20 Riveting Facts About Takeru Satoh


In anticipation of crafting an article spotlighting compelling facts about the talented Japanese actor Takeru Satoh, I felt a surge of excitement.

The mere mention of his name evokes memories of the numerous iconic characters he’s brought to life, including the revered wandering samurai Himura Kenshin and the time-traveling hero Ryotaro Nogami.

Despite attaining stardom in Asia, there remains a wealth of undisclosed information about this captivating actor beyond his well-known roles, especially for international audiences. It’s been a privilege to delve deeper into Takeru Satoh’s narrative, curating 20 intriguing facts and anecdotes that unveil the individual behind these characters.

From his early sources of inspiration to his present passions, Takeru’s journey proves immensely engaging. I eagerly await your discovery of more about this dynamic actor as we unravel the layers of Takeru Satoh’s remarkable life and career together!

1. Satoh briefly worked as a child actor

Takeru Satoh started acting at a young age. He worked as a child actor, featuring in TV shows and commercials before he became famous as an adult actor.

His early start as a child performer gave him valuable experience and showed his talent and commitment to acting even when he was just a kid. This early foundation helped lead to his later success.

2. He stopped acting as a child actor due to his “shy personality”

Satoh Takeru in 2019 at a Summer Jumbo Lottery event

news.mynavi.jp, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Takeru Satoh had a brief acting career as a child, working mainly on commercials and magazine photoshoots for a couple of years. But as he progressed through elementary school, his shy personality made him decide to stop acting for a while.

This break from show business lasted through his childhood before he triumphantly returned to acting successfully as an adult later on in life.

3. He attended Koshigaya Kita High School

Takeru Satoh completed his high school education, graduating from Koshigaya Kita High School located in Saitama, Japan in 2007. This was an important milestone year for Satoh, marking the end of his secondary studies.

The school is situated in the city of Koshigaya, which forms part of the Greater Tokyo Area. Satoh’s graduation from Koshigaya Kita High School came before he achieved fame as an actor.

4. Satoh was very intelligent in school that he was ranked number one more often

In addition to being talented and hardworking, Takeru Satoh has impressive intellect, evidenced by his outstanding academic achievements. He attended the highly competitive Koshigaya Kita High School, one of Saitama Prefecture’s top public schools.

Even among bright peers, Satoh stood out by frequently ranking in the top 2 students in his grade academically. His ability to thrive in a demanding educational environment demonstrated Satoh’s intellect and work ethic applying himself just as fully to academics as to developing his acting skills.

His commitment to excellence enabled success in both schools and his future creative career.

5. He recovered from primary pneumothorax 

In 2007, Takeru Satoh graduated high school in Saitama. That same year, while filming Kamen Rider Den-O, he experienced pain in his chest and was diagnosed with a collapsed left lung caused by air leaking into his chest cavity, known as primary pneumothorax.

After receiving treatment, Satoh eventually made a full recovery from this condition. Despite this health scare that year, he persevered and continued his acting career after graduating high school.

6. He was scouted while still a senior in high school

While Takeru Satoh was in his final years of high school, he was discovered by a talent agent from Amuse, Inc.. This fortuitous encounter marked the start of Satoh’s entertainment career.

He was approached and scouted by the agent, who recognized his potential star power and acting abilities. Amuse, Inc. is one of the largest talent agencies in Japan. Being signed by them gave Satoh the representation and opportunities he needed to begin working professionally as an actor.

Though discovered in bustling Harajuku, known for its youth culture and fashion, Satoh had not been actively pursuing acting at the time. His natural charm and charisma caught the eye of the agent, setting the stage for his future success in the industry after finishing high school.

7. He made his debut in 2006

Satoh first appeared on screen in 2006, making his acting debut as Toru Kouno in the TV drama Princess Princess D on TV Asahi.

The following year, he gained some recognition with a guest role in Shinigami no Ballad and increased popularity starring as Ryotaro Nogami in the 17th Kamen Rider series installment, Kamen Rider Den-O. Satoh believes the comedic timing of Den-O contributed to its success.

These early TV appearances marked the start of his acting career, helping introduce him to audiences and display his talents, setting the stage for future roles.

8. Satoh starred in the award-winning TBS drama Rookies as Yuya Okada

After gaining fame through Kamen Rider Den-O and its two films, Takeru Satoh took on a supporting role in 2008’s hit TBS drama Rookies, playing baseball player Yuya Okada.

