20 Fascinating Facts about Shigeru Miyamoto


You’ve most likely played one of Shigeru Miyamoto’s video game inventions, even if you’ve never heard of him. Some of history’s most recognizable characters and video game franchises may be attributed to Shigeru Miyamoto, the renowned designer of classics like Super Mario Bros., Donkey Kong, and The Legend of Zelda. Before deciding to follow his passion and become a game developer, Miyamoto, born in 1952 in Japan, aspired to become a manga artist.

His games completely changed the gaming business with their simple control systems, humorous characters, and clever gameplay ideas that cater to players of all ages. Miyamoto became one of the first gaming celebrities, honored for his artistry and ingenuity. But behind the scenes, he remained humble and charming, often letting his playful spirit guide game ideas. Even in his late 60s, Miyamoto continues to oversee Nintendo’s creative direction and inspire young developers worldwide. With timeless masterpieces under his belt, Miyamoto’s magic touch for crafting interactive joy and wonder will likely be around for a while.

Here are twenty fascinating facts about the gaming pioneer Shigeru Miyamoto:

1. His Lack of a Television as a Kid inspired him in Gaming World

Jan Graber, CC BY-SA 3.0 DE, via Wikimedia Commons

Growing up in the 1950s, Shigeru Miyamoto did not have access to television like many of his peers. With no TV to entertain him, Miyamoto spent his free time exploring the outdoors around his small town, daydreaming, and drawing. These childhood pastimes fostered a sense of creativity and wonder that later influenced Miyamoto’s pioneering work in video game design at Nintendo. Famous titles like Donkey Kong, Super Mario Bros, and The Legend of Zelda reflect the spirit of adventure and imagination Miyamoto developed as a TV-less child.

2. He Transformed Gaming with Iconic Characters such as Mario and Link

Shigeru Miyamoto revolutionized video games by introducing beloved characters like Mario and Link. As a lead designer at Nintendo, Miyamoto created Super Mario Bros, bringing to life the now-iconic plumber Mario. These memorable characters with rich backstories captured players’ imaginations and defined Nintendo’s signature fun, creative gameplay style. Miyamoto’s iconic characters helped shape the course of video game history.

3. Miyamoto is the Mastermind Behind Donkey Kong Created in 1981

In 1981, a young Shigeru Miyamoto at Nintendo conceived and designed the seminal arcade game Donkey Kong. This hugely popular game featured Mario, then known as Jumpman, as he climbed ladders and jumped barrels to rescue Princess Peach from the titular gorilla. Donkey Kong stood out for its characters, storytelling, and innovative gameplay. Its success cemented Miyamoto’s reputation for creativity and ingenuity. Miyamoto’s breakthrough work on Donkey Kong made him a pioneering force in video game design.

4. Did You Know that Miyamoto’s Original Idea was to Draw Comics?

Before creating iconic video game characters like Mario and Donkey Kong, a young Shigeru Miyamoto originally dreamed of drawing manga comics. As a child, he honed his artistic skills by dedicating himself to mastering the art of comic book storytelling. Though Miyamoto ultimately channeled his creativity into video game design at Nintendo rather than drawing comics, his narrative and visual sensibilities during those early years studying manga greatly informed his intuitive understanding of immersive game worlds and memorable characters.

5. He Didn’t Carry a Curriculum Vitae during the Interview with Nintendo 

When Shigeru Miyamoto showed up for his job interview at Nintendo in 1977, he stood out by not carrying a traditional resume or curriculum vitae listing his qualifications. Instead, he brought two of his favorite hobbies – model toys and sketches he had created. This demonstrated his passion and creativity, which impressed Nintendo far more than any resume could. His unique approach set the tone for his brilliant three-decade career at Nintendo, where he designed innovations like Donkey Kong, Mario, and Zelda.

6. The First Video Game He Helped to Create was An Obscure Racing Game

Jan Graber, CC BY-SA 3.0 DE, via Wikimedia Commons

Long before legendary titles like Donkey Kong and Super Mario Bros, a young Shigeru Miyamoto started in video game design, working on a forgotten racing game called Kanshakudama no Yabou. Released in 1977 for the Color TV Game home console, this rudimentary game challenged players to speed through a simple racetrack. While far from Miyamoto’s later masterpieces, it marked his entry into the developing world of video games. Honing his skills on this and other early titles equipped him with the experience to go on and revolutionize gaming through innovative characters and stories when the opportunity struck. Though obscure, it launched a brilliant career.

