New Year’s Eve in Times Square: How to Enjoy it?


When it comes to celebrating the turn of the New Year in Times Square, there are a ton of common misconceptions and false assumptions associated to being this close to the ball drop. 

For one, did you know you do not need tickets to attend this bucket list event? It’s a public showcase that is hosted by the city, which means its free for all to attend, the same way the rest of the public parks host live music on New Years Eve in and around NYC. 

Times Square – by Andrew Muller – Wikimedia Commons

Top 10 Facts About Times Square

If you’re going to make the mission of doing Times Square (and rest assured, it is a mission), then there are some tips and tricks I need to share with you to help make it as enjoyable as possible. 

Get There Early

If you’ve ever seen a scene from New York’s ball drop event on television, it’s a phenomenal ocean of people who pack themselves into the square like sardines, just to be part of the action. 

On the day, the square is divided into very careful quadrants and sections, which makes it easier for people to find their friends, and also prevents total pandemonium from breaking out (stampedes, claustrophobia etc). 

Times Square – by Nichole A. Hall – Wikimedia Commons

The goal for most is to be as close to the performance barrier as possible, and unfortunately this means getting there in the early hours of the morning, and pretty much camping out for the rest of the day. It’s rough, and the weather in New York this time of year is no walk in the park. 

Come early, dress warm, bring snacks, and once you have your desired spot secured, do not leave it unattended. 

Seriously… Bring Snacks

Being on your feet for more than 12 hours just to have a decent view of the ball dropping is going to take its toll on the body, and while Times Square is lined with many great places to eat, on New Years Eve you won’t just be able to walk in. 

Times Square – by Rob Boudon – Wikimedia Commons

Food trucks are also a no-go on this day, because there is simply no space for them to set up amongst the crowds. If you aren’t willing to carry ample food with you through the day, then you’ll need to call one of the surrounding restaurants in advance and book a table for a meal at a specific time. Note that this usually means you’ll use the spot you were camping out for, so it’s always a bit of a catch 22.  

10 Best Restaurants near Times Square

Don’t Bring a Backpack

Bringing enough food for the day is tricky when backpacks and large bags are not permitted into the square at all. At the entrance, all people are searched and put through rigorous security screenings. Understandably, they do not permit anyone to enter with backpacks or larger bags (rucksacks, knapsacks etc). 

Not only do these bags get in the way and reduce the space available for other spectators, they are also a security risk for all involved. 

You Can’t Drink on New Year’s Eve in Times Square

The square is considered public space, and thus the consumption of alcohol is not permitted at all. A lot of people try their luck and attempt to sneak in some fun beverages, but they generally get caught out in the searches at the entrance. 

Times Square – by Joshua Earle – Unsplash

Those who do make it inside and attempt to consume anything illegal are usually quickly spotted by law enforcement who are on duty to identify and confiscate whatever they find. Rest assured that there are as many undercover cops in Times Square as there are in uniform. 

Dress as Warm as You Can… and Then Add a Layer

With NYC having experienced some of its coldest New Year’s Eves in 100 years, you really need to not underestimate just how below freezing it’s going to be during the celebration. 

Layers are essential, and something wind and water proof on the outermost layer is the way to go. Gloves, a scarf and something to protect your ears and head are another must, and if you can get hold of some heating pads to keep in your pockets then I would highly recommend doing so. Oh, and don’t even think about attending this gathering without a decent pair of thermal socks. The cold the seeps up from the concrete is enough to send you home to rethink your outfit. 

Take the Subway Into the Square 

Imagine that NYC traffic is unbearable on a regular day, and now throw in tens of thousands of people all flocking to the same cross roads in the center of Manhattan. 

New York Subway – by Patrick Robert Doyle – Unsplash

Using a taxi is fine if you are one of the earlier crowds, but for the most part it’s best to just ride the subway into the square. You may need to jump off a few blocks earlier as they typically do not run the trains to the actual Times Square stop on this particular day, so you’ll need to walk a few blocks to get to the square’s entrance. 

The Bathroom Situation is a Tricky One

A lot of people are baffled when they learn that the city does not provide any public restrooms for gatherers in the square… not one. Visitors are encouraged to use the toilet before they head to the square, and if it is dire they will need to ask one of the local restaurants if they may do the deed in their facilities. 

Most will say yes, and all will say you need to make a purchase before they can give you bathroom access. Take note that if you decide to leave your space in the square close to ball drop time, just to find a loo, it’s highly unlikely you’ll be able to find your way back in time. Don’t underestimate how slowly things move when you’re immersed in a sea of 60,000 people. 

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