50 Best Assassin Books of All Time


Gun battles, double-crosses, secret meetings, and spy tales are the order of the day in these best assassin books of all time. The Bourne Identity affirms this statement and displays an assassin’s raw action through the character Jason Bourne.

Furthermore, another assassin book of all time is The Day of the Jackal. It gives us a view of political assassinations based on an historical account of former French President, Charles de Gaulle.

To add on, I Am Pilgrim is also a classic assassin all-time novel that brings out events in a dual-narrative style. Thus making the bombings and tradecraft engagements sound like a fireside story. There are more excellent assassin titles that will intrigue you. Check them out below.

Here are the 50 Best Assassin Books of All Time.

1. The Bourne Identity by Robert Ludlum

Against all odds, a man is pulled alive out of the Mediterranean Sea with several bullet wounds. With the help of a local doctor, he regains his health. Though one thing remains, the man can’t remember his identity. So he embarks on an identity search.

What’s more, with the help of a chip embedded in his hip linked to a bank account, he learns his name is Jason Bourne. His bank account has a lot of money but any transaction sends alerts to people who want to kill him.

While escaping a killer, he takes a Canadian woman hostage. Her name is Marie St. Claire and he falls in love with her. Marie and Bourne become allies henceforth. Bourne experiences flashbacks of his identity and discovers he was a brutal assassin.

In the end, Bourne and St. Claire live together under state protection because of the many people seeking to kill them. Also, Bourne finally remembers who he was.

The novel is the celebrated work of American author Robert Ludlum, and it was published in 1980. The plot is set in Europe and it follows a first-person narration, though this style changes throughout the novel.

The Bourne Identity is one of the best assassin books of all time because it is a special treat to lovers of spy fiction, thriller, and suspense literature. You will enjoy the action-packed gun battles, unending double crosses, and countless secret meetings. The novel also gets you into the assassin charge. Such as the quote below.

Quote from The Bourne Identity book “Nothing makes a man more nationalistic than to think his country’s owned by foreigners. He can adjust in time to losing a war – that only means the enemy was stronger – but to lose his economy means the enemy was smarter.”

2. The Day of the Jackal by Frederick Forsyth

This political thriller The Day of the Jackal, is a celebrated assassin title of all time. It displays vivid elaborations of the human greed for power that runs the political space throughout the world.

The novel follows the story of an English assassin that is hired by a terrorist movement known as OAS. His mission is to murder the French President, Charles de Gaulle.

Additionally, the English novelist Forsyth drew inspiration from a historical account of an actual assassination attempt. Former French President Charles de Gaulle’s life was threatened over thirty times from 1944 to 1966. Further, one of the Assassins came close to achieving success by shooting a hole in the General’s hat. The novel was published in 1971.

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3. I Am Pilgrim by Terry Hayes

It is one of the best assassin novels of all time because it takes a shift from the expected suicide bombings and tradecraft displays. Thus Hayes uses a dual-narrative style to make you enjoy this spy thriller & crime novel as though it was a fireside story told by the author.

Moreover, I Am Pilgrim is about a former American intelligence agent who writes a book on forensic pathology. His name is Pilgrim or sometimes referred to as “Rider of the Blue”. Pilgrim narrates his ordeals investigating a case in New York City about a bizarre female assassin.

The lady assassin uses his book to commit murders that are complex to trace in the aftermath of the 9/11 incident. This novel was published in 2013 and is credited to the English-born Australian writer, Hayes.

4. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy by John le Carré

This spy novel is an assassin classic because it journeys us through the excursions of a spymaster. So the novel is an exposure to a spy’s tactics and tricks. It also serves as a commentary on social, political, cultural, and economic issues faced around the world.

To add on, the British-Irish writer Carré introduces us to George Smiley who is a veteran spy. He is out on a task to uncover a Soviet spy legend working for the British Secret Intelligence Service. The book was published in 1974.

5. Assassin’s Apprentice by Robin Hobb

American writer Margaret Ogden is celebrated for this masterpiece assassin novel. She wrote the book under the pen name Robin Hobb and released it in 1995.

What’s more, the story is about an illegitimate son born into royalty. His name is FitzChivalry Farseer or commonly known as Fitz. He is on a quest to become an assassin and he is successful in his ambition.

