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30 Amazing Facts about Apples


Have you ever taken a minute to wonder about what type of fruit is consumed globally? Have you ever asked yourself which fruit can be planted in different climatic conditions and survive? Apples are fruits or trees that can survive diverse climatic conditions. Therefore they are one of the most consumed fruits globally due to their versatility to grow in different countries. The ability of these fruits to help people maintain a healthy lifestyle puts them on the global map as one of the best types of fruits globally. A daily routine of having an apple can help you have high energy levels and reduce your risk of becoming sick often. Apples also come in different colors to help people choose their favorite color and flavor. Whether you love red or green, there is an apple for you to enjoy. Among many more facts, these exist about apples you may never have known.

The following are the thirty amazing facts about apples:

1. Apples are related to the Rose and belong to the same family

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Apples belong to a unique family called Rosaceae plants, which consist of almost three thousand species of plants. These plants are characterized by the beauty of their flowers, including the common rose flowers. Other plants in this category include pears, strawberries, raspberries, plums, and cherries. The apples and other members of the family are warm-weather plants. The apples majorly bloom during spring, showing buds, and eventually, apples come out after pollination. The apples and the other trees in this category are famous for their beautiful flowers.

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2. There are several types of Apples in the world

Did you know there are more than seven thousand different types of apples worldwide? However, these numbers keep increasing because there are new apples that scientists discover as research continues. Agricultural grafting and other methods of growing plants and fruits have led to emerging of new apples. Researchers say that if you tried a different apple a day, you would spend over twenty years eating different apples daily. Some of the most common are the green apples, which are eaten raw, the red apples, and the golden delicious, among other types used for different purposes.

3. Alexander the Great was the man behind the Discovering of Apples

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Around 328 BC, the king of the ancient Greek kingdom A, alexander the Great, supposedly discovered the apples. He found small and short species of apples in present-day zakhstan and cultivated them to produce new apples. The king carried the apples with him to Macedon, where more apples emerged from the dwarfed species. Before the end of the 17th century, more apples had grown in Europe as leaders and colonists brought them to their countries. America is also credited for being the first country to have an apple orchard in Boston.

4. Apples can Poison and Kill you Despite the Chances of Being slim

Apples are capable of poisoning and killing a human. The hard seeds of an apple contain chemical cyanide, which can be dangerous if left to accumulate in the human body. However, chances are meager because the seed contains a tiny amount of the chemical. In addition, the seed is challenging, making it difficult for the human body to break it down. If the seed is broken down, the small amount of toxins is not enough to harm a person. Someone will have to consume a lot of apples, and the body will have to break down many seeds for the toxins to kill.

5. Apples have quercetin which works better than Vitamin C

Researchers have that an apple contains a vital element called quercetin that was compared to vitamin C, except that it works better. The chemical protects the human brain from too much stress and reduces one’s chances of getting cancer. The saying that ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’ was made when researchers discovered the importance of an apple in the human body. Therefore consuming an apple often would help reduce the chances of illness and keep away some chronic diseases to make one’s life longer.

6. Apples are Behind the Human Knowledge Bout Gravity

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The story of Isaac Newton and the discovery of the force of gravity is connected to the apples. Although sometimes we feel that the apple story is just made up to popularize the theory, there is evidence that Isaac newton made comments about the apples falling. He was seated in the orchard when he discovered apples falling from the tree. He wondered why the apples had to fall in the same direction. Therefore he became curious and did research, and he came up with the force of gravity that made the apples fall in the same direction.

7. Apples Do Not Grow Like Ordinary Plants 

There are no more unique plants in the world than apples when it comes to growing. An apple tree might produce the seeds that would produce a different type of apple. For example, a green apple might produce the seeds planted to produce red apple fruits. Therefore, farmers have to be very careful when planting apples to ensure that they produce the same type if they need to.

8. Crabapples are a species of Apples that can cause harm if consumed in Large Volumes

There is a specie of apples called crabapples that are common in the United States of America. These apples are small, measuring a few inches in diameter, looking like red apples in color but appearing like cactus fruits or strawberries in size. These are the only types of apples that have a sour or unpleasant taste when eaten. If consumed in large amounts, these apples may cause a stomachache. However, there is no severe danger that is associated with eating crabapples.

