70 Iconic Sports Quotes That Inspire Beyond the Field


Even if you’re the athlete in this circumstance, seeing someone push themselves to achieve what seems like an insurmountable task is motivational in and of itself. But even the very finest struggle with the idea that they are not good enough. These 70 Iconic sports quotes provide you with the extra drive you sometimes need to give it your all. These sayings by some of the most well-known athletes can inspire you to keep going forward, whether they are about leadership, teamwork, confidence, or working out. We’ll be there in the stands to support you.

1.”The Only Way To Do Great Work Is To Love What You Do. If You Haven’t Found It Yet, Keep Looking. Don’t Settle.” – Steve Jobs

One of the most well-known quotes attributed to Apple Inc. co-founder and executive chairman Steve Jobs. His comment is widely used as inspiration for people to find their passion and pursue their dreams because he is recognized as one of the finest businessmen to have ever lived. He said this in his commencement speech at Stanford University on June 12, 2005. The speech was given at the university’s commencement ceremony in the Stanford Stadium in Stanford, California.

According to the phrase, it will be challenging to produce excellent job if you are not passionate about what you do. Loving what you do increases your motivation, creativity, and productivity. Additionally, you are more inclined to persist in the face of difficulties and setbacks.

The phrase suggests that it’s imperative to refrain from accepting a job you don’t like. If you are dissatisfied with your career, it is imperative that you constantly look for better opportunities.

2. “The Difference Between Ordinary And Extraordinary Is That Little Extra.” – Jimmy Johnson

This is attributed to Jimmy Johnson, a former American football coach who won two Super Bowls with the Dallas Cowboys. People usually cite his words as inspiration to strive for greatness because he is recognized as one of the finest coaches in NFL history.

The quote suggests that there is a thin line between ordinary people from exceptional people. Often, making the distinction between the two just calls for a little more effort, concentration, or creativity.  It further implies that it’s crucial to refrain from accepting mediocrity. If you want to excel, you must be prepared to make the extra effort. Success cannot be attained quickly.

3. “The Only Place Where Success Comes Before Work Is In The Dictionary.” – Vidal Sassoon

This a well-known adage attributed to British hairstylist and tycoon Vidal Sassoon, who transformed the hairstyling market. His quote is commonly cited as inspiration for others to put out the work required to succeed because he is recognized as one of the most influential hairdressers of all time.

The phrase emphasizes that success is not something that comes easily. It necessitates hard work, dedication, and tenacity. It’s impossible to succeed overnight. If you want to succeed, you have to be prepared to put in the work.

4. “The Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With A Single Step” – Lao Tzu

The quotation is attributed to Lao Tzu, a Chinese philosopher and writer who flourished in the sixth century BC. He is recognized as one of the most important figures in Chinese philosophy, and a variety of civilizations have been influenced by his teachings.

Every journey, no matter how long or difficult, begins with a single step, goes the proverb. It serves as a reminder to focus on taking each step as it presents itself rather than letting our goals frighten us.

The sentence also suggests the importance of tenacity and patience. Every journey has its challenges, but if we keep going, one step at a time, we’ll get there in the end.

5. “The Only Way To Fail Is To Give Up” – Michael Jordan

Picture of Michael Jordan at a basketball game.. Joshua Massel. Cropped by en:User:Quadzilla99, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Michael Jordan, a retired American basketball player who is regarded as one of the game’s all-time greats, is known for his motivational quotes. He is a successful businessperson and entrepreneur.

According to the saying, failure is not an option. You must persevere if you want to succeed, no matter how difficult things get. You need to be persistent and never give up on your objectives.

The statement also emphasizes how important it is to grow from your mistakes. Try not to dwell on your failures too much. Instead, you ought to learn from them and use what you learn to improve yourself.

6. “The Only One Who Can Tell You ‘You Can’t Win’ Is You And You Don’t Have To Listen”—Jessica Ennis-Hill

Jessica Ennis-Hill. Erik van Leeuwen, GFDL, via Wikimedia Commons

It is credited to British track and field athlete Jessica Ennis-Hill, who won the heptathlon gold medal at the 2012 and 2016 Summer Olympics. She is regarded as one of history’s best heptathletes.

The quotation conveys the idea that having confidence in oneself and one’s skills is crucial. You are the only person who can tell yourself that you cannot accomplish your ambitions. You will never reach your full potential if you believe people who tell you that you cannot win.

 Remain persistent and never give up on your goals. You should continue trying no matter how many times you fall short. You will eventually succeed if you never give up and never stop believing in yourself.

7. “I’d Rather Regret The Risks That Didn’t Work Out Than The Chances I Didn’t Take At All” —Simone Biles

Simone Biles. Agência Brasil Fotografias, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

This is a well-known phrase from Simone Biles, the most decorated gymnast in history and an American artistic gymnast. She has 32 medals from the Olympics and the World Championships, including 19 gold ones.

The phrase implies that taking chances and failing is preferable to playing things safe and never trying anything new. You will never know your potential if you never take any chances. Additionally, you might pass on chances that would have altered your course in life.

The quotation also conveys the idea that it’s critical to learn from your errors. Don’t quit up if you take a chance and it doesn’t work out. Instead, you ought to attempt again after taking lessons from your errors.