Subsequently, with his acquired skills, he saves the throne from an over-ambitious uncle known as Regal. This action almost cost Fitz his life.

Assassin’s Apprentice is an all-time assassin read since it tries to pass the message of the reality of power struggles within royal circles. And nothing defines it best like the below quote from the book.

A quote from Assassin’s Apprentice novel, “When you cut pieces out of the truth to avoid looking like a fool you end up looking like a moron instead.”

6. The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris

lady holding shotgun

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This 1988 masterwork by American writer Harris stands out as one of the best assassin books throughout history. The novel earns this slot because it differs from the norm of male characters being assassins. A female assassin is seen perfecting her craft and is as powerful as her fellow male counterparts.

The Silence of the Lambs is centered on female FBI agent Clarice Starling. She is given the task to find a serial killer that is suspected of abducting women. To fulfill her duty, she has to learn the mind of a serial killer. Hence she starts a journey to discover the life of a serial killer.

7. Red Sparrow by Jason Matthews

An excellent assassin book of all time because it is written by a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer. So the spying intellect involved in this novel is from the hands-on experience coupled with the creativity of an espionage expert.

Furthermore, this spy thriller is about Dominika Egorova (Red Sparrow) who is an ex-Russian ballerina. With motivation from her uncle, she undergoes government training to become a spy. The training is focused on seducing their targets to capture them.

The other crucial characters in the book are Russian double agent, Marble who offers intelligence to the CIA. Also, Nate Nash is a CIA internal officer.

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8. The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie

a blade

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This novel contends for the slot of best assassin books of all time as it describes the raw action of the assassins’ space. It’s jam-packed with murderous conspiracies, old scores being settled, and the hero and villain contest fierce enough to cause bloodshed.

This 2006 work by British author Abercrombie, follows the story of the infamous barbarian, Logen Ninefingers. Luck is not on his side yet he’s on the verge of death. But his legacy has nothing good to it except bad songs, many dead friends, and a crowd of happy enemies.

The Blade Itself gets its title from Homer’s poem, The Odyssey. The quote comes in the final parts of the poem and at full length it reads, “The blade itself incites to deeds of violence“.

9. Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn

The American author Flynn is acclaimed for this first-class assassin book of all time, published in 2006. Sharp Objects is one of the finest assassin reads because it portrays the role of journalism in the arena of these brutal murders.

The plot of Sharp Objects is based on a newspaper journalist Camille Preaker. She is sent to her hometown to cover the murder case of a preteen girl and the disappearance of another young girl.

10. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson

a girl with a dragon tattoo

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This novel brings out the hidden yet real aspects of society. Such as the misuse of power for selfish gains, vengeance, and envy that can lead to bloodshed. Thus this makes The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo worthy of featuring as one of the best assassin books of all time. The quote below perfectly describes these concerns.

A quote from The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo novel, “If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s never engage in a fight you’re sure to lose. On the other hand, never let anyone who has insulted you get away with it. Bide your time and strike back when you’re in a position of strength—even if you no longer need to strike back. Keep in mind that I’m crazy, won’t you?”

The Swedish author Larsson presents to us this 2005 creative work full of murder mysteries, family sagas, selfish-centered love stories, and financial interests. The story is about young Harriet Vanger who hails from one of Sweden’s wealthiest families.

To add on, It’s forty years since her death and her uncle is determined to confirm his speculations about her death. So the journalist Mikael Blomkvist is hired to get to the bottom of Harriet’s murder.

Blomkvist teams up with a tattooed genius hacker to deliver the task. The duo finds out about the unbelievable rot that runs in the Vanger family. Also, the filth and well-connected corrupt dealings in Sweden’s highest echelons of power. This psychological thriller’s title is translated as ‘Men Who Hate Women’.

11. American Assassin by Vince Flynn

A 2010 thriller novel that is acclaimed as one of the best assassin books of all time. This is because it offers a glimpse of the terrorist versus government struggles in the modern day. It’s an eye-opener to understand the world we live in regarding security, intelligence, and terrorism subjects.