Though a minor part, Satoh considers Rookies his breakout because its primetime slot reached a wide audience. The show featured delinquent students on a high school baseball team. Building on this momentum, Satoh next starred as the lead character in the 2009 live-action film Beck, released in the summer.

Even early on, Satoh proved his ability to captivate viewers on both the big and small screen through comedic and dramatic roles. His early 2000s work laid the foundation for larger starring parts.

9. Satoh gained widespread recognition for his role as Ryotaro Nogami 

Takeru appeared as a guest star on the TV show Shinigami no Ballad in 2007, but his big break came with the lead role of Ryotaro Nogami in the 17th Kamen Rider series installment.

Satoh believes the comedic timing in Kamen Rider Den-O contributed to its popularity and success. These early TV roles showcased Satoh’s talents and charisma, endearing him to audiences.

His comedic skills especially helped make Den-O a hit. This gained him widespread fame and set the stage for his future acclaimed acting career.

10. He made his stage debut as Romeo in May 2012

In May 2012, Takeru Satoh made his first theater performance, taking on the iconic role of Romeo in a Japanese adaptation of Shakespeare’s classic play Romeo and Juliet.

This allowed Satoh to showcase his talents on the stage for the first time, bringing life to one of drama’s most renowned characters. Though known for TV and film roles up until then, Satoh proved his versatility by expertly transitioning to theater.

His debut stage performance as this tragic romantic hero displayed his impressive range and mastery of complex material through this Shakespearean work.

11. He is a co-owner at “Co-LaVo”

In 2021, Takeru Satoh, along with the band One OK Rock and actor Ryunosuke Kamiki from Saitama, Japan, left their management agency Amuse, Inc. The three then founded a new talent agency together called Co-LaVo.

This move allowed Satoh, after over a decade with Amuse, to take more control over his career. Partnering with Kamiki, a close acting colleague, and the hugely popular band, demonstrated Satoh’s business savvy.

The creation of Co-LaVo marked a new chapter for Satoh as he steered his future artistic endeavors and projects.

12. Satoh is an unofficial member of the Elite Four in the Pokémon Trading Card Game

Since December 14, 2021, Takeru Satoh has been an unofficial member of the Elite Four group of top players in the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

This popular card game based on the Pokémon franchise is published by Creatures Inc. and has sold over 52.9 billion cards globally as of March 2023. Though not a professional player, Satoh’s passion for Pokémon TCG has led to his association with the expert Elite Four group.

His involvement demonstrates Satoh’s varied interests beyond acting, as he enjoys many hobbies like gaming in his free time.

13. He played baseball during his primary and middle school years

Base hit

Photo by Chris Chow on Unsplash

During his early school years in primary and middle school, Takeru Satoh played on baseball teams. Long before acting, baseball was one of his main extracurricular activities.

The sports training from his youth baseball days helped build skills like teamwork, discipline, and physical fitness. While baseball was eventually replaced by an interest in acting, those formative experiences playing ball stayed with Satoh.

His athletic background and experience being part of sports teams continued to benefit him as he shifted his focus to the demands of the entertainment industry later in life.

14.Takeru has a black belt in Shorinji Kempo

Satoh holds a black belt in the martial art Shorinji Kempo. He has trained extensively and achieved a high level of proficiency in this Japanese martial art system.

Shorinji Kempo incorporates self-defense and mental development along with physical technique. Earning a black belt requires great skill, discipline, and dedication over many years of practice.

Satoh’s accomplishment highlights his athletic talents beyond acting and shows his mental focus and commitment to self-improvement through martial arts mastery. This achievement reflects the hard work and perseverance that has enabled his success in various endeavors.

15. He has showcased his acting versatility by portraying diverse characters

Satoh has demonstrated remarkable acting versatility throughout his career by portraying a wide range of diverse characters across various genres.

From his breakout role as Ryotaro Nogami in the “Kamen Rider Den-O” series to his portrayal of Himura Kenshin in the “Rurouni Kenshin” live-action film adaptations, Satoh has showcased his ability to embody characters with different personalities, emotions, and backgrounds.

His repertoire includes roles in dramas, action films, romantic comedies, historical pieces, and more, underscoring his versatility and skill as an actor. Satoh’s dedication to diverse roles has contributed to his acclaim and popularity in the entertainment industry.

His dedication to his craft allows him to fully immerse himself in any role. Satoh’s talent and commitment to versatility have allowed him to avoid stagnation and continue developing his talents as he inhabits both dramatic and comedic characters.

