A photo of Hawaii City by Fantasticcaptain – Wikimedia commons

10 Things To Know About Gang and Gangsters in Hawaii


Ah, aloha there! If you’re looking to learn about the gangsters of Hawaii, then buckle up, because there’s a lot of holo holo to cover!

First off, you gotta understand that the gangsters of Hawaii are a whole different kine of breed. They don’t just wear suits and pack heat like the wise guys over on the mainland. No, these moke are a little more laid back, but don’t let that fool you. They can still pop a cap in your okole faster than you can say “mahalo.”

One thing to know about these kolohe is that they like to keep things on the low, low. You won’t find them bragging about their scores or flashing their cash around town. They know how to blend in with the tourists and locals alike, so keep your eyes peeled.

Another thing to keep in mind is that these guys don’t mess around when it comes to respect. They’re all about the ohana, and if you cross them or their crew, well, let’s just say you’ll be swimming with the humuhumunukunukuapua’a.

And finally, don’t be fooled by their laid back attitude. These guys are still hardcore. They know how to handle themselves in a fight, and they’re not afraid to take what they want. So, if you see a group of braddahs cruising around in a tinted-out ride, you might want to give them a wide berth.

So there you have it, folks. The lowdown on the gangsters of Hawaii. Just remember, if you find yourself on their bad side, you might be saying aloha to your life sooner than you think.

1. Gangs in Hawaii are not a recent phenomenon

Gangs in Hawaii have a long history that dates back to the late 1800s when the islands were undergoing significant social and economic changes due to the arrival of large numbers of immigrant laborers from Asia and other parts of the world. Many of these immigrants faced difficult working and living conditions, and some turned to gangs as a way to protect themselves and their communities.

One of the earliest known gangs in Hawaii was the “Maui Rifles,” which formed in the 1890s among Filipino workers on the island of Maui. The group was reportedly involved in various forms of criminal activity, including gambling and robbery.

Over time, other gangs formed on different islands in Hawaii, including Japanese-American gangs in the early 1900s and Samoan gangs in the 1960s. These gangs often operated in low-income neighborhoods and were involved in a range of criminal activities, including drug trafficking, theft, and violent crime.

2. The United Samoan Organization is the greatest gang in Hawaii currently

The United Samoan Organization (USO) is a Pacific Islander gang that has been active in Hawaii since the 1960s. The gang is primarily made up of members of the Samoan community, although it has also been known to include members of other ethnic groups. The USO is considered one of the most prominent and influential gangs in Hawaii today, with a significant presence on several of the state’s islands.

The USO has been involved in a range of criminal activities, including drug trafficking, extortion, robbery, and violent crime. The gang has also been linked to a number of high-profile incidents, including a shooting at a Honolulu nightclub in 2006 that left one person dead and several others injured.

Despite the USO’s notoriety, it is not a centralized organization with a hierarchical structure. Instead, it is a loose collection of smaller groups or “sets” that operate independently but are affiliated with the larger USO gang. These sets often compete with one another for power and territory, leading to violence and other criminal activity.

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3. There are numerous Gangs in Hawaii

The TRG is a national gang that has a presence in many states across the United States, including Hawaii. The gang is primarily made up of members of Southeast Asian descent, including Cambodian, Vietnamese, and Laotian individuals. The TRG has been involved in a range of criminal activities, including drug trafficking, robbery, and violent crime.

The Crips and Bloods are two rival African-American gangs that have been active in Hawaii for several decades. While the Crips and Bloods originated in Los Angeles, they have since spread to other parts of the United States, including Hawaii. The two gangs are known for their distinctive colors and symbols, with the Crips wearing blue and the Bloods wearing red. Both gangs have been involved in a range of criminal activities, including drug trafficking, robbery, and violent crime.

Like the USO, the TRG, Crips, and Bloods often operate in low-income neighborhoods and areas with high rates of poverty and unemployment. These neighborhoods are often characterized by social and economic challenges, including limited access to education, healthcare, and other services. These challenges can make it difficult for young people to find positive role models and opportunities, which can in turn make them more vulnerable to gang recruitment.

4. Gang activity in Hawaii is often centered around drug trafficking

Drug trafficking is a major driver of gang activity in Hawaii, particularly the distribution of methamphetamine. Methamphetamine, also known as meth, ice, or crystal, is a highly addictive and potent stimulant that is produced in clandestine labs and smuggled into the state.

Hawaii has one of the highest rates of methamphetamine use in the United States, with the drug being linked to a range of social and health problems, including crime, poverty, and addiction. Methamphetamine use can also lead to long-term health problems, including cardiovascular disease, neurological damage, and mental health issues.

Gangs in Hawaii are often involved in the production, distribution, and sale of methamphetamine. The drug trade provides gangs with a lucrative source of income, allowing them to fund other criminal activities and expand their influence. Gangs may also use violence and intimidation to control the drug trade and protect their territory.

The production and distribution of methamphetamine in Hawaii are often linked to criminal networks in other parts of the world, including Mexico, China, and Southeast Asia. These networks smuggle methamphetamine into Hawaii using a variety of methods, including hidden compartments in vehicles and commercial shipments.

5. Many gang members in Hawaii are involved in violent crimes

Hawaii has seen a number of high-profile gang-related shootings and other violent incidents in recent years. In 2017, a shooting in the tourist area of Waikiki left one person dead and two others injured. The shooting was linked to a dispute between two rival gangs, one of which was based in Hawaii and the other in California.