7. Shigeru Miyamoto’s legacy continues to shape the gaming landscape

Even decades after creating pioneering classics, legendary designer Shigeru Miyamoto’s impact resonates in today’s gaming world. His iconic characters like Mario and Zelda still lead significant franchises, while his emphasis on engaging interactive storytelling and seamless gameplay guides game makers. The principles of fun and creativity he instilled at Nintendo now serve as industry-wide design philosophies. Miyamoto proved games could be artistic, not just technical marvels, paving the way for today’s games. From small visual flourishes to massive open worlds, traces of his visionary work persist. Miyamoto’s unique creative spark ignited a lasting legacy shaping the gaming landscape.

8. He Loved Mario and wanted the Character in every Game he Made

As the leading visionary behind Mario, it makes sense that Miyamoto would feature this iconic character in multiple games over the years. Mario allowed Miyamoto to build on familiar themes and gameplay concepts, experimenting with the Mushroom Kingdom setting and Mario’s abilities in new ways. While not literally in every game, Mario’s recurring presence demonstrates Miyamoto’s drive to innovate around a cherished mascot. Miyamoto defined Nintendo’s signature style through his continual creative use of Mario.

9. A Cave from his Childhood inspired the Character Zelda

When imagining the fantastical adventures behind his iconic The Legend of Zelda game series, Shigeru Miyamoto drew inspiration from his real-life boyhood explorations. As a child in rural Japan, Miyamoto played in natural spots around his village, including local caves. One narrow cave left a particular impression on him, sparking his imagination with the mystery of where it might lead. This sense of discovery in familiar surroundings inspired the design of Princess Zelda’s story and kingdom, meant to evoke childlike curiosity. As the cave invited exploration, Miyamoto hoped Zelda’s world would captivate players’ imaginations.

10. He Developed the Pikmin Series Blending Strategy and Adventure

Always looking to break new ground, Miyamoto created the unique Pikmin franchise, blending strategy and adventure. Released for GameCube in 2001, the original Pikmin challenged players to grow tiny Pikmin creatures and use their various abilities to solve puzzles and collect items. With its mix of genre-bending gameplay, naturalistic world-building, and charming characters, Pikmin exemplified Miyamoto’s creative versatility. The distinctive Pikmin series demonstrated his ability to innovate later in his storied career at Nintendo.

11. He Contributed to the Creation of Wii Fit

Late in his Nintendo career, Miyamoto helped pave the way for fitness games by contributing to Wii Fit in 2007. Designed for Nintendo’s motion-controlled Wii console, Wii Fit incorporated balance boards, yoga poses, strength training, and aerobics into game experiences. Its unique fusion of actual activity and fun gameplay attracted new casual gamers. Miyamoto helped realize this innovative concept that made exercise entertaining. Wii Fit’s success demonstrated Miyamoto’s creativity and foresight in expanding gaming into active fitness, which continues to impact the industry.

12. Miyamoto is responsible for the 3D Polygonal Graphics in Gaming in Star Fox

In the early 1990s, Miyamoto once again revolutionized gaming by directing Star Fox for the Super Nintendo. For the first time in a mainstream console game, Star Fox used polygonal 3D graphics to simulate a 3D perspective as the player piloted airborne fighter, Fox McCloud. Miyamoto’s team programmed the Super Nintendo to render the advanced 3D visuals in real-time, allowing for fluid space combat gameplay. Star Fox’s 3D graphics breakthrough paved the way for immersive 3D worlds in later iconic games like Super Mario 64 and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Gamers and developers worldwide owe thanks to Miyamoto’s visionary work pioneering 3D graphics in Star Fox.

13. The Highly Creative Game Pioneer gets Inspiration from everywhere

As one of gaming’s most ingenious creators, Miyamoto finds inspiration in everyday experiences. His childhood nature explorations inspired Super Mario Bros and The Legend of Zelda. Witnessing a crowded subway influenced Super Mario 64’s cooperative play.  Miyamoto even got the inspiration for Star Fox from imagining mythical stories while gazing at rural Kyoto temples. This ability to transform ordinary experiences into extraordinary interactive worlds demonstrates his endlessly creative mind. Miyamoto’s openness to inspiration from anywhere feeds his continual innovation.