On top of that, American Assassin is about a college athlete, Mitch Rapp. He loses his girlfriend through a terrorist attack on American citizens. The invasion takes 270 innocent lives including Rapp’s girlfriend.

Following this event, Rapp’s desire for revenge is birthed. He goes through training and becomes an American Assassin. He is very daring and takes the war to the enemy’s doorstep. Yet the enemy is also aware of his undertakings and sets a trap for him.

12. The Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence


The American-British writer Lawrence opens our eyes to the unceasing power struggles in our society’s royal families. Thus making this novel a notable assassin book of all time.

To boot, the book is the first of a trilogy on the life of Jorg Ancrath. He uses whatever means necessary to establish his power. Transforming his reputation from a scorned prince in The Prince of Thorns to a highly respected Emperor in the next novels of the trio, King of Thorns and Emperor of Thorns.

The Prince of Thorns begins Ancrath’s journey after he is broken by the murders of his mother and brother when he was only 13 years. He dedicates his life to revenge and vows to assassinate their killer, Count Renar. The novel was published in 2011.

13. Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

American author Maas gave her audience this high fantasy creation in 2012. It is among the best assassin books of all time because it gives us a sneak peek into the mind of a teenage assassin.

What’s more, the Throne of Glass story is about a female teen assassin Celaena Sardothien. Her kingdom Adarlan is led by a corrupt tyrannical leader. She survives a year of hard labor while in a prison camp at Endovier.

Sardothien earns the title, King’s Champion for battling criminals and evil monsters while in the prison camp. Hence the king gives her the role of serving as the royal assassin for four years to earn her freedom.

14. Graceling by Kristin Cashore

a girl holding a sword

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A 2008 fantasy novel by American author Cashore. The novel is an all-time assassin glory because it reveals the untold stories of the royal families’ power quest battles.

Moreover, Katsa is the Graceling. She is the niece of the king and he realizes she has exceptional strength. This is after murdering her extended family cousin with her bare hands when she was eight years.

Therefore, the king takes advantage of her skill by making her his assassin. One of her assassin climax stories includes a time she hurls a dagger at Leck who is the King of Monsea, and pins him to his throne.

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15. A Dance of Cloaks by David Dalglish

Meet Thren Felhorn, the greatest assassin of his era. All the city’s crime gangs are under his control. He has trained his son, Aaron to be the heir of his crime empire. So he is sent to kill the daughter of a clergy yet betrays his father by protecting her.

Aaron has to face the consequences of his betrayal which threaten his life. He has to escape daggers, poison, and the iron control of his father because of his alliance with an enemy. How best to describe Aaron’s situation but the quote below?

A quote from A Dance of Cloaks, “We deny righteousness in fear of our own safety, and in doing so forfeit the future of our children. We let them live in a dead tomorrow because we fear bleeding for it today.”

A Dance of Cloaks is one of the best assassin books of all time because it gives us a clue about how crime syndicates operate. Such as how they organize themselves and how they treat traitors. The book was published in 2010.

16. Shadow’s Edge by Brent Weeks

A classic assassin novel of all time because it provides us with the raw accounts of a well-known assassin. It is a fantasy adventure into the world of assassins. The American writer Weeks released this novel in 2008.

Over and above that, we are taken to the fictional land of Midcyru. Kylar is the Night Angel and was once a close acquaintance of a former prominent assassin. Thus we take a trip through the vengeance life of Kylar, as he goes after everyone who caused the tearing of his kingdom asunder. 

17. Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers

a scary creature

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This novel is one of the best assassin books of all time since it brings a rare dimension of occurrences in the assassin genre. It stands tall by fusing religion, love, and judicial concerns into the assassination theme. American writer LaFevers published the book in 2012.

Additionally, the story captured is about a seventeen-year-old girl called Ismae. She escapes an arranged marriage and finds herself in the convent of St. Mortain. While there, she learns that the god of Death has a unique mandate for her. To train her as an assassin.

Ismae also discovers she is immune to poison and can talk to spirits. So after her assassin training, she is sent on two successful missions. But her third task is to the court of Brittany and it proves to be difficult. Her target is someone she has fallen in love with and she can’t help it.

18. Age of Assassins by R.J. Barker

The Age of Assassins book wins a slot in this guide of the best assassin books of all time because it is an exemplar of assassin versus assassin story. It also provokes us to see the reality behind the ambition of noblemen in society.

