the funding source, provided tangible infrastructure for the marginalized. This intricate web of activities highlighted a man whose influence extended beyond the shadows of crime, into the social fabric of Mumbai and left behind a complex legacy that sparks moral debates in the context of the underworld.

10. He owned a large bungalow in Chembur called Varsha

Varadarajan Mudaliar’s opulent lifestyle included his grand residence, Varsha, a sprawling bungalow in Chembur. This fortress-like abode was outfitted with high-security measures, including CCTV cameras, indicating his acute awareness of the dangers inherent in his criminal activities.

Varsha, more than just a house, became a gathering place for celebrities and politicians to cross paths discreetly, navigating the fine line between the underworld and society’s elite. The lavish retreat exemplified Mudaliar’s intricate network, where power, influence, and secrecy converged to create a haven that blurred the lines between the criminal underworld and the corridors of mainstream influence.

11. He generally led a simple life

 Despite the flamboyant image associated with Mumbai’s underworld, Varadarajan Mudaliar lived a surprisingly simple life. He established a disciplined routine while abstaining from alcohol and cigarettes. His culinary preferences mirrored his unassuming tastes, with vada pav, a simple street food, his favorite.

This unexpected preference for simplicity in habits and cuisine contrasted sharply with his powerful underworld persona. It hinted at a man who, beyond the shadows of crime, found solace in the ordinary, creating a mystique around Varadarajan Mudaliar’s personality that went beyond the notorious underworld figure he was known to be.

12. Mudaliar married three times and fathered six children

Mudaliar’s personal life reflected the complexities of his underworld activities. He married three times and had six children, creating a family dynamic within his criminal empire. In the 1980s, his sons Sridhar and Satish played an important role in managing his empire’s complex web of illegal activities.

This family involvement added a layer of continuity to Mudaliar’s criminal legacy, as his sons took on key roles in navigating Mumbai’s perilous underworld. The interplay between family ties and criminal enterprises highlighted Mudaliar’s complex and multifaceted life, both inside and outside the shadows.

13. He is thought to have personally killed over 100 people

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

His reign over the Mumbai underworld was marred by a brutal legacy in which he is thought to have personally orchestrated the deaths of over 100 people. His victims included rival gang members as well as members of his syndicate who were considered traitors.

The macabre number of murders attributed to Mudaliar demonstrates the ruthlessness and dominance that defined his reign. These violent eliminations cemented his control over the criminal landscape, establishing a reign of terror that contributed to his enigmatic and fearsome reputation in Mumbai’s underworld during a turbulent period of organized crime in the city.

14. His main rivals were the Pathan mafia dons Karim Lala, Samad Khan, and Amirzada

Mudaliar’s most formidable adversaries emerged from the Pathan mafia, with Karim Lala, Samad Khan, and Amirzada leading the charge. The power struggle between Mudaliar and the Pathan dons turned into frequent and intense bouts of bloodshed, ushering in a turbulent period in Mumbai’s underworld history.

These rivalries were fueled by territorial disputes, control over lucrative criminal enterprises, and an unwavering desire for supremacy. The clashes between Mudaliar and the Pathan mafia not only turned the city’s streets red but also fueled the intricate web of alliances and animosities that defined the volatile underworld landscape at the time.

15. He was arrested only once in 1961 for running an illegal brewery

Mudaliar was arrested only once during his criminal career, in 1961, on charges of running an illegal brewery. Surprisingly, subsequent legal issues remained elusive, as charges failed to stick, owing to a lack of witnesses and evidence.

His ability to avoid convictions and legal consequences demonstrated a mastery of the legal system. This single arrest demonstrated Mudaliar’s ability to keep a low profile and evade justice, adding to the mystery surrounding his criminal activities throughout his notorious tenure in the intricate world of Mumbai’s underworld.

16. Mudaliar died of a heart attack in 1988 at the age of 62

Mudaliar died under mysterious circumstances on January 2, 1988, his 62nd birthday. While officially attributed to a heart attack, persistent rumors suggested a darker story. Speculation arose that Dawood Ibrahim, a rising force in Mumbai’s underworld, orchestrated Mudaliar’s poisoning to seize control of the notorious D Company.

This unverified theory heightened the mystery surrounding his death, emphasizing the complex power dynamics of the criminal underworld. Varadarajan Mudaliar’s enduring legacy was bolstered by the mystery surrounding his death, as well as whispers of foul play.

17. His life has inspired several fictional portrayals in Bollywood films

Mudaliar’s enigmatic life left an indelible mark on Bollywood, inspiring gripping fictional stories in films such as Nayakan, Parinda, Satya, and Company. Nayakan, a Tamil film, parallels Mudaliar’s story by depicting the transformation of a simple man into a powerful underworld figure.

Parinda delves into the gritty world of Mumbai’s underworld, while Satya and Company investigate the complex dynamics of organized crime. These cinematic portrayals, which blended fact and fiction, immortalized Mudaliar’s legacy on film, enthralling audiences with the intrigue, drama, and complexities of his life in Mumbai’s notorious underworld.

18. Mudaliar’s criminal empire crumbled following his death

His death in 1988 signaled the end of his criminal empire. The vacuum left by his death sparked internal strife within the D Company, resulting in factional splits. The once-cohesive syndicate struggled to stay together, dealing with power struggles and internal conflicts.

Dawood Ibrahim eventually emerged as the dominant force, inheriting the fragmented remains of Mudaliar’s empire. This transition was a watershed moment in the history of Mumbai’s underworld, as Dawood Ibrahim consolidated power, ushering the D Company into a new era that would shape the course of organized crime in the city for years.

19. Mudaliar was known for his distinctive dress style, frequently wearing white attire

His iconic persona included his distinct dressing style, which added to his mystique in Mumbai’s underworld. Mudaliar, known for his love of simplicity, frequently dressed in crisp white attire, which became synonymous with his signature look.

His white clothing stood out against the gritty backdrop of the criminal world, making him easily identifiable and lending an air of mystery to his character. This choice of attire not only became a symbol of his distinct identity but also contributed to Varadarajan Mudaliar’s long-lasting visual legacy in the annals of Mumbai’s underworld.

20. He went by several nicknames

Mudaliar used several aliases that echoed throughout the city’s clandestine corridors. These nicknames, “Vardha Bhai” and “Vardhabhai Doddabhai,” lent depth to his enigmatic persona. Each moniker became a whispered echo within criminal circles, adding to the legend of Mudaliar’s legacy.

Whether spoken quietly or etched in the underworld’s lore, these nicknames encapsulated the complex character of a man who navigated the shadows of organized crime, leaving an indelible mark on the history and imagination of Mumbai’s intricate criminal landscape.

Varadarajan Mudaliar’s life exemplified both cruelty and generosity. Though he ruthlessly eliminated rivals, he also assisted the poor. Mudaliar evaded conviction for decades thanks to his connections. However, karma eventually caught up. His legacy is fraught with bloodshed and crime. Despite his fleeting success, he will be remembered as a mafia don who caused more harm than good. His story demonstrates that criminality eventually leads to more violence.

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