8. “The Only Way To Prove That You’re A Good Sport Is To Lose” —Ernie Banks

Ernie Banks 1969. Jewel Tea via tradingcarddb.com, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Ernie Banks, who passed away in 2015, was a sportsmanship specialist. Banks was a baseball player who had a 19-year Major League career and was a strong hitter. He was named the Most Valuable Player of the National League twice, in 1958 and 1959. He was elected to baseball’s Hall of Fame in 1977 as a result of his 512 career home runs and 14 all-star games.

According to the saying, it’s crucial to show grace when losing. No one enjoys losing, but the ability to accept defeat with dignity is crucial. Being able to accept defeat well demonstrates your spirit of competition and regard for the sport.

9. “One Man Practicing Sportsmanship Is Far Better Than 50 Preaching It” —Knute Rockne

Knute Rockne, a famed American football coach who guided the Notre Dame Fighting Irish to four national titles, is credited with saying this. He is regarded as one of the finest college football coaches in history.

The quotation implies that modeling good sportsmanship is more crucial than preaching it. Anyone can preach about sportsmanship, but to actually practice it requires guts and character. By acting with sportsmanship, you respect your teammates, your opponents, and the game itself.

The proverb also implies that one person can have a much greater impact on others than fifty preachers of sportsmanship.

10. “I Just Knew If It Could Be Done, It Had To Be Done, And I Did It” —Gertrude Ederle

Gertrude Ederle. Bain News Service, publisher, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Gertrude Ederle, an American competitive swimmer and the first woman to cross the English Channel, is credited with saying this. At the age of 20, she accomplished this accomplishment, breaking the previous record by 14 hours.

According to the quote, Ederle was a driven and determined person who wasn’t scared to challenge herself. If something was possible, she thought it was worth attempting. She also had the mindset that everything was possible for her.

The quotation also implies that Ederle served as an example for women and young girls. She demonstrated that women were capable of great feats, especially in traditionally male-dominated sports.

11. “Overpower. Overtake. Overcome” —Serena Williams

Serena Williams. Christian Mesiano, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Serena Williams, one of the best tennis players of all time and a 23-time Grand Slam champion, is credited as saying this. She is renowned for both her strong serves and her aggressive playing style.

Williams is described in the remark as a player to watch on the tennis court. She has no qualms about overwhelming her adversaries, catching up with them, or overcoming any obstacles they may provide.

Williams is portrayed in the quote as being driven and determined. She is constantly trying to win and raise her game. No matter how difficult the competition, she never gives up.

12. “The Five S’s Of Sports Training Are: Stamina, Speed, Strength, Skill, and Spirit; But The Greatest of These Is Spirit” —Ken Doherty

Ken Doherty, a former professional snooker player from Northern Ireland, is credited with saying this. He is regarded as one of the best snooker players of all time and a three-time world champion.

The quotation argues that stamina, speed, strength, talent, and enthusiasm are the five most crucial traits for sporting success. Doherty thinks that the greatest of these is spirit, nevertheless.

The capacity to sustain physical effort for an extended amount of time is known as stamina. The capacity to move fast is called speed. The capacity for force application is strength. A skill is the capacity to carry out a task precisely and accurately. Spirit is the mental and emotional fortitude needed to face obstacles head-on and never give up.

13. “An Athlete Cannot Run With Money In His Pockets. He Must Run With Hope In His Heart and Dreams In His Head” —Emil Zatopek

Emil Zatopek, a long-distance runner from the Czech Republic who won four gold medals in the Olympic Games in 1948 and 1952, is credited with saying this. He is regarded as one of the best runners in history.

According to the saying, money is not the most crucial factor for an athlete. Having dreams and hope is very significant. Athletes are inspired to work hard in the gym and never give up when they harbour hopes and goals.

Zatopek was a very modest individual. Money and celebrity were never important to him. He had no other interests save running and reaching his goals. He thought that anything was possible for him if he had hope and dreams.

14. “Somebody Gives You An Opportunity, Say Yes To It. So What If You Fail? You Won’t Know If You Fail Or Succeed Unless You Try” —Ann Meyers

Ann Meyers. Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Ann Meyers, a former basketball player who competed in the WNBA and the Olympics, is credited with saying this. She is a motivational speaker as well as a sportscaster.

The quotation advises us to constantly say “yes” to possibilities, despite our fear of failing. Life will inevitably involve failure, and it is only through failure that we may develop and learn.

Meyers has had to overcome a lot of obstacles throughout her life. She was the first female college basketball player on a team with male players. She participated in the WNBA’s early years as a player as well. Despite experiencing sexism and discrimination, she never gave up. She feels that we will never succeed if we are afraid to make mistakes.

15. “The Hardest Skill To Acquire In This Sport Is The One Where You Compete All Out, Give It All You Have, And You Are Still Getting Beat No Matter What You Do. When You Have The Killer Instinct To Fight Through That, It Is Very Special” —Eddie Reese

Eddie Reese 1988. File:1988 US Olympic swim team coaches.jpg, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Eddie Reese, a former college swimming coach in the United States who is largely considered as one of the best swimming coaches of all time, is credited with saying this. For 46 seasons, he led the men’s swimming team at the University of Texas to 10 national titles.

According to the quotation, the ability to persevere under duress is the hardest skill to master in any sport. It can be easy to give up when you are giving your all during a competition but still losing. The killer instinct, on the other hand, will drive you to fight until the bitter end.