9. John Appleseed was a vegetarian and planted several apple trees

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John Chapman would emerge as the man who planted more apples than any other man in the 18th century. John refused to eat animal meat and would not want to see another animal killed for food. Therefore he vowed to plant several apples to produce apple fruits that would provide food for people. Therefore he moved through the Midwest planting apples on the way in his funny dress. He is rumored to have planted apple seeds across the Midwest.

10. The ancient Greeks and Romans gave the saying “Apple of my Eye” to express love

An interesting fact about apples is the expression ‘apple of my eye,’ which was first used by the ancient Greeks and Romans. These people used the words to refer to a person that is very special to another person, especially a spouse, a fiancée, a good friend, a child, a parent, and so on. The saying is associated with love, respect, or beauty as well. The expression continues to be used to date.

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11. Apples have a substantial global market, and the apple orchard is booming

America is believed to be the home of several types of apples because of the ever-available market. The average size of an apple orchard in America is about forty acres, with several types of apples that can be sold quickly. An American family in New Hampshire boasts of having the largest apple orchard in the world, with more than fifty different types of apples and several other fruits. The farm produces millions of apples distributed to apple juice factories, and others are sold for consumption.

12. A Good Apple Tree would take four years to start producing Fruits

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Apples are a booming business, and they come with several health benefits and other benefits. However, these prestigious fruits only grow after a while. An average apple would take four to five years to produce the first fruit. Furthermore, a standard apple would take more than eight years to a decade. Therefore, before you venture into the apple business, you must note that you must wait for some years before you begin to harvest.

13. Apples have zero fats, sodium, and cholesterol, contributing to their Healthy Nature

Apples are vital in human health as they can lead to people living longer. They help prevent diseases such as cancer, pressure, and stress-related ailment. Besides vitamin C, these fruits contain zero fats, sodium, and cholesterol. Apples are healthy because they don’t add calories or fats to your body.

14. Americans eat apples in a year more than any other fruit in the country

According to researchers, an average American consumes more than forty pounds of apples in a year in different forms. Apples are consumed as raw fruits or as processed cider and apple juice. An American is believed to eat atleast fifteen pounds of fresh apple fruits in a year and almost thirty pounds of processed apples. The high fruit consumption rate makes apple the country’s highest income earner among all other fruits.

15. The biggest Apple planting states are Washington dc, California, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Michigan

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America is the home of several types of apples among all nations, including China, Poland, and turkey. They distribute apples on the global market more than any other country. However, apples are only planted in some states in America. Although apples are grown in all fifty states of America, only forty states have commercialized the fruit. These states have huge apple orchards that produce apples to feed and distribute to the whole nation globally.

16. Apples can float in water

Have you ever wondered why apples are so light in weight? Apples are very light and can float on the surface of the water. An apple has more than twenty-five percent air, making them very light and able to float on water.

17. The Oldest apple tree in the world was more than 100 years

Although apple trees take a long time to grow and even longer to start producing fruits, this tree also has the most extended lifespan. An apple in a suitable climate can live up to a hundred years or more. However, in old age, the apples stopped producing the apples at the same rate they produced when they were young. Therefore, if you take good care of your apple farm, you might leave it for generations.

18. Apples can boost human memory and improve Mental Alertness

People who consume apples frequently are thought to have excellent memory and are mentally alert. Apples contain high levels of boron, which is responsible for all the functions in the brain. Boron helps in every electrical activity of the brain, which keeps the brain alert, making the person active and alert.

19. Apple blossoms are pink when they first open

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Apple trees produce flowers during spring when the warm weather starts to take over. The flowers on the apple tree are as beautiful as the rose flowers. They belong to the same family after all. However, an apple flower changes in color as it grows. After pollination, the flower changes to white before the fruit season begins.

20. Apples are pronounced as ‘pin,’ in Chinese Culture which means Peace 

While apples are just fruits in the rest of the world, they mean more than fruit in China. The word apples in Chinese culture refers to the word peace. Therefore apples represent peace in the country. In Chinese culture, apples are the favorite gift to give to someone when visiting the country. Therefore if you want to appease your friend from china, all you need to do is buy them an apple, and everything will be alright.

