Everything You Need to Know about the American University of Paris


Set in the middle of Paris’ 7th arrondissement, the American University of Paris is the only school of its kind in the city. This is a school with a lot of history, and some pretty interesting aspects. So whether you’re a prospective student or have never heard of the university, here’s everything you need to know about the American University of Paris.

The American University of Paris is the oldest American university in Europe

Photo courtesy of AUP – Sourced from their website

Originally known as the American College of Paris, AUP was founded in 1962 by American Foreign Service Officer, Lloyd DeLamater. The college’s original location was in the American Church on the Quai d’Orsay, and today the university’s most prominent building stands on the same street.

After serving in Paris, DeLamater saw a need for higher education, especially among military children and expatriates. He created the American College of Paris completely with money from his own savings, and at first it was a junior college offering two year degree programs. Classes were held in the meeting rooms at the American Church, and the first inaugural class of 100 students received their diplomas in 1964.

As the student population changed and evolved, so did the school itself. In 1988,  it was re-established as the American University of Paris. And today, the American University of Paris is actually the oldest American university in all of Europe!

The American University of Paris has an urban campus

Photo courtesy of AUP – Sourced from their website

Situated in the heart of Paris’ 7th arrondissement, AUP has a fully urban campus. Ten buildings make up the school campus and stretch from Quai d’Orsay until Boulevard de La Tour Maubourg, where monuments like the Eiffel Tower and Invalides will be your neighbors.

And in 2019, the university constructed a brand new 8-story building on Quai d’Orsay. There’s a library, multiple classrooms, a café, media lab, tutoring offices,  and a lounge on the 8th floor with a panoramic view of Paris. Talk about a great place to study!

On the other hand, having a completely urban campus means that AUP doesn’t have dorms, or on-campus housing. Which actually makes for a one of a kind student experience in Paris. But they do offer group housing to first year students, and returning students have the choice to rent their own apartment.


The American University of Paris is fully accredited in the United States

Photo courtesy of AUP – Sourced from their website

During the early days, AUP wasn’t accredited abroad at all. So while students could study and earn diplomas, they weren’t officially recognized outside of France. Today, things have changed for the better! Nowadays, the American University of Paris is accredited in the U.S. by the Middle States Commission, which also handles accreditation for Ivy League schools like Cornell and Columbia.

AUP is also recognized as an institute of higher education by the French government, so your diploma would still count in France. If you hope to go further abroad, AUP diplomas are officially recognized in Turkey and Norway as well.

You’ll get a truly American-style education at the American University of Paris

By Felicia Buitenwerf on Unsplash

The aspect that draws many people to AUP is the unique American approach to education. Unlike in France where students are expected to narrow down their career path as early as middle school, the American system allows you to choose courses you’re interested in (called electives) in addition to the core requirements.

In the American system, you graduate from high school and apply to universities. Generally, you will spend the first two years of university on “pre-requisite” or general education courses before declaring a major. This allows you to explore different options before settling on one path.

Courses like film studies, robotics, journalism, web design, photography or creative writing are all available at AUP. Some people have an idea about what they would like to major in and others have no clue. So if you’re undecided, or just want to explore some options, the American system might be a nice fit for you.

Study Options and Extra Curriculars are nearly endless at the American University of Paris

Photo by Anna Earl on Unsplash

Just because you’re studying in Paris doesn’t mean you can’t spend a week or a long weekend learning somewhere else. AUP offers a bunch of faculty-led study trips each semester. These trips range from learning about terroir in the Jura region to literature in Cairo to sustainable development in India and beyond. Destinations like Iceland, Rome, and Fez are also available to both undergrad and grad students.

And if you want to get involved on campus, there are plenty of options! AUP has many student clubs and organizations, which are funded by the student government association. You can participate in any of the clubs that you like, from wine tasting, to book clubs, to volunteering with refugees, there’s really a club for every interest. Plus, if you’re more the political type, you can run for student government positions and make a difference in school policies.

One of the things that really sets AUP apart from French universities is that they have school sports! Yes, AUP has an entire Athletic Department dedicated to student athletes. Sports offered include football (soccer), basketball, volleyball, and equestrian. All of these teams train and compete on a weekly basis, and some even travel around Europe for tournaments!

The American University of Paris offers both undergrad and graduate programs

Photo by Free Good Photos on Unsplash

If you’re attending the American University of Paris, there are plenty of paths and options no matter your circumstance. There are both undergraduate and graduate programs available in a variety of disciplines.

As an undergrad, you’ll have the choice between 27 majors and 34 minors across various fields. From Environmental Policy to Economics to Comparative Politics to Journalism and even Latin, there’s a major for almost any interest here. And if you still don’t find exactly what you’re looking for, AUP offers a self-designed major. Basically you get to choose the topics you’re interested in, and a faulty advisor helps to arrange your schedule accordingly.

The graduate program at AUP is much smaller than the undergrad, with four MA programs and one MSC in International Management. The entire program is quite small with just over 100 students. That means classes are small and intimate, and there’s an average of 8 students to every faculty member.



The American University of Paris has the most diverse student body in Europe

By Ali Yaha on Unsplash

One of the most amazing aspects at AUP is the diversity in the student body. This school is truly international, and this is illustrated by students and faculty.

I’ll never forget my AUP commencement ceremony. After the traditional speeches, the Dean said he had a little experiment for us. It was about diversity.

Then he asked all graduates to stand up. There we were in the prestigious Théatre du Châtelet, nervous and excited in our caps and gowns. Once all the students had stood, the Dean said anyone who spoke only one language could sit down. Not one person moved. Next two languages, three, four. Half the class was still standing. Five, six, seven. He got to eight languages before the last student sat down again. If this doesn’t illustrate the diversity of this university, I don’t know what does.

There are 102 nationalities represented in the AUP student body, and the students speak 70 distinct languages all together. That’s impressive for a school of just under 1200 students!

And let’s not forget the incredible faculty. There are 148 full and part time professors at AUP, many of them top experts in their field. The faculty here is also exceptionally diverse, comprising 27 different nationalities! And 70% of them speak 3 or more languages. Pretty impressive, and not to mention provides a super enriching classroom environment.


The American University of Paris has some famous alumni

By Clem Onejeghuo on Unsplash

The diverse student population means there are all kinds of people at AUP, from all backgrounds and walks of life. And some of the university’s alums have become famous in their respective fields.

Successful fashion designer Tara Jarmon attended AUP and studied fashion. Today, her womenswear brand is a household name in France.

Socialite, actress, fashion influencer and entrepreneur Olivia Palermo also attended AUP. Besides being a style icon, Palermo is known for her role in series The City as well as several rounds of Britain’s Next Top Model.

Actor Michael Weatherly also attended AUP. Today, he is best known for playing Anthony in the hit TV series NCIS.

So now you know all about the American University of Paris! From the university’s humble beginnings to its famous alumni; AUP truly is a unique institution. I hope you’ve enjoyed this article, and hope to see you soon in Paris!

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