16. “Make Sure Your Worst Enemy Doesn’t Live Between Your Own Two Ears” —Laird Hamilton

Laird Hamilton, an American big wave surfer and waterman, is credited with saying this. He is renowned for his innovative surfing methods and risk-taking spirit.

According to the quotation, our deadliest enemy may very well be our own thoughts. Negative ideas have the power to keep us from reaching our objectives and leading the lives we want to lead if we let them dominate our minds.

Both on and off the water, Hamilton has struggled with numerous obstacles throughout his life. He has suffered numerous injuries and lost friends and family members. He has, nevertheless, never given up. He thinks that resisting negative ideas is the only way to overcome difficulties.

He argues that challenging negative thoughts is the best approach to handle them. When we are thinking negatively, we should stop and consider why we are thinking that way. Is there any proof to back up our negative belief? Is there an alternative perspective on the matter?

We can begin to overcome our negative thoughts by addressing them. We can develop a positive outlook and self-confidence.

17. “What Makes Something Special Is Not Just What You Have To Gain, But What You Feel There Is To Lose” —Andre Agassi

Andre Agassi (2005). Wikigo, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Andre Agassi, a retired American professional tennis player widely recognized as one of the sport’s all-time greats, is credited with saying this. He won four US Opens and eight Grand Slam singles championships overall.

According to the quote, something’s worth is influenced by both what we stand to gain and lose as well as what we can get from it. We are more likely to cherish and fight for something when we believe we have something to lose.

In his life, Agassi has had to overcome many obstacles, both on and off the tennis court. He has battled despair and addiction, and he has overcame disappointments and injuries. He has, nevertheless, consistently resisted and never given up. He holds that what makes life worthwhile are the things we stand to lose.

He claims that imagining losing something is the best way to appreciate it. We are more likely to value and care for something when we consider what we would lose if we lost it.

18. “You Win Some, You Lose Some, And Some Get Rained Out, But You Gotta Suit Up For Them All” —J. Askenberg

This famous remark was made by novelist and sportswriter J. Askenberg. It serves as a reminder that despite experiencing both success and failure in life, we must continue to try. Even though we are aware that we might not succeed, we should always give it our all.

In both his personal and professional lives, Askenberg has encountered many difficulties. He has endured financial difficulty, been hurt, and the loss of loved ones. He has, however, consistently persisted and never given up. He thinks that perseverance is the only way to overcome obstacles.

The greatest approach to handle setbacks, according to him, is to learn from them. When we make a mistake, we should reflect on why it occurred and how we can prevent it from happening again. We must also develop the ability to forget about our mistakes and move on. We can accomplish anything we set our minds to if we never give up and continuously learn from our errors.

19. “Always Work Hard, Never Give Up, And Fight Until The End Because It’s Never Really Over Until The Whistle Blows” —Alex Morgan

Alex Morgan. Erik Drost, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Alex Morgan, a forward for the Orlando Pride of the National Women’s Soccer League (NWSL) and the United States women’s national team, is credited with saying this. She has won a World Cup and two gold medals at the Olympics.

No matter the circumstances, the saying advises us to always try our hardest. When things are difficult, we shouldn’t give up. The game isn’t over until the referee blows the last whistle, therefore we should fight to the bitter end.

Morgan is a competitive competitor and a very hard worker. Despite the numerous obstacles she has encountered in her career, she never gave up. She thinks that perseverance is the key to success.

She argues that perseverance is the key to overcoming hardship. When times are bad, we must constantly remind ourselves that if we don’t give up, we can conquer anything. We can accomplish anything we set our minds to if we work hard, never give up, and persevere until the very end.

20. “I Believe In The Impossible Because No One Else Does” —Florence Griffith Joyner

The American track and field athlete Florence Griffith Joyner, who is regarded as one of the best sprinters of all time, is credited with saying this. At the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul, South Korea, she won three gold medals and broke numerous records.

The quotation implies that Griffith Joyner had a strong sense of self-confidence and her capacity for greatness. Even though others warned her that her aspirations were impractical, she was not frightened to have great dreams. If she put her mind to it, anything was achievable, in her opinion.

Griffith Joyner experienced a number of difficulties in her personal and professional lives. She was given a scoliosis diagnosis as a child, and to become a successful athlete, she overcame a lot of pain and struggle. She didn’t give up on her dreams, either. She had the mindset that anything was possible for her, and she did it.

She asserts that having confidence in oneself is the key to achieving one’s goals. When you have self-confidence, you’re more willing to take chances and persevere.

Griffith Joyner become one of the greatest athletes of all time by having faith in the impossibility. She demonstrated to the world that anything is feasible if one has the will to do it.

21. “Many Times, I Had To Dig Deep And Perform. All Of That Adversity Helped Me And Drove Me To Want To Be The Best” —Hayley Wickenheiser

Hayley Wickenheiser. Tricia Hall, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

This legendary remark was made by Canadian ice hockey star Hayley Wickenheiser, who is regarded as one of the best ever. Seven world championships and four gold Olympic medals were won by her. The phrase implies that despite facing numerous obstacles throughout her career, Wickenheiser never gave up. She thinks that difficulty may bolster our will and make us stronger.