This epic fantasy proves that to catch an assassin, you use an assassin. So it features a cast of assassins but the main duo is Girton Club-foot and his master. They are hired by the Queen Adran of Castle Maniyadoc to catch an assassin seeking to kill her son. The book was published in 2017 and is credited to the British writer Barker.

19. The Book of Jhereg by Steven Brust

The American author of Hungarian descent, Brust published this fantasy novel in 1983. A vintage assassin book of all time as it unfolds to us the life of an assassin and shows us that even the best of assassins face impossible tasks.

Vlad Taltos is the assassin legend the novel focuses on. He lives in the magical metropolis of Adrilankha and he gets the largest contract of his life. But business is not as usual because this assignment is more complicated than he ever imagined.

20. Heroes Die by Matthew Stover

In this 1998 science fantasy, the American writer Stover shows us the fact that assassins also have soft spots that they mask under brutality. It is also an eye-opener to the obsession of our society with violent entertainment. Thus making this novel one of the best assassin books of all time.

The story features Hari Michaelson, aka Caine who is a hardened killer and actor with countless followers throughout the planet, Earth. He is blinded by a rigid caste that his killings in a far-off world to entertain his world are permissible.

At the same time, deep in his heart is a soft spot for his ex-wife, which he has to keep away from the spotlight. Yet he mourns her loss deeply. The best way to describe Caine’s emotions is the quote below.

A quote from Heroes Die, “A lie is like a pet- you have to take care of it, or it’ll turn on you and bite you in the ass.”

21. The Night Manager by John le Carré

This novel is an espionage prototype solidifying it among the best assassin books of all time. It follows the life of Jonathan Pine who is a former British soldier. He is an undercover working as a night manager in a luxurious hotel.

Furthermore, Pine’s mission is to unveil Richard Onslow Roper’s undertakings. Roper is a billionaire criminal suspected of involvement with illegal arms and drug trafficking. The British writer David Cornwell released the novel in 1993 under his pen name John le Carré.

22. The Gray Man by Mark Greaney

A display of an assassin’s betrayal at its best. This confirms the novel as one of the best assassin books of all time. In this thriller, we walk through the escapades of the world’s top assassin. His name is Court Gentry or popularly known as “The Gray Man”.

Better yet, it is because of betrayal that he was cut out from his CIA position. He ends up as a freelance assassin yet one of the most sought after. So he takes on a task he is hired for in Syria and Iraq.

It is while there, he finds out that a team supposedly meant to protect him is plotting his elimination. The American novelist Greaney is celebrated for this 2009 creative piece.

23. The Way of Shadows by Brent Weeks

Brent takes us to a city run by street culture and crime guilds through his 2008 fantasy work. No other culture exists for this city which offers a unique twist of events for this narrative making it one of the best assassin novels of all time.

Better yet, the story follows Azoth who is a member of a crime gang but he feels that his life is threatened. Hence his only option is to seek protection from the legendary assassin, Durzo Blint. This novel is the first of the Night Angel book series.

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24. The Spy Who Came in from the Cold by John le Carré

Like most other works by British author le Carré, there is evidence of spy-craft making it an assassin novel of all time. The novel also delves into complex political agendas and moral issues linked to intelligence departments which he calls ‘The Circus’.

The story is set during the Cold War era where we encounter the British agent, Alec Leamas. He is sent to East Germany with the task of faking his defecting from the British networks. His target is to plant misinformation about a top-ranking East German intelligence officer. The spy novel was published in 1963.

25. The Hunter by Tom Wood

This book is the first of the thriller series, Victor the Assassin. With a collection of over 10 books in the book series, it is a treat for lovers of thrillers. This builds trust in The Hunter and the entire series an assassin collection of all time. Only best described by the below review from a reader.

A reader of The Hunter review from Hachette UK publication, “A nonstop, breathless, trimmed-to-the-bone thriller with action sequences that are absolutely state-of-the-art. It’s the best chase novel I’ve read in years.”

