10 Scientific Facts About Life After Death


Death has been an unavoidable part of human life since the beginning of time. It is a universal experience that has been interpreted in different ways by different cultures and religions.

Some people believe in life after death, while others believe that death is the end of existence. Spirituality and religion often play a role in how people view life after death.

Many religions offer the promise of an afterlife, where people can continue to exist in some form. Others believe that death is a transition to a new state of being, or that it is simply the end of consciousness.

Science, on the other hand, has no definitive answer to the question of life after death. This in no way means it has tried to find answers to the question.

This article will delve into the scientific world and try to identify some scientific facts on the presence or absence of life after death. Enjoy!

1. Brain Activity Can Continue Up to Hours After Death

Jens Maus (http://jens-maus.de/), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Brain activity can continue for up to 3 hours after death. This is known as post-mortem brain activity.

It is caused by the release of potassium ions from cells in the brain. These ions can continue to trigger electrical activity in the brain, even after the heart has stopped beating.

The longest time brain activity has been recorded to continue is 90 minutes. This was in a patient who was declared brain dead after a cardiac arrest.

The patient’s brain activity was recorded using an EEG, which is a device that measures electrical activity in the brain.

The presence of post-mortem brain activity does not necessarily mean that there is life after death. However, it does suggest that the brain is more complex than we once thought.

This, however, does raise questions about the nature of consciousness and what happens to the mind after death.

2. Scientists and Medical Professionals Are Uncomfortable Discussing Life after Death

Rhoda Baer (Photographer), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Scientists and medical professionals, generally steer clear of delving into the field of life after death. They do so not out of stubbornness or lack of curiosity, but rather out of a profound commitment to the scientific method and the limitations it imposes.

Discussions around life after death are generally speculative in nature. This therefore means that most claims on the topic are opinion-based based dependent on an individual’s point of view rather than scientific fact.

Some may be concerned about alienating patients or their families, or they may not want to give false hope to those who are grieving.

Those who do engage the topic, believe that it is an important topic to explore, or they may be interested in the experiences of people who have had near-death experiences.

3. Thanatology Offers Some Insights into Life After Death

Enrique Simonet, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Thanatology is the study of death and dying. It is a multidisciplinary field that draws on psychology, sociology, anthropology, and philosophy.

Thanatologists study the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of death and dying. They also explore the cultural and religious beliefs surrounding death.

Thanatologists work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, hospices, funeral homes, and universities. They may provide counseling to the dying and their families, or they may conduct research on death and dying.

While thanatology cannot definitively reveal the existence or nature of an afterlife, it does illuminate the human condition. This is achieved by accepting both the spiritual and scientific reasoning about life after death and attempting to connect and make sense of both.

4. Near Death Experiences Are Perhaps The Closest Science Has Got To Understanding Life After Death

Near Death Experiences (NDEs) are, without a doubt, one of the most enigmatic and intriguing phenomena in the realm of human consciousness. These extraordinary events occur when individuals on the brink of death report profound and often otherworldly encounters.

It’s as if they glimpse the boundaries of existence itself. During an NDE, people often describe sensations of floating outside their bodies, traveling through tunnels of light, or encountering deceased loved ones.

Some recount a profound sense of peace, while others speak of a life review, where they witness and evaluate their past actions. While science cannot definitively explain NDEs, they offer a tantalizing glimpse into the mysterious realm of what might transpire after death.

These experiences have sparked countless debates and investigations, as they challenge our understanding of consciousness, the nature of reality, and the possibility of an afterlife.

5. NDEs Are Misleading

While NDE accounts are unquestionably captivating, their scientific interpretation remains a complex puzzle. NDEs typically encompass a range of phenomena, such as the sensation of floating, encounters with deceased loved ones, and the infamous “light at the end of the tunnel.”

Yet, what counts as an NDE is often remarkably vague. These experiences can vary greatly from person to person, leading to a lack of consistency that challenges the notion of a standardized journey to the afterlife.

Also, the very term “near-death” itself is a very elusive and misleading concept. What, precisely, constitutes an NDE?

Is it the moment when the heart stops, when someone teeters on the brink of darkness, only to be pulled back into the realm of the living, or is it about the amount of fear?

The definition is as hazy as the experiences themselves, making it a slippery slope for rigorous scientific analysis.

6. Dr. Newberg Suggests NDEs are Chemically Induced and Therefore Not Proof of Life After Death

Dr. Andrew Newberg, a distinguished neuroscientist and professor at Thomas Jefferson University and Hospital, presents a thought-provoking perspective on near-death experiences (NDEs).