Wickenheiser herself overcame many obstacles in her professional life. She overcame discrimination and sexism to become one of the first women to play ice hockey at a high level. Additionally, she had to contend with setbacks and injuries. She didn’t give up on her dreams, either. She had the mindset that anything was possible for her, and she did it.

She argues that perseverance is the key to overcoming hardship. When difficulties arise, it is important to remind yourself of your goals and the motivation behind your arduous efforts. Additionally, keep in mind that you are not alone and that you have supporters.

Wickenheiser become one of the best ice hockey players of all time by overcoming adversity. She demonstrated to the world that if you never give up on your aspirations, anything is possible.

22. “Courage, Sacrifice, Determination, Commitment, Toughness, Heart, Talent, Guts. That’s What Little Girls Are Made Of; The Heck With Sugar And Spice” —Bethany Hamilton

Bethany Hamilton. Spoungeworthy at English Wikipedia, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Bethany Hamilton, a professional surfer who lost her left arm in a shark attack at the age of 13, is credited with saying this. Since then, she has won a number of surfing contests, including the 2013 ESPY Award for Best Comeback Athlete.

According to the saying, tiny girls are not only made of sugar and spice, but also of courage, selflessness, tenacity, and other traits that are frequently linked to strength and fortitude. Hamilton is of the opinion that these characteristics are necessary for young females to prosper in life.

Hamilton serves as a powerful illustration of the effectiveness of these traits. At a young age, she was faced with an obstacle that was exceedingly challenging, yet she persisted. She resisted and overcame her wounds to become a proficient surfer. She is a role model for women everywhere.

She thinks that setting an example for young females is the best approach to teach them about these virtues. Girls are more likely to think they can be strong and robust if they observe strong, resilient women.

23. “Age Is No Barrier. It’s A Limitation You Put On Your Mind” —Jackie Joyner-Kersee

Olympian and activist Jackie Joyner-Kersee. Senior Airman Tara Stetler, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Jackie Joyner-Kersee, an American track and field athlete who is regarded as one of the best athletes of all time, is credited with saying this. At the Olympics, she earned three gold medals, two silver medals, and countless world records.

According to the phrase, success can be attained at any age. It is merely a restriction we place on ourselves. No matter our age, if we have the belief that we can succeed, we can.

Joyner-Kersee herself overcame a number of obstacles in her professional life, but she never gave up. She was given a scoliosis diagnosis as a child, and to become a successful athlete, she overcame a lot of pain and struggle.

She asserts that having confidence in oneself is the strongest defense against ageism. When you have self-confidence, you’re more willing to take chances and persevere.

Joyner-Kersee became one of history’s best athletes by overcoming ageism. She demonstrated to the world that if you never give up on your aspirations, anything is possible.

24. “A Trophy Carries Dust. Memories Last Forever” —Mary Lou Retton

Mary Lou Retton, an American gymnast who won five Olympic medals at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, including a gold medal in the all-around category, is credited with saying this.

The quotation implies that while prizes and other tangible items are transient, our memories remain a lifetime. The memories of the trip are what we will value most when we accomplish something amazing.

Retton is familiar with the value of memories firsthand. According to her, she remembers the emotions associated with earning the gold medal more than she does the actual trophy. She claims that what make the experience so unique are the recollections of the sacrifice, perseverance, and support of her family and friends.

Focusing on the trip rather than the destination, according to her, is the best approach to make enduring memories. We are more likely to appreciate the little things and learn from our failures when we keep our attention on the trip. We can make memories that will last a lifetime by concentrating on the journey.

25. “You’ve Got To Be Confident When You’re Competing. You’ve Got To Be A Beast” —Gabby Douglas

Gabby Douglas. Agência Brasil Fotografias, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

This was written by former American artistic gymnast Gabby Douglas. As the first American gymnast to win gold in both the individual all-around and team disciplines at the same Olympics, she is also the first African American to win the Olympic individual all-around title.

After winning the gold medal in the individual all-around category at the 2012 Summer Olympics, Douglas made this statement in an interview. She was discussing the value of self-assurance and mental toughness in athletic competitiveness. She said that in order to compete like a “beast,” you must be prepared to go out there and have faith in your own abilities.

This phrase serves as a gentle reminder that self-assurance is crucial for success in any endeavor. When you have confidence, you are more inclined to take chances, persevere through difficulties, and accomplish your objectives. It serves as a reminder that despite how modest they may seem, we should all be proud of our successes.

26. “It’s Going To Be A Journey. It’s Not A Sprint To Get In Shape” —Kerri Walsh Jennings

Kerri Walsh Jennings. BrokenSphere, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

This was written by former American beach volleyball player Kerri Walsh Jennings. She has won three gold medals at the Olympics and three world championships.

This statement was made by Walsh Jennings during a discussion of her fitness quest. When it comes to getting in shape, she stressed the value of patience and persistence. She claimed that although it is not something that can be accomplished overnight, the journey is worthwhile.

Being in shape is not simple, as this saying serves as a reminder. It requires dedication, time, and work. But it also serves as a reminder that if you are persistent and patient, you can attain your fitness goals.

27. “Passion First And Everything Will Fall Into Place” —Holly Holm

Holly Holm. Mike Jackson, “Mike The Truth”, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Former UFC champion and retired American mixed martial artist Holly Holm is the author of this. She was a former kick boxer and boxing world champion.