The story follows the assassin, Victor of whom very little is known about him, he has no past nor surname. While on a mission in Paris, things go wrong and he has to run through four or so continents for his safety. Further, he is in the company of a lady he can’t fully trust and the enemies pursuing him are too powerful for him. The British author Wood released the novel in 2012.

26. The Godfather by Mario Puzo

Puzo the American author is celebrated for this 1969 crime title. The novel is one of the best assassin books of all time because it gives us vivid insights into the complex nature of mob groups.

What’s more, The Godfather centers on the Corleone family. They are one of the noteworthy New York Mafia families. They have to fight their enemies, by all means, to maintain their place of authority as a top gang.

Subsequently, family members are murdered, and they also betray each other. But one son Michael stands strong for revenge against the murders of his family members. He schemes a way out to murder all the enemies of the Corleone family. In the end, he also moves the operational base of the family business to Las Vegas.

27. The First Rule by Robert Crais

The American writer Crais is famed for detective fiction and this novel allows us to learn the rule of thumb in crime games. The first principle to prove your loyalty in any crime gang is to forsake everyone including your family. Failure to do that, assassination is guaranteed.

Moreover, the book is about Frank Meyer who is murdered alongside his entire family. Hence the police launch a probe to investigate the secret life they are certain Meyer lived. Joe Pike and Elvis Cole are given this task to solve the murder case of their old friend, Meyer, and his family.

The First Rule is a top-score assassin book of all time as it narrates to us the ins and outs of mob groups. From their rules, and coordinated networks with intelligence units, to the consequences for traitors.

28. Killing Floor by Lee Child

Killing Floor is an assassin book of all time as it presents a unique twist of events whereby coincidence and fate are intertwined. Ex-policeman Jack Reacher persuades a bus driver to stop at an unscheduled destination. The place is Margrave, which is a small town in Georgia.

To add on, unknown to Reacher, his brother who is a U.S. Treasury personnel had been murdered a few hours earlier in the same town. In a short while, cops come to him with shotguns in hand and he is arrested for murder claims. Yet Jack is sure he hasn’t killed anyone in a long time. The British author James Dover Grant published this thriller in 1997 under his pen name Lee Child.

29. The Death of Mrs. Westaway by Ruth Ware

Hal Westaway is a lonely, and poor tarot card reader who is the main character in the novel. She receives a letter bequeathing her inheritance and this is the start of this mystery narrative.

Furthermore, she realizes that the letter was not meant for her but she sees it as an opportunity to claim the inheritance. She plans to use her tarot card reading skills to lay a claim. Hence her first move is to attend the funeral of the deceased.

In her chase for the money, Hal discovers that the situation is surrounded by mystery including the inheritance at the center of it all. It is a puzzle marred with family secrets, a possible murder case, and an inheritance highly sought after.

The Death of Mrs. Westaway is one of the best assassin books of all time because it shows us the greed for money and power in human beings. Hal wants to claim an inheritance that isn’t hers while Mrs. Westaway is killed because of her wealth. This thriller is the 2018 work of British writer Ware.

30. The Chemist by Stephenie Meyer

A 2016 classic by American novelist Meyer. The story centers on an ex-assassin agent. There is scanty information about her life and no one can attest to the work she does.

More to it, her former associates and employer want her dead so she runs for her life. But they call her for a final task in exchange for her life and she sees it as a worthwhile risk to put a stop to her life threats.

The Chemist is among the best assassin books of all time as it provokes our thoughts about the consequences that come along with involvement in crime life. It is a lifetime attachment that once inside, quitting may never be an option. The below quotes speak for the book in volumes.

Quotes from The Chemist, “You’ll make mistakes because it’s impossible to know what is or isn’t a mistake until it’s made.”

“Sometimes you cling to a mistake simply because it took so long to make.”

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31. Codename Villanelle by Luke Jennings

It is a celebrated 2017 thriller novel by British author Jennings. This novel qualifies as one of the best assassin books of all time because it is a revelation of the fact that women have also succeeded in the assassin’s sphere in our modern day.

In the story, we meet a heartless female assassin given the code name, Villanelle. The Russian orphan takes her skills after her gangster father. She is imprisoned for killing the people that murdered her father. But she is rescued from prison by a group named “The Twelve”. Her freedom means fierce murders go on.

32. Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay

This 2004 novel is a paragon of crime horror by the American writer Jeffry P. Freundlich under his pen name Jeff Lindsay. It is among the best assassin books of all time since it fits in the puzzle to bring to our realization, the double-sided life of assassins.

The story draws us to Dexter Morgan an assassin who masks under his job as a forensic blood spatter analyst working in Miami-Dade Police Department. Morgan has a homicidal urge that he claims is out of his control.

As a result, he kills criminals whom he feels convinced the legal system has failed to punish accordingly. His target is murder suspects, rapists, and child molesters among other criminals.

33. A Dance with Dragons by George R.R. Martin

a warrior girl

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This 2011 novel is the fifth book in the series, A Song of Ice and Fire by renowned American writer Martin. The first novel in the epic fantasy series is A Game of Thrones (1991). It sparked an adaptation into the HBO television series, Game of Thrones.

Additionally, A Dance with Dragons is about the battle upon which the future of the Seven Kingdoms hangs in balance. Yet there is the pressure of threats from all directions.

Thus Daenerys Targaryen has no choice but to build her city on dust and death assisted by her three dragons. As queen, she is the only surviving member of the Targaryen royal family. Meaning that her loss means the wiping out of her family name.

A Dance with Dragons is an assassin book of all time because it paints the picture of the thirst and rivalry for power that exists in the political space of our society.

34. The English Assassin by Daniel Silva

The American author Silva released this spy novel in 2002. In this story, we meet Israeli spy Gabriel Allon. He is an art restorer by profession but works part-time as a spy for an Israeli intelligence agency.

Allon is invited for a task in Zurich by a millionaire banker. Upon arrival at his premises, he meets his dead body and tries to escape the scene. But he is arrested while leaving the country and accused of murdering the banker.

Furthermore, his Israeli agency bails him out. But he has to struggle to clear his name since more trails of killings from his past haunt him. That aside, he has to fight for his life and his foe is a man he trained to become an assassin.

The English Assassin is one of the best assassin books of all time because it drives home the reality of the haunt that comes with criminal engagements.

35. The Yiddish Policemen’s Union by Michael Chabon

This 2007 title is one of the best assassin books of all time because the American author Chabon offers his audience an alternative to history. Thus his book is based on real historical events but he gives the occasions a different twist which brings out a new dimension of creativity and imagination.

Over and above that, one of the historical accounts that stand out in this novel is the Jewish Holocaust record. Chabon describes the event as happening on the Alaskan coast and only two million Jews are assassinated rather than the six million in historical records.

36. A Wanted Man by Lee Child

The British novelist James Grant released this 17th book in the Jack Reacher series in 2012 under his pen name, Lee Child. Reacher waits for over one and a half hours before he can catch a ride out of Nebraska to Virginia.

What’s more, unknown to him the car he boards is carrying two male passengers and one woman. The men were wanted for killing a man and getting away, as well as hijacking and kidnapping the lady in their company. So Reacher is caught up amidst murder accusations for his association with the assassins.

A Wanted Man is one of the best assassin books of all time because it enlightens us on the importance of thinking through decisions. Especially during desperate times since help at such times may lead us to more trouble. See quotes from the novel below.

Quotes from A Wanted Man, “Some old guy once said that the meaning of life is that it ends.”

“Imagine the uproar if the Federal government tried to make everyone wear a radio transmitter around their neck so we can keep track of their movements. But people happily carry their cell phones in their purses and pockets.”

37. An American Spy by Olen Steinhauer

A stunning thriller by American author Steinhauer and published in 2012. In summary, Milo Weaver is among the few external (tourists) CIA assassins left. So he desires to return to a normal life but his former boss at the CIA Alan Drummond will have none of this.

Moreover, Alan disappears while on a trip to London with one of Weaver’s compromised aliases. Hence Weaver goes on a search for his former boss.  What is little known is that the tourist assassins seem to be brewing something to hit back effectively.

An American Spy is among the best assassin books of all time because it informs us about an important concern in the assassin game. That is, there will always be a few people who pull the strings and the majority are those being played.

38. Night Fall by Nelson DeMille

This 2004 exemplar is the renowned work of American author, DeMille. The novel centers on events of the 1996 plane crash of TWA Flight 800 off Long Island in New York. It kills over 200 people aboard.

