Kate Middleton photo By Northern Ireland Office Wikimedia

Top 10 Facts about Kate Middleton; The Princess of Wales


Catherine Elizabeth Middleton was born on 9th January 1982 at the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading and grew up in Bucklebury. She is the eldest of three children born to Michael Middleton and his wife Carole Middleton.

She is married to William, Prince of Wales, heir apparent to the British throne, making Catherine the likely next queen consort.

Kate is the daughter of Michael Middleton and Carole Goldsmith. Both parents worked for British Airways, her father was a flight dispatcher and her mother was a flight attendant.

The Princess of Wales’s parents had a company as well-known as Party Pieces and her sister Pippa, brother James and herself, modelled for the company hence playing a huge part in the growth of the company.

The following  are the top 10 facts about Kate Middleton; the princess of Wales;

1. When Kate was Young she Used to Model For her Parents’ Company

Before she got married to a royal family, Catherine lived a normal life like any other child. She comes from an upper-middle-class family. Her father, Michael Middleton, was a flight dispatcher and her mother Carole Goldsmith, was a flight attendant.

Despite working for British Airways, her parents own a company known as Party Pieces. The princess of Wales, during her childhood, her sister known as Pippa, and her brother James used to model for the company.

According to Maria Claire, Kate’s mother in a 30th-anniversary blog post in 2018 wrote that “over the years all my children have played a huge part in it from modelling for the catalogue to developing new categories for the brand”.

2. In 2008, Kate Launched a Division of Party Pieces

Kate Middleton photo By Northern Ireland Office Wikimedia

Since Kate grew up in a normal family set-up and his parent were business oriented, she carried with her the experiences she gained when she was growing up.

In 2008, Kate launches a section of the company known as First Birthdays as Joseph told CNN Money. The aim of the company was to provide party supplies for babies.

3 She has More than One Royal Title

Catherine Duchess Cambridge photo By Maximus0970 Wikimedia

Kate Middleton has many royal titles given to her. When she married William in 2011, his grandmother Queen Elizabeth II gave him the title of ‘Duke of Cambridge’ hence this automatically made Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge but the title is used only in England.

Other Kate’s titles in the UK include Her Royal Highness, Princess William, Countess of Strathearn, and Lady Carrickfergus. It is good to note that she is not a ‘Princess’ and the reason she is referred to as ‘Princess William’ instead of her own name is due to royal protocol, which says that only those born as princesses can be called by their name.

For instance, the three children belonging to Kate and William are entitled to the title of prince or princess because they are born into the royal family.

4. Kate Met Prince William When they were Studying at the University

Prince Harry and Kate Middleton at the Garter Procession 2008 photo by File Wikimedia

Kate and Prince William were both studying at the University of St. Andrews, and here is where they met in 2001. Kate received her Master’s degree in art at this University.

However, it is said Kate and William had seen each other before but her in the university was their first proper meeting.

5. Kate and Prince William were Roommates

It is surprising and unbelievable how this couple stayed together hence they were not dating. During the official engagement interview of the couple in 2010, William revealed that they started staying together even before they dated.

When he was asked if they ended up sort of in the same flat, The prince said they moved in together as friends and from there they learned more about each other, hung out and did stuff together.

6. Catherine once Trained to Cross the English Channel

Kate Middleton photo By Northern Ireland Office Wikimedia

For a short time, Kate trained to cross the English Channel in 2007. She trained with the all-female dragon boat crew known as ‘The Sisterhood’. The aim of the training was to prepare to race against an all-male crew across the English Channel for charity.

She joined the training after an invitation from her friend from St. Andrew known as Alicia Fox-Pitt. However, she stepped back from the event due to intense media attention and security concerns.

7. The Blue Ribbon in her Wedding Dress had a Significant Meaning

William and Kate on their wedding day photo By Robbie Dale Wikimedia

According to British Tradition, the bride’s dress must have ‘something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue’. According to Reader’s Digest, these words came from the Victorian era.

Like others, Kate honored this tradition and for ‘Something old’ she had her Alexander McQueen bridal gown designed in the traditional Irish Carrickmacross lace by Sarah Burton. For ‘something new’ she wore diamond earrings gifted by her parents.

However, ‘something blue’ had the most significant and emotional connection. The blue ribbon in her wedding dress was in memory of Princess Diana, she decided to honour the late Princess Diana.

8. She has Several Favorite Television Shows

Kate Middleton photo By Northern Ireland Office Wikimedia

Despite Kate being part of the royal family and having a busy schedule she loves watching several Television shows. During her free time, she watches the show to ease her mind and relax from bust schedules.

There are about three shows that Kate loves namely Downton Abbey (2010- 2015), Game of Thrones (2011- 2019) and Homeland (2011 -2012). Prince William in 2015 when he addressed a special BAFTA tribute to Downton Abbey, said that the show was one of the favourite programmes of his wife, Kate and himself.

9. Kate is a Lover of Photography

The princess of William is known for her love of photography. The official site of The Royal Family describes Kate as a “Keen photographer and an Honorary Member of the Royal Photographic Society”.

Due to her love and interest in visual arts, design and textiles, photography made her become the first-ever Royal Patron of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London in 2018. Since 2012 she has also been a patron of the National Portrait Gallery.

10. For Five Years Kate Was Not Officially Introduced to the Queen

CatherIne Princess of Wales photo By The Royal Navy Wikimedia

During the post-engagement video with William in 2010, Catherine Middleton revealed that she first met the Queen at the wedding of Peter Phillips.

The wedding took place back in 2008, and many people were surprised to know that Kate and Queen had never met and William had been in a five years relationship with Kate.



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