In a career-related interview, Holm made this remark. She stressed the value of following your passion and remaining persistent in your goals. According to her, you will find a way to make things work if you are passionate about it.

This quotation serves as a reminder that enthusiasm is necessary for success in any endeavor. When you are passionate about something, it is easier to stay motivated, persist through difficulties, and accomplish your objectives. It serves as a reminder for us all to pursue our goals, no matter how challenging they may seem.

28. “Somewhere Behind The Athlete You’ve Become And The Hours Of Practice And The Coaches Who Have Pushed You Is A Little Girl Who Fell In Love With The Game And Never Looked Back… Play For Her” —Mia Hamm

This was written by former American soccer player Mia Hamm. She has won two Olympic gold medals and is the American women’s national soccer team’s all-time leading scorer.

In a career-related interview, Hamm made the following statement. She stressed the value of remaining true to your passion even when circumstances are challenging.

This saying serves as a reminder to never give up on our aspirations. When faced with difficulties, we must keep in mind why we began in the first place. We must keep in mind that we are not travelling alone. We should never forget the numerous persons who have helped us along the journey.

29. “You Were Born To Be A Player. You Were Meant To Be Here. This Moment Is Yours” —Herb Brooks

This was written by retired American ice hockey coach Herb Brooks. His most notable accomplishment is leading the American men’s ice hockey team to Olympic gold in 1980.

Before their match for the gold medal against the Soviet Union, Brooks cited this passage to his team. He was attempting to inspire them and give them a sense of hope that they may succeed.

This saying serves as a gentle reminder that we are all capable of greatness. All of us are born with particular skills, and it is up to us to hone them. No matter how challenging our dreams may seem, we should never give up on them.

30. “You Can Motivate By Fear, And You Can Motivate By Reward. But Both Those Methods Are Only Temporary. The Only Lasting Thing Is Self-Motivation” —Homer Rice

Homer Rice, a former college football coach in the United States, wrote this. His tenure from 1963 to 1970 as the football team’s head coach at the University of Pittsburgh is what made him most famous.

In a motivational interview, Rice uttered this remark. He was discussing the significance of self-motivation and how it is the only source of motivation that lasts. He claimed that while fear and reward may temporarily inspire people, they do not have a lasting effect. Long-term persistence can only be sustained through self-motivation.

This quotation serves as a gentle reminder that we shouldn’t depend on outside forces to drive us. We should each find our own sources of inspiration and pursue our own aspirations. Self-motivation increases our chances of overcoming obstacles and accomplishing our objectives.

31.  “Once You Give Them The Power To Tell You You’re Great, You’ve Also Given Them The Power To Tell You You’re Unworthy. Once You Start Caring About People’s Opinions Of You, You Give Up Control” —Ronda Rousey

This was written by former UFC champion and retired American mixed martial artist Ronda Rousey. She is the first American woman to hold the UFC Women’s Bantamweight Championship and the first American woman to earn an Olympic judo medal.

In a career-related interview, Rousey uttered this remark. She was emphasizing the value of not having other people’s viewpoints dictate how you live your life.

This quotation serves as a reminder to not let other people’s perceptions of us define who we are. We should have faith in our abilities and self-worth, and we shouldn’t let other people control how we view ourselves. We can be ourselves and accomplish our goals when we are not concerned with what other people may think.

32. “My Motto Was Always To Keep Swinging. Whether I Was In A Slump Or Feeling Badly Or Having Trouble Off The Field, The Only Thing To Do Was Keep Swinging” —Hank Aaron

This was written by former American baseball player Hank Aaron. With 755 home runs, he holds the record for most in Major League Baseball history.

In a career-related interview, Aaron made the remark. He was emphasizing the value of persistence and never giving up, especially under trying circumstances. He asserted that persistence is the sole strategy for overcoming a slump or any other difficulty.

This phrase serves as a gentle reminder that despite how challenging things may appear to be, we should never give up on our aspirations. We have a better chance of succeeding when we continue.

33. “The Ability To Conquer One’s Self Is No Doubt The Most Precious Of All Things That Sports Bestow” —Olga Korbut

Olga Korbut 1988. Richard Kendzierski, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

This was written by former Soviet gymnast Olga Korbut. She has won three world championships and two gold Olympic medals. In a career interview, Korbut made the remark. She was discussing the value of self-control and mental toughness in athletics. The most important lesson you can learn from sports, according to her, is how to face your own fears and doubts.

This remark serves as a gentle reminder that every one of us is capable of overcoming our own obstacles. We grow stronger and more resilient when we confront our fears and uncertainties. We also develop self-confidence and self-belief.

34. “There Is Always Going To Be A Reason Why You Can’t Do Something; Your Job Is To Constantly Look For The Reasons Why You Can Achieve Your Dreams” —Shannon Miller

Shannon Miller, a former artistic gymnast from the United States, wrote this. The most decorated gymnast in American history, she has won seven Olympic medals.

In a career interview, Miller made the remark. She was emphasizing the value of pursuing your goals no matter what obstacles stand in your way. People will always tell you that you can’t accomplish something, but it’s up to you to concentrate on the reasons why you can succeed instead, she added.

This quotation serves as a reminder to never let our concerns or doubts stop us from pursuing our objectives. We should continually be seeking for solutions to solve problems and accomplish our objectives.