Besides, investigations show that the cause of the crash was a mechanical failure. But according to a film recorded by a nearby couple reveals the plane crash was due to a missile from the ocean.

Detective John Corey and his wife want to rule out the concern of mechanical failure. They are warned against further investigations on the issue and sent on duty to other continents. When they return, they are ready to release their findings but the 9/11 attacks overshadow their report. So the truth is never out.

Night Fall is an assassin book of all time and serves as an aha moment for us to learn to question situations. This is because sometimes there is always more than what meets the eye.

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39. The Tourist by Olen Steinhauer

An espionage paragon like its counterpart An American Spy (earlier). Hence being a prequel to the latter and contributing to the Milo Weaver narrative, the novel ranks among the top assassin books of all time.

The story shows us Milo’s determination to get to the bottom of who calls the shots. As a “tourist” undercover CIA agent, he uses his techniques to meet his mission. The book was published in 2009.

40. Traitor’s Blade by Sebastien de Castell

It is part of the Greatcoats series by the Canadian writer Sebastien. Traitor’s Blade begins with the king’s assassination introducing us to the prevailing muck in the royal circles of the Greatcoats. In the novel, this group consists of ancient traveling magistrates and duelists.

Better still, there is a disgraced swordsman who strives to redeem himself. The best way he thinks to earn redemption is by protecting a young girl who is in the middle of a royal conspiracy.

Traitor’s Blade is one of the best assassin books of all time as it exposes to us the undying spirit of the assassins. Yet showing us they are also humans and have their emotional sense which they only have to camouflage. See the quotes below to get a feel of the assassin spirit.

Quotes from Traitor’s Blade, “The archer is the true weapon; the bow is just a long piece of wood.”

“The first rule of the sword is – put the pointy end into the other man”.

41. The Blade of Shattered Hope by James Dashner

The Blade of Shattered Hope is one of the best assassin books of all time. This is because acclaimed American author Dashner unpacks action, couples it with suspense, and shows the power of sacrifice. This novel was released in 2010.

The story centers on a scientific experiment underway that is a result of vengeance. Mistress Jane gets the universe’s darkest secret to create the “Blade of Shattered Hope”. She aims to create a futuristic reality for humankind at all costs including killing the world’s entire population.

To add on, Tick and his friends have to counter this plan. So he teams with Sato, Sofia, and Paul to find a solution to the menace. They have no other choice but to fix the problem before it wipes out the entire universe.

42. The Kill Artist by Daniel Silva

This spy novel is a 2002 classic work by American author Silva. It is the first book where the character Gabriel Allon (earlier) appears.  Allon is portrayed as an art collector cum an Israeli intelligence operative.

Additionally, this assassin thinks his past is water under the bridge as he has been living his life free of crime. Yet he is called back to the game and teamed up with a lady who masks as a beautiful fashion model. Then his past begins to resurface and he has to find a way to keep the same under control.

The Kill Artist like many of the other books by Silva portrays the theme of the protagonist trying to unmask the people who are in the driver’s seat in the assassin game. These adventures make this novel one of the best assassin books of all time.

43. The Last Assassin by Barry Eisler

American novelist Eisler released this book in 2006. The novel reveals the struggles of the contract killer John Rain. He is pushed to the limit to recruit a Japanese FBI who is also an ex-marine sniper to protect the mother of his child from his enemies. He hopes to reconcile with her sometime.

The Last Assassin is one of the best assassin books of all time because it voices the challenges that those close to the assassins are subjected to.

44. The Killer Inside Me by Jim Thompson

This 1952 psychological thriller by Thompson is a story about a Texas small-town deputy sheriff known as Lou Ford. He hides his disturbing dark side under his role.

Ford has committed murder, sexual offenses, and other crimes but he masks his inner personality with a boring and slow character to the public. Everyone views him as a boring and slow deputy sheriff thus never suspected of any crime.

The Killer Inside Me is an assassin book of all time as it pushes us to try and understand people or situations in-depth because there could be more to what we see or are told. Only the quotes below put this message into perspective.

Quotes from The Killer Inside Me, “There are things that have to be forgotten if you want to go on living.”