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21. Some people are afraid of Apples because of the Stories they hear

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The fear of apples derives from the scientific name Malus Domestica, which is in the rose family. Research shows that some people fear apples because of the stories of a few apples that can cause harm, such as crab apples. This fear, however, affects those who have never tried the apple.

22. American factories discovered the best way to make healthy apples with Candies

Eating sweet things is a way to an unhealthy lifestyle and unhealthy eating. However, eating candied apples is the best way to eat sweet and healthy. Every American citizen has had at least a candied apple. These candies are found in stores, supermarkets, malls, and shops selling snacks. The world has also tasted candied apples in different names and packages. They are referred to as toffees in European and other parts of the world, but they are just candies made from apples. William Kolb invented red candied apples in the 1940s, making him famous as he could sell thousands of candies nationwide.

23. From the bible, Adam and Eve probably did not eat an Apple fruit

The bible story of Adam and Eve has been associated with the apple as the forbidden fruit. However, no references in the Bible tell us the forbidden fruit was an apple fruit. The painting that Hugo Van Der made Goes in 1470 AD depicted a couple, presumably in the Garden of Eden, eating an apple. The painting has spread globally, making everyone believe that the forbidden fruit was an apple, which is false.

24. Pomology is the agriculture and science of cultivating apples for commercial

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Pomology is derived from the Latin word pomum, which means fruit. Therefore pomology is the study of fruit cultivation. However, the word has narrowed down to the science of growing apples.

25. Apples are some of the ancient crops cultivated between 4,000 to 10,000 years

Apples have existed more than any other plant despite being discovered in the 16th century. Tian Shan Mountains are considered the original place where apples were first domesticated. The farmers then sold the fruits to foreigners through barter trade leading to the fruits spreading to Europe and other parts of the world. The apples were moved along the Silk Road, which might have been where apples grew first.

26. Apples are medicinal to constipation among children and even adults

Apple juice is high in fiber and is ideal for preventing constipation among children and adults. Consuming apple juice would help you experience a laxative effect immediately, which goes on to prevent constipation because of sorbitol and the high fructose-to-glucose ratio.

27. Apples have been the only fruits in every country in grocery stores

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Apples are global fruits, and they are found in grocery stores all year long because of their availability in the global market. Big apple-producing nations such as America, China, Poland, and Turkey, among others, have enough production to distribute to the entire world. However, there are parts of the world, such as the northern hemisphere, where apples are seasonal fruits. The fruits in this region are plenty from July to November, while September and October are the months when apples are in plenty.

28. Apples come in various colors, including Red, Delicious Green, and Yellow Apples

Apples have different shades of color, but the colors do not determine the taste of the fruit. The most common types are red, yellow, green, and red apples, whose colors are determined by the pigments in the skins. Chlorophyll, carotenoid, and anthocyanin are the color pigments that affect the different shades of colors in these sweet fruits.

29. The oldest type of apple is the Pale-lime Green Lady Apple

The lady apple was discovered and documented in early Rome in 700 B.C. The apple was referred to as the lady apple in the 17th century. The unique apple is among the few varieties still on the market today. Other types of apples that come in different varieties and colors have been discovered recently through grafting cross-pollination. The unique ability of apples to generate apples of different varieties has also contributed to the regeneration of apples.

30. A gallon of cider can be made from atleast 36 Apples

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Although the number may vary depending on the size of the apples, the sweetness of the cider, and the type of the apples, the approximate number of apples to make a gallon of cider is 36. The higher number of apples used is attributed to the fact that apples are spongy as they have air spaces, making them light. The apples have to be squeezed to extract the juice from the almost dry fruit with a few drops of juice. Therefore a lot of apples have to be available for the process of preparing cider juice.

In summary, apples are one type of fruit that is amazing with several health benefits. These fruits can make your life longer than it would be. Consuming an apple frequently would give you a sharp memory and improved brain working capacity. Among several other outstanding characteristics, apples are indeed a global phenomenon.

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