35. “You Can’t Always Be The Best. You Have To Remember That Everyone Makes Mistakes Sometimes” —Aly Raisman

This was written by former American artistic gymnast Aly Raisman. She has won three gold medals at the Olympics and three world championships. In a career-related interview, Raisman made this statement. She stressed the significance of having humility and being able to accept responsibility for your mistakes. Everyone makes errors, she added, and it’s crucial to grow from them and move on.

This quotation serves as a gentle reminder to not be too hard on ourselves when we mess up. We should take the opportunity to grow and become better people by learning from our failures.

36. “You Control Your Own Wins And Losses” —Maria Sharapova

Maria Sharapova. si.robi, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

This was written by former Russian tennis player Maria Sharapova. She was formerly ranked No. 1 in the world and has won five Grand Slam titles.

This statement was made by Sharapova in an interview on her career. She stressed the significance of accepting responsibility for your own accomplishments and shortcomings. She asserted that while the events that happen to you are out of your control, how you respond to them is.

This saying serves as a reminder that our personal fate ultimately belongs to us. Although we have no control over what happens to us, we do have influence over how we react. We are more likely to succeed in reaching our objectives when we accept responsibility for our own success and failure.

37. “You Must Not Only Have Competitiveness But Ability, Regardless Of The Circumstance You Face, To Never Quit” —Abby Wambach

Abby Wambach. Jay, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Abby Wambach, a former American soccer player, wrote this. She has won two Olympic gold medals and is the American women’s national soccer team’s all-time leading scorer.

In a career-related interview, Wambach made this statement. She was emphasizing the value of perseverance in the face of difficulties. She asserted that in order to succeed, a person must be both competitive and tenacious.

This phrase serves as a gentle reminder that despite how challenging things may appear to be, we should never give up on our aspirations. We have a better chance of succeeding when we continue.

38. “Just Believe In Yourself. Even If You Don’t Pretend That You Do And, At Some Point, You Will” —Venus Williams

Venus Williams. Tatiana from Moscow, Russia, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Venus Williams, a former American tennis player, is the author of this. She has won four Olympic gold medals and seven Grand Slam singles titles.

Williams made this statement during a career-related interview. She was emphasizing the value of having self-confidence despite challenges. She asserted that if you keep acting as though you do, ultimately you will learn to believe in yourself, even if you don’t right now.

This proverb serves as a gentle reminder that despite how challenging things may appear to be, we should never give up on ourselves. We have a better chance of succeeding when we have faith in ourselves.

39. “I Always Felt That My Greatest Asset Was Not My Physical Ability, It Was My Mental Ability” —Bruce Jenner

This was written by American media personality and former track and field athlete Bruce Jenner. In the decathlon at the 1976 Summer Olympics, he took home the gold medal.

In a career-related interview, Jenner made this remark. He was discussing the value of willpower and mental toughness in athletics. He asserted that he thought his mental capacity was more crucial than his physical one because it enabled him to overcome obstacles and realize his objectives.

This quotation serves as a gentle reminder that in order to succeed, mental toughness is just as crucial as physical prowess. We have a better chance of succeeding when we have the mental fortitude to endure in the face of difficulties.

40. “Don’t Be Afraid Of Failure. This Is The Way To Succeed” —LeBron James

LeBron James. Erik Drost, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

LeBron James uttered the phrase in an interview with GQ magazine in 2018. James stressed the value of taking chances and being unafraid of failure in order to succeed. He admitted that he had failed during his career, but he added that each failure had taught him something, and he had continued on.

The quotation serves as a reminder that failure can lead to success. Everyone experiences failure at some point in their lives, but it is crucial to grow from it and keep trying.

41. “You Dream. You Plan. You Reach. There Will Be Obstacles. There Will Be Doubters. There Will Be Mistakes. But With Hard Work, With Belief, With Confidence And Trust In Yourself And Those Around You, There Are No Limits.” —Michael Phelps

Michael Phelps made the remark in his book “No Limits: The Will to Succeed.” Phelps stressed the significance of having objectives, working hard, and having self-confidence in order to succeed. Although there may be challenges and skeptics along the path, he advised never giving up on your goals.

The quotation serves as a reminder that anything is doable with enough willpower. When you have a dream, you need to make a strategy for how to make it come true. You must put in a lot of effort and never give up, even when things are difficult. In order to achieve, you must also have confidence in yourself.

42. “If Something Stands Between You And Your Success, Move It. Never Be Denied” —Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. Sgt. Valerie C. Eppler, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Dwayne Johnson uttered the remark in a 2019 interview with CNBC. Johnson stressed the value of never giving up on your goals, despite any challenges you may encounter. He advised you to move everything that is impeding your progress. Nothing and no one can prevent you from attaining your objectives.

The quotation serves as a reminder that, despite how challenging things may appear to be, we should never give up on our aspirations. We need to be tenacious and determined when we are up against difficulties. We must figure out how to get beyond the challenges in our path.

Johnson is a fantastic illustration of a person who overcomes challenges to succeed. He began his career as a wrestler but later switched to acting and rose to become one of Hollywood’s highest-paid performers. His adage can motivate us to surmount our own challenges and realize our aspirations.