“We’re living in a funny world kid, a peculiar civilization. The police are playing crooks in it, and the crooks are doing police duty. The politicians are preachers, and the preachers are politicians. The tax collectors collect for themselves. The Bad People want us to have more dough, and the good people are fighting to keep it from us. It’s not good for us, know what I mean? If we had all we wanted to eat, we’d eat too much. We’d have inflation in the toilet paper industry. That’s the way I understand it. That’s about the size of some of the arguments I’ve heard.”

45. In the Woods by Tana French

This 2007 mystery classic is the celebrated work of American writer Tana. The story is about a murder investigation of 12-year-old friends. Their names are Jamie, Adam, and Peter.

Moreover, the children go for an adventure into the woods and once they fail to return home for their tea, the police are informed. The police probe of the woods only discovers Adam who is found in a nonresponsive state with his shoes full of blood. The search for the other two keeps going but they’re never found.

In the Woods is an Assasin book of all time because it is a disclosure of our modern-day brutality of crime levels. Mobsters have everyone as their target including children.

46. The Ninja by Eric Van Lustbader

a martial artist

Photo by Thao LEE on Unsplash

This 1980 novel is a tale of revenge, love, and murder elaborated in crime and suspense episodes making it an assassin book of all time. The American author Lustbader presents to us Nicholas Linnear, a Japanese martial arts master.

Better still, Linnear falls in love and this woman becomes his obsession. He can’t forget and has no control over his passion for her. Thus he ends up being her father’s bodyguard to protect him from his foes.

There is also the murder case of a prominent businessman and the killer is Linnear’s older cousin Saigō, who is also a ninja. So Nicholas finds an opportunity to settle scores with his cousin for a battle he lost against Saigō. He sees it as a chance to prove himself as the best ninja.

47. Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas

The story is about the assassin turned queen, Celaena Sardothien. She is seeking revenge because everyone she loves has been taken from her. Now that she has embraced her identity as Aelin Galathynius, or Queen of Terrasen, she is going head-on to overthrow the king.

More to that, all she is after is to free her people and restore her home. And she is ready to battle it out with anyone standing in her way until she wins. American writer Maas saw this literature paradigm published in 2015.

Queen of Shadows is one of the best assassin books of all time because it allows us a preview into the relentless spirit of assassins. Most especially once they are set on a given mission.   

48. The Silkworm by Robert Galbraith (J.K. Rowling)

The British author J.K. Rowling famous for the Harry Potter series wrote The Silkworm under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith. It is a crime thriller that was published in 2014.

The novel is the second volume in the Cormoran Strike book series. The story focuses on a murder investigation for a novelist who disappears once his upcoming book is leaked. According to reports, the novelist is killed for his scandalous book about to be released.

The Silkworm counts among the best assassin books of all time as it shows the plight of creatives like writers in addressing sensitive social concerns in our communities.

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49. The Innocent by David Baldacci

In this narrative, we interact with an American skilled hitman hired to kill but everything goes wrong and it becomes a hit gone wrong. So he must rescue a teenage runaway who is left orphaned after her parent’s murders. He must also investigate these murders. American author Baldacci released this title in 2012.

The Innocent wins a place in this list of the best assassin books of all time because of its recurrent theme throughout the novel, the will to survive. The quote below is an excellent display of this thought.

A quote from The Innocent, “Life is what it is, Will. You take it as it comes. You had to take life as it came. It gave no quarter, spared no feelings. Limited no pain. Put no ceiling on happiness.”

50. The Third Bullet by Stephen Hunter

This novel is one of the highly regarded works of American novelist, Hunter. The book was published in 2013. The story follows the character Bob Lee Swagger, a former Marine sniper.

On top of that, Swagger follows the slightest hints that lead him to the conclusion of the third bullet that succeeded in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Though the story draws inspiration from a real historical event, it adds fictional elements to make the account flavorsome.

The Third Bullet is one of the best assassin books of all time since the story borrows from history but gives a twist to reality leaving historians puzzled.

These 50 best assassin books of all time are sure to thrill you. They are worth adding to your bookshelf so we hope you’ll be on your way to your bookstore and add one or more of these titles for your next read. Happy reading!

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