14. He had Doubts about the Success of Zelda

While Miyamoto’s creative vision was crucial in developing the groundbreaking original Zelda game, he harbored some doubts about pre-release, as it was highly innovative. Yet any apprehension proved unfounded, as Zelda became a hit and seminal franchise. Rather than detracting from Miyamoto’s legacy, recognizing the risks taken highlights his courage in pursuing bold new game concepts. In the end, Zelda exceeded expectations, fulfilling its immense potential.

15. He is known for his tendency to Guess the Measurements of Objects

Vincent Diamante, CC BY 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons

Shigeru Miyamoto is known for his unique ability to estimate and guess the measurements of objects accurately. This skill reflects his keen observational and spatial awareness, likely contributing to his success in designing and conceptualizing game environments. While not a widely discussed aspect of his public persona, Miyamoto’s knack for estimating measurements showcases a multifaceted approach to his creative process. This attention to detail and spatial understanding likely plays a role in crafting the immersive and visually appealing.

16. He presented “Wii Music,” showcasing his passion for merging Music

At E3 2008, Miyamoto unveiled Wii Music for the Nintendo Wii. This game allowed players to simulate instruments and create music through motion controls. Miyamoto showcased his vision for an inclusive music experience by conducting an orchestra in a playful demonstration. Wii Music reflected Miyamoto’s creative spirit by innovatively merging music and interactivity. Though not a significant hit, it revealed his passion for broadening gaming’s reach through music. Over his long career, Miyamoto’s artistic sensibilities elevated gaming to creative new frontiers.

17. He doesn’t Consider Himself as a ‘Very Japanese’

While Shigeru Miyamoto has acknowledged his Japanese heritage, he has also expressed sentiments suggesting that he doesn’t consider himself “very Japanese” in certain aspects. This perspective could be attributed to his global approach to game design, as his creations, such as Mario and Zelda, have achieved international acclaim. Miyamoto’s work often transcends cultural boundaries, reflecting a universal appeal. While he acknowledges his Japanese roots, his creative philosophy emphasizes creating games with broad accessibility and enjoyment, contributing to his widespread recognition and influence beyond cultural confines.

18. He is known for Quotes like “A delayed game is eventually good”

Nico Hofmann, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Indeed, Shigeru Miyamoto is known for his insightful and famous quote: “A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad.” This statement reflects his commitment to delivering high-quality games and his belief that taking the time to ensure a polished and well-crafted product is more important than adhering strictly to release deadlines. This philosophy has resonated with players and fellow developers, emphasizing the importance of patience and dedication to the creative process in the video game industry.

19. He has Openly shown his Admiration for George Lucas

Miyamoto openly discussed his appreciation for acclaimed Star Wars creator George Lucas. Miyamoto has praised Lucas’s ability to craft captivating fictional worlds that captivate audiences. He admires Lucas’s artistic vision of balancing technology with imagination. Miyamoto strives to bring a similar sense of transportive wonder to his game worlds, like the Mushroom Kingdom. He regards Lucas as a role model for marrying innovation with storytelling. Miyamoto’s respect for Lucas demonstrates his aspirations to push gaming as an immersive art form.

20. His influence extends beyond games to impacting Developers and Players

Shigeru Miyamoto’s influence extends beyond video games, reaching developers and players worldwide. As a visionary and pioneer in the industry, Miyamoto has shaped the gaming landscape and set standards for creativity, innovation, and storytelling. His approach to game design, emphasizing fun and accessibility, has inspired countless game developers globally. Miyamoto’s impact is evident in how many contemporary games incorporate elements of his design philosophy, and his legacy continues to resonate across various forms of entertainment and interactive media.

Looking back, I’m amazed at Miyamoto’s endless creativity. He took pixels on a screen and turned them into beloved icons like Mario and Link. Decades later, his games still capture the joy and wonder of being a kid. As long as there are gamers who want fun adventures, Miyamoto’s magic will continue captivating us. His imaginative worlds are timeless treasures.

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