Amsterdam’s June weather has been marked by sunshine and rain. It is a quintessential example of a ‘Kwakkelzomer,’ a Dutch term describing a summer with unsteady periods of dry, warm weather and frequent rain showers.

This year, June has been no exception. While the average temperature is around 15°C (59°F), the weather has been marked by a mix of sunshine and rain, with occasional heavy showers. This pattern is not unusual for Amsterdam, but it does make planning outdoor activities challenging.

In the past, June has typically been a good time to visit Amsterdam, with plenty of sunshine and mild temperatures. However, this year’s weather has been quite different. According to data from the Dutch Meteorological Institute (KNMI), June 2024 has seen significantly more rainfall than usual, with an average of 12 rainy days compared to the normal 8-9 rainy days.

Despite the unpredictable weather, Amsterdam remains a must-visit destination. Visitors can still enjoy the city’s many indoor attractions, such as world-class museums like the Rijksmuseum and the Van Gogh Museum, or explore the city’s unique Heineken Experience. For those who prefer outdoor activities, there are plenty of options, including canal cruises and guided walking tours.

To make the most of your trip, staying informed about the weather forecast is essential. Amsterdam’s weather radar and maps provide detailed information on current and future weather conditions, helping you plan your activities accordingly. Additionally, packing waterproof clothing and an umbrella can ensure that you are prepared for any unexpected rain showers.

While Amsterdam’s June weather may be unpredictable, it is still a great time to visit the city. 

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