43. “You’re Playing A Game, Whether It’s Little League or Game 7 Of The World Series. It’s Impossible To Do Well Unless You’re Having A Good Time. People Talk About Pressure. Yeah, There’s Pressure. But I Just Look At It As Fun” —Derek Jeter

Shortstop Derek Jeter, a retired American baseball player who spent 20 seasons with the New York Yankees, wrote this. With the Yankees, Jeter won five World Series titles and is regarded as one of the best shortstops of all time.

In a career-related interview, Jeter made this statement. Regardless of the level of competition, he stressed the value of appreciating baseball. He asserted that it is impossible to perform at your best if you are not having fun.

The quotation serves as a reminder that, even when something is difficult, we should always endeavour to enjoy doing it. We are more likely to be at ease and concentrated while we are having fun, which can improve performance.

44. “Winners Never Quit And Quitters Never Win” —Vince Lombardi

This is from retired American football coach Vince Lombardi, who is regarded as one of the best coaches in NFL history. With the Green Bay Packers, he earned five Super Bowl titles.

In a speech to his players, Lombardi uttered this phrase. He stressed the value of perseverance no matter how challenging things may appear to be. He asserted that those who persevere in the face of adversity are winners. On the other hand, folks who give up when things are difficult are known as quitters.

The quote serves as a reminder that, despite how challenging things may seem, we should never give up on our dreams.

45. “Believe Me; The Reward Is Not So Great Without The Struggle” —Wilma Rudolph

Wilma Rudolph 1960.Henk Lindeboom / Anefo, CC BY-SA 3.0 NL, via Wikimedia Commons

This was written by American track and field athlete Wilma Rudolph, who took home three gold medals from the 1960 Summer Olympics. The first American woman to win three gold medals at one Olympic competition was Rudolph.

Rudolph made this statement during a career interview. She was emphasizing the value of endurance and hard effort in reaching success. She claimed that without the effort, the benefits of success are not as substantial.

The quotation serves as a reminder that success is not always simple. It requires perseverance, commitment, and hard effort. The benefits are considerably sweeter when we put in the effort and conquer obstacles.

46. “Sports Serve Society By Providing Vivid Examples Of Excellence.” —George F. Will

This was written by retired American writer and journalist George F. Will. Will is a well-known conservative political analyst who also writes frequently about society and sports.

Will penned this passage in an article about how important sports are to society. He believed that playing sports can help us learn valuable lessons about discipline, perseverance, and working as a team. He additionally believed that athletics may give us role models who can motivate us to accomplish our own objectives.

The quotation serves as a reminder that sports may improve society. They can enlighten us on important life lessons and motivate us to strive for excellence.

47. “You Are Never Really Playing An Opponent. You Are Playing Yourself, Your Own Highest Standards, And When You Reach Your Limits, That Is A Real Joy” —Arthur Ashe

This quote was written by American tennis star Arthur Ashe, the first African-American man to win the US Open and Wimbledon singles championships. Ashe was a well-known advocate for social justice and civil rights.

In a career-related interview, Ashe made the following statement. He was emphasizing the value of always striving to be your best, especially when competing with others. He claimed that true joy only comes when you push yourself to the maximum.

The quotation serves as a gentle reminder to always give it our all. No matter what obstacles we encounter, we should always work to fulfill our potential. This gives us genuine happiness and fulfillment.

48. “If You Can’t Outplay Them, Outwork Them” —Ben Hogan

This was written by American professional golfer Ben Hogan, who is regarded as one of the game’s all-time greats. Hogan won nine major titles, including four straight U.S. Open victories.

In a career-related interview, Hogan uttered this remark. He was discussing how important effort and commitment are in the game of golf. He asserted that even if you are unable to outplay your adversaries, you may still win by outworking them.

The quotation serves as a reminder that effort and commitment can triumph over inherent skill. We can do anything we set our minds to if we are ready to work hard for it.

49. “Even While They Teach, Men Learn” —Seneca the Younger

Seneca the Younger, a Roman Stoic philosopher, is the author of this. He was born in 4 BC, and he passed away in AD 65. Seneca served as Emperor Nero’s instructor before being coerced into taking his own life.

This passage from Seneca’s work “On the Shortness of Life” may be cited. He was discussing the value of education throughout life. He asserted that we continue to learn even as we instruct others.

The quotation serves as a gentle reminder that learning is a continuous process. No matter how old we are or how much we already know, we should never stop learning. In addition to imparting our knowledge to others when we educate them, we also gain information from them.

50. “It Is Action That Creates Motivation” —Steve Backley

This was written by Steve Backley, a former javelin throw competitor from the United Kingdom. He previously held the world record and collected four gold medals at the European Championships, three gold medals at the Commonwealth Games, and two silver medals at the Olympics.

Backley made this statement during a career-related interview. He was discussing the value of acting in order to maintain motivation. He asserted that waiting about for motivation to strike is likely to result in futility. Even if you don’t feel driven, you must act since it will eventually.

The quotation serves as a reminder that inspiration does not just happen to us. It is what we produce as a result of our deeds. Even when we don’t feel like it, when we act, we are telling our brains that we are committed to attaining our goals. This can encourage us and help us stay persistent.

51. “Leadership, Like Coaching, Is Fighting For The Hearts And Souls Of Men And Getting Them To Believe In You” —Eddie Robinson

Former American football coach and athletics director Eddie Robinson is the author of this. With 408 victories, he holds the record for college football’s most successful coach. He spent 56 years as a coach at Grambling State University.

