Top 10 Most Fascinating Facts about Tokyo Dome City


Tokyo Dome -Photo by, IQRemix. Wikimedia

Tokyo Dome is a baseball stadium in the Tokyo ward of Tokyo in Japan. The dome has 55000 seats and the capacity of all actual seating is 42000. Tokyo dome city is said to be the best place to visit on your tour to Japan.

The Dome was built on the geographical location of the velodrome and it was opened on 17th March 1988. The Dome is known for its uniqueness and original architectural structure and the shape of its roof. The venue is mostly used to hold grand events such as basketball, baseball, music concerts, martial art, and any other program

1. The Tokyo amusement park and  roller coaster rides

The Ferris wheel and roller coaster tracks at Tokyo Dome City are lit with bright lights at night. Photo by, Lucas GarronWikimedia

Dome City is well known for its reputable attraction which is the amusement park which is known for showcasing a variety of rides. Roller coasters are the most exciting ride, especially the thunder dolphin which is one of the highlights that is said to have the most sophisticating loops and amazing speed and this makes it an unforgettable ride.

Another ride is the Ferris wheel which takes you up the sky giving you a clear picture of what the dome city looks like from the sky view. It gives you a bright light of the Tokyo dome city.

 2. Tokyo Dome has the most relaxing and soothing massage at the Laqua spa

Laqua spa is among the most reputable and known spas to have the largest compound in Tokyo Japan. The spa offers a variety of specialties not only the massage but also the restaurant, grocery store, entertainment attraction, and many other exciting things.

The spa has the most professional and well-skilled masseurs together with the management team. The spa has the most relaxing environment which gives one energy and vigor after visiting the dome. Furthermore, amazing serene surround which makes it the most peaceful place to relax.

3.  Concerts are held in Tokyo Dome hall

Tokyo Dome City Hall aerial at night. Photo by, Lukas-Wikimedia

Popular singers are known to have hosted their concerts in this dome where thousands of people flock and also a place where they debut their albums.

The popular singer and actress Mariah Carey once performed her daydream world tour at this dome around 15000 people went to her concert.

Other than Mariah  Janet Jackson who is also a popular celebrity around the world hosted her 8 grand shows in this dome followed by Mick Jagger and Bon Jovi.

 4. Games such as football are hosted at the Dome

Interior. Photo by, Stevec240-Wikimedia.

Other than sumo wrestling baseball which is the most played game in Japan also play football. In the year 1988-1993 the Tokyo dome city became the host of the coca-cola bowl which is also known as college football.

Apart from these sports, the dome is used to promote other entertaining activities such as professional wrestling by the wrestling enthusiast the arena is a large place for any player who wants to compete and also play their games.

This makes it the coolest place to visit on weekdays with your play buddies. This dome represents the Tokyo dome city, a multipurpose stadium for local and international events.

5. The Tokyo International Great Quilt  Festival

Tokyo Dome at night. Photo by, Dick Thomas Johnson  –Wikimedia 

This festival is conducted in the dome and it has colorful quilt displays and materials for quilting. However, the event only takes place once a year and there are thousands of people always attending.

6. The Tokyo Dome  hotel

Tokyo Dome Hotel in Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo, in April 2018 Photo by, Braveheart.-Wikimedia.

The hotel is known to be too luxurious and it is located a few meters, away from Tokyo dome city. The hotel is also known for its famous geographic location which gives one a clear picture of Tokyo Japan.

The hotel has earned a local and international reputation for its exquisite services. It is referred to as the high class due to the deluxe bedrooms which are said to be satisfying.

7. Presence of the colorful water symphony at the Tokyo Dome

This is the most satisfying thing to watch is the water fountain which has a variety of colors because of this it has become the most visited place on the dome.

The water fountain display and the musical symphony play in the harmony with the light changing colors. Many people who visited the place have said that it is one of the best places to meditate.

    8. The Moomin bakery and cafe at the Dome

Many people who visit the dome can not go back without visiting Moomin café the Moomin coffee has latte art inside the shop.

‘IF you crave desserts then this is the best place to eat. Other than bakery and café there are other Moomin-related items that one can buy.

 9. Presence of the Major League Baseball Authorized  Cafe

The café is like a dream come to for every baseball fan.  The café has very wide screens playing baseball matches around. It also has good beer, good dishes and also it has the best environment for the people who love sports.

The sightseeing place also has jump shops, manga characters, and also the hunted house which attracts so many peoples.  

10. Tokyo Dome baseball hall of the fame museum

Interior. Photo by, Stevec240-Wikimedia.

This is the place where baseball things are kept including bats, and gloves of the Japanese players, and also the history of Japanese baseball is found here this exhibition is referred to as the ballpark store.

This exhibition is used by people who want souvenirs, baseball stuff, Tokyo dome city limited edition stuff, and many more.

It is in this store where one can have anything that they wish for.


Tokyo Dome is one of the most interesting places to visit rather than watching baseball one can also go shopping or even visit other places that the place offers.

For the people who like sport then this is the best place to take a tour too because it has the largest arena for both competing and playing.  Other than games the dome is used for concerts by famous musicians, large-scale events, and many more because of the aqua spa many have visited the place because of their professional and skilled masseur.


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