16. Satoh gained international fame for his portrayal of Himura Kenshin in the “Rurouni Kenshin” live-action film series

In June 2011, it was announced that Takeru Satoh would play the iconic character of Himura Kenshin in a live-action film adaptation of the popular manga series Rurouni Kenshin.

Reprising the role in the 2014 sequels Kyoto Inferno and The Legend Ends, Satoh garnered acclaim for capturing Kenshin’s complexities. Rurouni Kenshin’s creator praised his performance as the ideal portrayal of Kenshin.

Alongside co-stars Emi Takei, Munetaka Aoki, and director Keishi Otomo, Satoh was appointed a Cultural Friendship Ambassador to the Philippines in August 2014 by Makati City officials in recognition of the films.

Through embodying a beloved character across three films, Satoh displayed his acting depth and introduced the story to new audiences. His dedication earned him the respect of the source material’s author and an international diplomatic honor.

17. He has received numerous awards for his acting skills

Takeru Satoh at Rurouni Kenshin press conference in Manila,Philippines in August 2014

Azrael Coladilla, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Takeru has garnered recognition and accolades for his acting prowess, although the count of awards might not be as extensive compared to some other actors.

Nevertheless, his performances have earned him notable honors, including nominations and wins. Notably, his portrayal of Himura Kenshin in the “Rurouni Kenshin” film series earned him acclaim and several award nominations.

Satoh received the Hochi Film Award for Best Actor for his role in the movie “If Cats Disappeared from the World.” While not an overwhelming array of awards, the critical acclaim and nominations he has received underscore the acknowledgment of his talent within the industry, solidifying his status as a respected and versatile actor.

18. He was so focused on dancing in high school that he slept in school and practiced dancing at night

During his high school years, Takeru Satoh was devoted to developing his breakdancing skills.

He would often sleep in class, staying up late at night to practice dance routines instead. Though shy by nature, breakdancing gave Satoh an outlet for self-expression. Rather than socializing, he spent his free time rigorously training and perfecting his moves.

This dance dedication later proved useful in his acting career. Satoh’s breakdancing background helped with choreographed fight scenes in the Rurouni Kenshin film and dance sequences in Kamen Rider Den-O.

The skills built during those solitary high school sessions paid off on screen. Though initiated as a personal hobby, Satoh’s commitment to breakdancing ultimately enhanced his performances and versatility as an actor even with his introverted personality.

19. Satoh’s special skills are break dancing and the Rubik’s cube

Among Takeru Satoh’s talents are breakdancing and skillfully solving Rubik’s cubes. Rubik’s cubes are a favorite hobby and he can quickly solve them with ease.

On a Japanese TV show, Satoh impressively solved a standard 6-sided Rubik’s cube in just 2 minutes, displaying his ability to swiftly rearrange the puzzle. He also exhibited creative visualization skills by using Rubik’s cubes with blocks of varying surface designs to assemble images, making Rubik’s cube art.

Between dance and puzzles, Satoh pursues interests that engage both physical ability and mental acuity. His Rubik’s cube proficiency demonstrates strong spatial reasoning and dexterity.

Satoh’s passions like speedcubing and breakdancing allow him to challenge himself and hone valuable skills beyond acting.

20. He held a festival for his 20th birthday 

To celebrate turning 20 in 2009, Takeru Satoh hosted an event for fans called “Takeru Festival 2009” in Odaiba. Attendees gathered to watch montages from Satoh’s past and current acting projects, including a commercial for Lotte Fits mints.

The festival also featured a live chat between Satoh and an MC host, allowing him to speak directly to fans. As a finale, Satoh even sang live for the audience. The festival gave Satoh a chance to appreciate his supporters and look back on his budding career thus far.

Turning 20 marked a milestone for the young actor, and hosting his festival was a meaningful way to engage with enthusiastic fans who had contributed to his success.

As I reach the end of sharing these 20 riveting facts about acclaimed actor Takeru Satoh, I’m even more impressed by his talents and storied career.

From his determination as a child to become an actor to the discipline he demonstrated by training in martial arts for his breakout role as Himura Kenshin, Takeru’s journey to stardom has been nothing short of remarkable.

After learning so much more about his life and passions, I have a renewed appreciation for his work and look forward to following his continued success.

Takeru Satoh has shown he has both the skill and perseverance to keep surprising and inspiring audiences. I feel privileged to have had this opportunity to pull back the curtain on this extraordinary actor.

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