Colossal Squid preserved in Wellington’s Te Papa Museum. Photo by Oren Rozen on Wikimedia

Top 10 Interesting Facts about The Colossal Squid, New Zealand


The colossal squid whose scientific name is Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni is part of the family cranchiidae. The squid is sometimes referred to as the Antarctic squid or giant cranch squid.

It is believed to be the largest squid species in terms of mass. The colossal squid is the only recognised member of the genus Mesonychoteuthis. Surprisingly, it is only known for a small number of specimens.

The first colossal squid to be collected was in New Zealand. On 1st April 2003, a sub-adult specimen of a colossal squid was collected by a New Zealand longlining vessel. This vessel was fishing in the Antarctic waters.

It was found out to be an immature female that was huge. This colossal squid had a mantle length of 2.5 metres, a total length of 5.4 metres and weighed about three hundred kilograms despite being extensively damaged.

During the time of the collection of this squid, it was the heaviest and had the longest mantle of any squid measured. The lower beak had a rostral length of 38 millimetres.

This colossal squid was preserved and formed part of Te Papa’s extensive holdings of cephalopods. Scientists believe that the colossal squids might measure more than five hundred kilograms.

Here are the top 10 Interesting Facts about The Colossal Squid, New Zealand;

1. The New Zealand’s Colossal Squid was the First to be Collected

Scientists had not seen nor collected any colossal squids since the 1900s even though this class was known. However, New Zealand’s colossal squid was the first one to be collected in the world.

The colossal squids are believed to be inhabiting the deep waters of the Antarctic Ocean. In 2003, the fishing lines of a New Zealand fishing vessel captured the first colossal squid.

This squid was collected and preserved. It was the world’s first colossal squid to be captured.

2. It Weighed Several Kilograms even though it was Extensively Damaged

Colossal Squid on display in Te Papa Museum Wellington New Zealand. Photo by Y23 (talk) on Wikimedia

The first collected colossal squid in New Zealand was so massive. Fishermen who collected it had discovered one of the searched sea cephalopods.

This squid was massive even though it was extensively damaged by the fishing lines. It had a mantle length of two point five metres, a total length of five point four metres and weighed about three hundred kilograms.

This was the heaviest squid to be captured. It has the longest mantle of any squid that has ever been measured and the lower beak had a rostral length of thirty-eight millimetres.

3. The Squid is Preserved in New Zealand’s 17th Most Visited Museum

The first colossal squid to be collected in New Zealand needed a home to be preserved in. Being the first cephalopod of its kind to be collected it was preserved in New Zealand’s seventeenth most visited museum.

It was preserved in the Te Papa’s (The Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa). This museum has a significant collection of fossils and archaeozoology.

There are about 250,000 dried specimens and a collection of about 70,000 specimens of New Zealand birds, amphibians, reptiles and mammals. The Colossal Squid is among the collections at Te Papa’s.

4. It has the Largest Animal Eyes ever Studied

Colossal squid on display in the Te Papa museum in Wellington. Photo by Scotted400 on Wikimedia

The New Zealand Colossal Squid is unique in its way. It has the largest animal eyes to be studied by scientists. Scientists believe that the colossal squid has the largest eyes that have ever existed in the history of the animal kingdom.

The eyes of the colossal squid measure about twenty-seven centimetres across. This is about the size of a soccer ball which makes it huge.

Vision has always been crucial for the squids when in their natural environment. The eyes are used to see and catch prey, watch out for predators and see each other.

5. Eyes of the Colossal Squid are Equipped with Light Organs

The large eyes of the colossal squid are more unique other than being the largest in the animal kingdom. They are placed on each side of the head.

These eyes are very unique from the other animals. They are equipped with light organs.

The light organs help the colossal squid to live in the dark depths of the Southern Ocean. The colossal squid has the most unique features of the eyes.

6. The Colossal Squid has Unique Body Parts

Colossal squid tentacle on top, giant squid tentacle on the bottom. Photo by Laika ac on Wikimedia

The colossal squid has a unique body with three parts. Its body parts include the mantle and fin, the head and circle of arms and tentacles.

The mantle of the colossal squid is unique in its way. It is the largest part of the squid which has a diameter the same as a truck tyre.

This mantle is made up of muscle and skin with small pigment-containing cells. The small pigment-containing cells usually give the colossal squid its reddish-pink colour.

7. There is an Internal Shell in the Colossal Squid that Gives it Support

One of the most unique features of the colossal squid is its internal shell. The colossal squid’s internal shell is known as the gladius.

This rigid internal structure of the squid gives it unique support. It runs through the upper part of the mantle between the pair of fins.

The gladius is made of chitin which is tough, protective and semi-transparent. It looks like a long piece of plastic when dissected.

8. The Huge Beak of the Colossal Squid used to Chop Food

Like all cephalopods, the Colossal Squid has a beak which is essential for its survival. The beak is essentially the mouth and the first stage of the digestive system.

It is made of chitin and the lower part of the beak overlaps the upper beak to make it stronger. The chopped food is sliced into smaller pieces and passed into the oesophagus.

The purpose of making the food small is to allow it to pass through the middle of its doughnut-shaped brain. This is a unique part of the colossal squid.

9. Each Arm of the Colossal Squid has a Different Length

The colossal squid has eight arms and two tentacles. The most impressive thing is that each arm of the squid has a different length ranging from 0.85 metres to 1.15 metres.

The tentacles of the colossal squid are longer than the arms. They measure around 2.1 metres long.

The unique feature of the tentacles is the rotating hooks on each end. These hooks are used to grab and hold prey.

10. Colossal Squid Uses Oxygen for Respiration

Like other sea animals, the colossal squid uses oxygen from seawater for respiration. The seawater enters through an opening near the head and passes over the gills.

The oxygen diffuses into the bloodstream and is transported to other parts of the body. This is a unique feature that the colossal squid posses.

The colossal squid, New Zealand is one of the amazing sea animals that everyone enjoys seeing and learning more about. This sea creature is among the most attractive and eye-catching if they are caught alive.

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