Closeup muhammad and aisha free a captive daughter of a tribal chief800x600x300.jpg Photo by Unknown author – Wikimedia Commons

Top 10 Facts about Aisha bint Abu Bakr


She was the third and youngest wife of Prophet Muhammad. However, she was the daughter of the closest man to the Prophet  Abu Bakr Siddiq. 

She was an example in the world of how a woman could be more knowledgeable than men both on political grounds and as a warrior.

She had a remarkable sober memory and a very brilliant mind which assisted her in her place as the Prophet’s wife. 

She was on top in terms of helping the Prophet spread his message. She also served the Muslim community beyond the death of Prophet Muhammad.

1. She Served Muslim Community for 44 years

Ali and Aisha at the Battle of the Camel.jpg Photo by Unknown – Wikimedia Commons

 She tremendously contributed to the spread of the Prophet’s message and served the Muslim community for 44 years after the death of the Prophet Muhammad.

She was involved in religious matters and political events as well. She is also known for narrating 2210 hadiths.

2. She was a Daughter of Prophet Muhammad’s Friend

Aisha bint Abi Bakr was born in Makkah in 613 or early 614 CE. She was born four years after Prophet Muhammad’s prophethood.

Her Parents Abu Bakr Siddiq and Umm Roman Zainab were two of the most trusted Companions of the Prophet Muhammad. 

3. Her Childhood Life

Aisha’s favorite pastime, as a girl, was swinging and playing with dolls. Once on a visit to her father Abu Bakr, Prophet Muhammad saw her playing with a winged horse.

She was barely five years old at the time. Prophet Muhammad asked her what it was. She replied it was a horse. Prophet Muhammad smiled and answered that horses did not have wings!

She promptly retorted that the Prophet Sulaiman had winged horses. This incident reveals several things about her.

First, she was intelligent, brilliant, and well-informed on religious and historical matters.

Also, at such a tender age, she had a memory like a computer, which never seemed to fail her.

She hardly ever forgot something once she heard it. At the time of Hijrah, the migration from Makkah to Madinah of the Prophet Muhammad.

She was barely eight years old, yet she remembered years later even minor details about that historic and momentous move when the first Islamic state was on the rise.

4. She testified about her Married

She gave a testimony of how Allah reviewed Prophet Muhammad about her. She said that he was brought her twice in a dream. 

She actually said that Prophet Muhammad was shown by an angel that she will be his wife.

Therefore, the marriage had to happen because it was from Allah hence, she had no objection to the marriage which was according to Allah’s command.

5. Her Engagement

Prophet Muhammad engaged her and Sawda bint Zama at the same time but he married the latter, who stayed with him for three years until he got married to Aisha in Shawwal after the Battle of Badr.

The young bride, then, moved to the new house of the Prophet (S.A.W.), which consisted of a room beside the Masjid-e-Nabawi, the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah, and the house was built of clay and palm trees.

The room was furnished with a mattress of palm leaves beneath which there was nothing but a mat. As for the door, it was just a curtain of hair. In such a modest room, Aisha started her marital life which became the speech of the world.

6. She was blessed by Allah

Grigory Gagarin. This Russian painting from 1840-1850 shows prophet Muhammad preaching.jpg Photo by Grigory Gagarin – Wikimedia Commons

Aisha was different from other women in the world except for Maryam bint Imran who was the mother of Prophet Esa.

She was a unique woman according to Allah in that the Angle showed her image wrapped in green silk to Prophet Muhammad and told him that she was the chosen for him in this world and the next.

She was also unique in that she was not previously married unlike the other wives of Prophet Muhammad.

7. She Was Recognized as Unique

Aisha Bibi3.jpg Photo by Lamassu Design Gurdjieff – Wikimedia Commons

Nevertheless, the Prophet Muhammad of Allah died in her house while she was holding him. In actual fact, he died in her arms. In addition, he was buried in her house.

8. She was from a Loyal Muslim Family

She was the daughter of the loyal and true friend of the Prophet Muhammad, Abu Bakr Siddiq.

She was born a Muslim and had been brought up in a pure environment and spent her formative years with the purest and best of all creatures i-e Prophet Muhammad.

9. Prophet Muhammad only Dreamt in her

Muslim depiction of Muhammad – 17th century Ottoman copy from the “Edinburgh codex”.jpg Photo by derivative work: Snitty – Wikimedia Commons

Among her unique characteristics is that the Prophet  Muhammad did not receive Revelation in the bed of any of his wives apart from Aisha bint Abi Bakr.

As a wife of the Prophet Muhammad, Aisha adopted a great position. She became a model for all women anywhere and at any time, she was an ideal wife.

She relieved the Prophet Muhammad grief when he was suffering the hardship of life and whenever he faced opposition in spreading the message of Allah.

She endured poverty and hunger with the Prophet Muhammad. According to many sources, it is said that they both spent two or three months without cooking. All that they feed on were just dates and water.

She was an ideal wife who was interested in learning from the Prophet Muhammad. Therefore, she became so knowledgeable that she was able to teach men and was a source of authorization and documentation in hadith transmission.

10. She was the Pride of her Parents

Her parents were overpowered by a proud sense of relief; a pride that their daughter had been honored with a Quranic revelation, and relief that she was acquitted of any wrongdoing.

Aisha was grateful to Allah for He had revealed Quranic verses in her honor and these would be recited until the Day of Judgment. 

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