He contends that NDEs, often regarded as glimpses of an afterlife, are merely intricate chemical and neurological events within the confines of the human brain.

His groundbreaking research explores the intricate dance of neurotransmitters, particularly serotonin and endorphins, which may flood the brain during moments of extreme stress or trauma. These biochemical surges, he posits, could cause vivid sensations, visual hallucinations, and a profound sense of transcendence. All hallmarks of NDEs.

Moreover, Dr. Newberg suggests that these experiences might be akin to extreme dreams or even a defense mechanism of the brain to shield itself from the terror of impending death.

While Newberg’s theory is not without its critics, it is one of the most well-respected and comprehensive explanations of NDEs. It should, however, be noted that Dr. Newberg’s conclusions are “not at all certain”

7. Cardiac Arrests Speak to The Nature of Consciousness and Life After Death

A cardiac arrest is the sudden loss of heart function. When this happens, the brain is deprived of oxygen and the person loses consciousness.

If the heart is not restarted within minutes, the person will die. This raises questions about the nature of consciousness.

If consciousness is simply a product of the brain, then it should cease to exist when the brain dies. However, there are some cases of people who have survived cardiac arrest and reported having near-death experiences (NDEs).

This means that despite being oxygen deprived, there was some part of you that was active and remembers experiences even after function is restored. This can be used to imply that the experiences were from the so-called afterlife.

8. The Soul Substance Might Have Weight

Anna Sahlsten, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The soul is a concept that has been debated by philosophers and theologians for centuries. There is no scientific evidence to prove or disprove the existence of the soul, but there are some theories that suggest that it might have weight.

The notion of a soul having weight is supported by Dr. Duncan Macdougall’s experiments in 1907. Dr. Duncan weighed several of his dying patients before and after death.

His research was indexed and published in the medical journal American Medicine. Dr. Macdougall made this assumption after weighing each of the six patients who passed away individually.

He estimated that each patient lost a soul weight of 21 grams. This is how much he assumes the soul weighs.

So, how does this imply the presence of an afterlife? If the soul has weight, this implies that it exists and leaves the body upon death. So where does it go? The afterlife perhaps?

9. There is No Scientific Proof of the Presence Or Absence Of Life After Death

The mystery of what happens after death has long captivated human imagination, inspiring countless beliefs, myths, and spiritual traditions. Yet, in the realm of science, where the pursuit of knowledge hinges on empirical evidence and rigorous testing, the question of life after death remains elusive.

Why? Simply put, there is no scientific proof of life after death. This is because the very nature of this inquiry lies beyond the boundaries of what science can explore.

Science deals with the natural world, seeking explanations through observable phenomena, testable hypotheses, and the laws that govern the physical universe. Matters of consciousness, the soul, or an afterlife, while deeply profound and significant, remain fundamentally outside the purview of scientific investigation.

Science can describe the intricate workings of the human body, the processes of decay, and the cessation of brain activity after death, but it cannot offer definitive answers about what, if anything, comes next.

It should be noted and understood that the absence of scientific proof on the matter in no way negates the beliefs and faith of individuals who hold diverse perspectives on the matter.

10. Death Is Not the End (For Some Parts of You At Least)

According to a study published by the Royal Society’s Open Biology, over a thousand genes in the body become more active after the clinical pronunciation of death. These researchers were looking to understand if gene expression stopped gradually or at once following death.

Peter Noble, study author and microbiology professor at the University of Washington speaking to Newsweek said, “We didn’t anticipate that. Can you imagine, 24 hours after [time of death] you take a sample and the transcripts of the genes are actually increasing in abundance? That was a surprise.”

According to the findings of the study, some gene expressions increased after death lasting up to four (4!) days. Now, while this may not speak to the existence of an afterlife, it does show that death is not the end and some part of you lives on. For a while at least!

11. Viewing the Soul as Energy Implies an Afterlife

One theory is that the soul is made up of energy. Well, if we go by this, according to the first law of thermodynamics, energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only altered in form.

Therefore, the soul, which is the energy powering life, continues on and can never be destroyed. It is transformed during or after death.

Comedian and physicist Aaron Freeman in his “Eulogy from a Physicist “explains:

“You want the physicist to remind your sobbing mother about the first law of thermodynamics; that no energy gets created in the universe, and none is destroyed. You want your mother to know that all your energy, every vibration, every Btu of heat, every wave of every particle that was her beloved child remains with her in this world.”


While science has illuminated some aspects of the human experience, the riddle of what, if anything at all, awaits us beyond the threshold of death remains unsolved. The quest for answers continues, and as we conclude this exploration, we are left with a sense of humility, marveling at the complexity of existence.

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