In 2019, a series of gang-related shootings on Oahu left three people dead and several others injured. The shootings were linked to a dispute between two rival gangs, one of which was based in Hawaii and the other in Las Vegas. Violent crime involving gangs is not limited to shootings. Gangs in Hawaii have also been linked to other forms of violence, including assault and robbery. In 2018, for example, members of the Crips gang were charged with assaulting a man outside a nightclub in Honolulu.

Law enforcement officials in Hawaii have taken steps to address gang-related violence, including increasing patrols in high-crime areas and targeting known gang members for arrest and prosecution. However, the complex social and economic factors that contribute to gang culture in Hawaii and other parts of the United States make it an ongoing challenge to address the issue effectively.

6. Gang activity in Hawaii is often concentrated poor neighbourhoods

 Gang activity in Hawaii is often concentrated in low-income neighborhoods and areas with high rates of poverty and unemployment. These areas tend to have higher levels of social and economic disadvantage, which can make them more vulnerable to gang activity and other forms of criminal behavior.

Gangs may target these areas for recruitment because they offer a pool of potential members who may be attracted to the promise of money, power, and social status that gang membership can bring. Gangs may also prey on vulnerable individuals who are struggling with poverty and unemployment, offering them a sense of belonging and protection in exchange for their loyalty.

In addition, poverty and unemployment can contribute to a range of social problems that can create an environment that is conducive to gang activity. For example, neighborhoods with high rates of poverty and unemployment may have lower levels of social cohesion and community engagement, which can make them more vulnerable to crime and violence. These neighborhoods may also have inadequate social services and support networks, which can exacerbate social and economic problems and create a cycle of disadvantage and marginalization.

7. The Company gang dominated Hawaii in the 1960s and 1970s

The Company” was a criminal organization that operated in Hawaii during the 1960s and 1970s. It was primarily composed of members of Hawaiian, Filipino, and Chinese descent, although the group also included members of other ethnicities. The organization was known for its involvement in a range of criminal activities, including drug trafficking, extortion, gambling, and loan sharking.

The group’s origins can be traced back to the 1940s when a group of Filipino laborers formed a union to protect themselves from exploitation by plantation owners. Over time, this union evolved into a criminal organization that included members from other ethnic groups. By the 1960s, The Company had become the dominant criminal organization in Hawaii, with a presence on all of the major islands.

The organization was led by a group of individuals known as the “Big Five,” who controlled the various criminal enterprises of The Company. These individuals were known for their violence and willingness to use force to protect their interests. The Big Five included individuals such as Harold “Nappy” Pulawa, Frank “The Shark” Padgett, and Ronald “Ice” Yokohama.

The Company’s criminal activities were varied, with a particular focus on drug trafficking. The group was involved in smuggling heroin and other drugs into Hawaii from other countries, and also operated a network of drug dealers and distributors within the state. The group was also involved in extortion and loan sharking and controlled many of the gambling operations in Hawaii.

9. Ronald Yokohama is the most famous gangster in Hawaii gang history

Ronald “Ice” Yokohama is one of the most infamous gangsters in Hawaiian history. He was a member of The Company, a criminal organization that operated in Hawaii during the 1960s and 1970s, and was known for his involvement in a number of high-profile crimes.

One of the most notorious crimes that Yokohama was involved in was the murder of Honolulu police officer John F. Manea in 1970. Manea was shot and killed during a traffic stop, and Yokohama was eventually identified as one of the individuals responsible for the shooting. He was arrested and charged with murder and was later convicted and sentenced to life in prison.

Yokohama was also involved in a number of other criminal activities during his time with The Company. He was known to be a major player in the drug trade, particularly in the trafficking of heroin. He was also involved in loan sharking and extortion and was known for his violent tactics in dealing with those who owed him money.

9. Japanese Yakuza domonated Hawaii during the 1920s and 1930s

During the 1920s and 1930s, Japanese organized crime groups known as yakuza were a dominant force in Hawaii’s underworld. These groups had their origins in Japan, where they had a long history of criminal activity and were known for their strict codes of conduct and elaborate rituals.

In Hawaii, the yakuza established a strong presence, particularly on the island of Oahu. They were involved in a range of criminal activities, including gambling, prostitution, extortion, and drug trafficking. They were also involved in labor racketeering, using violence and intimidation to control workers and prevent them from organizing.

One of the most powerful yakuza groups in Hawaii during this time was the Kenjinkai, which was primarily composed of individuals from the Okinawa prefecture in Japan. The Kenjinkai controlled many of the gambling and prostitution operations on the island of Oahu and were known for their violent tactics in dealing with rivals and those who crossed them.

10. Gang activity remains a serious problem in Hawaii

While law enforcement has made significant efforts to combat gang activity in Hawaii, the state continues to face a serious problem with organized crime, particularly in the areas of drug trafficking and violent crime.

One of the primary drivers of gang activity in Hawaii is the drug trade. The state’s geographic location makes it a key hub for drug trafficking, particularly for the transport of illegal drugs from Asia to the United States mainland. This has led to the proliferation of drug-related gangs in Hawaii, with groups such as the “United Samoan Organization” and the “USO Family” being involved in the trafficking of methamphetamine, cocaine, and other illicit drugs.

In addition to drug trafficking, organized crime groups in Hawaii are also involved in a range of other criminal activities, including prostitution, gambling, and human trafficking. Many of these groups are highly organized and have strong ties to criminal organizations in Asia and other parts of the world.


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