In an interview discussing his coaching philosophies, Robinson made the following statement. He was discussing the value of forming bonds with his teammates and inspiring their confidence. He asserted that this is the secret to effective leadership in any industry, including sports.

The quotation serves as a reminder that being a leader entails more than just issuing directives. It is all about establishing connections and motivating others to follow you. People are more likely to follow you and succeed when you can make them believe in your abilities.

52. “In A Growth Mindset, Challenges Are Exciting Rather Than Threatening. So Rather Than Thinking, Oh, I’m Going To Reveal My Weaknesses, You Say, Wow, Here’s A Chance To Grow” —Carol Dweck

This was written by Carol Dweck, a psychologist at Stanford University and the author of Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.

The fixed mindset and the development mindset are two separate mindsets that Dweck has studied in depth. People who have a fixed mindset think that their skills are unchangeable and fixed. People that have a growth mindset think that they can improve their skills with effort and hard work.

The quotation serves as a reminder that people who has a growth mindset view obstacles as chances to improve and learn. Challenges are not viewed by them as threats or things to be avoided. They see them as chances to become better people.

53. “I’ve Learned That Something Constructive Comes From Every Defeat” —Tom Landry

This was written by American football coach Tom Landry, who is regarded as one of the best coaches in NFL history. For 29 seasons, he led the Dallas Cowboys to two Super Bowl victories.

In an interview discussing his coaching philosophies, Landry cited this passage. He was emphasizing the value of learning from mistakes. Even when you lose, he claimed, you can still pick up something that will help you get better.

The quotation serves as a prompt that failure is not the end of the world. It is a chance to develop and learn. We increase our chances of success in the future by learning from our past errors.

54. “I Became A Good Pitcher When I Stopped Trying To Make Them Miss The Ball And Started Trying To Make Them Hit It” —Sandy Koufax

This was written by Hall of Fame pitcher Sandy Koufax, who from 1955 through 1966 played for the Brooklyn/Los Angeles Dodgers. Koufax is regarded as one of the best pitchers of all time and has won four World Series titles in addition to three Cy Young Awards.

In an interview about his pitching philosophies, Koufax made the following statement. He was emphasizing the value of pitching to contact. He claimed that he frequently lost when he attempted to make batters miss the ball. But he was able to make batters commit errors after he began throwing to contact. The quotation serves as a reminder that forcing batters to hit the ball is sometimes the greatest way to get them out.

55. “The Difference Between The Impossible And The Possible Lies In A Person’s Determination” —Tommy Lasorda

Former American baseball player and manager Tommy Lasorda wrote this. He is a Hall of Fame manager who led the Los Angeles Dodgers to two World Series victories. In an address to his team, Lasorda used this quotation. He stressed the significance of never giving up on your goals. If one is dedicated enough, anything is possible, he claimed. The quote serves as a reminder that anything is achievable with enough determination and never giving up. We are more likely to overcome challenges and accomplish our objectives when we are dedicated.

56. “Do You Know What My Favorite Part Of The Game Is? The Opportunity To Play” —Mike Singletary

This was written by Mike Singletary, a former line-backer for the Chicago Bears who competed in American football from 1981 to 1992. He is a member of the Hall of Fame and was renowned for his tough play and leadership qualities.

This statement by Singletary about his playing career was made in an interview. He was stressing the value of showing appreciation for the chance to play the game he cherished. As he acknowledged that not everyone had the chance to play professional football, he expressed his gratitude for having the opportunity to do so. The quotation serves as a gentle reminder to never take our chances for granted.

57. “Being Nervous Is Not Something You Should Be Ashamed Of. Nervous Means You Care, You Really Want To Do Well” —Paula Creamer

Paula Creamer is an American professional golfer who has won seven major tournaments on the LPGA Tour. She was formerly the best golfer in the world.

In a career interview, Creamer made the remark. She was discussing how crucial it is to be able to manage anxiety during competition. Everyone has anxiety, she added, but it’s crucial to control your emotions. She claimed that tension shows that you are invested in your work and that you want to succeed.

The quotation serves as a reminder that anxiety is a typical human emotion. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. In fact, it can be evidence of your enthusiasm for your work.

58. “Persistence Can Change Failure Into Extraordinary Achievement” —Matt Biondi

The most decorated male Olympic swimmer of all time, Matt Biondi is an American who was a competitive swimmer in the past. At the 1984 Summer Olympics, he took home eight gold medals and broke five world records.

In a career-related interview, Biondi made the following statement. He stressed the significance of never giving up on your goals. He claimed that even if you first fail, you can still succeed if you keep trying.

The statement serves as a reminder that tenacity is essential for success. Persistence increases our chances of overcoming challenges and realising our objectives.

59. “One Man Can Be A Crucial Ingredient On A Team, But One Man Cannot Make A Team” —Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

This was written by American former professional basketball player Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, who is regarded as one of the game’s all-time greats. He spent 20 seasons in the National Basketball Association (NBA) as a player with the Milwaukee Bucks and Los Angeles Lakers, where he helped the Lakers win six NBA titles.

In an interview about his career, Abdul-Jabbar uttered this phrase. He was discussing how crucial teamwork is in the sport of basketball. He asserted that a player, regardless of how talented they may be, cannot win a championship by himself. Their teammates must assist them.

The quotation serves as a reminder that success in any team sport depends on effective teamwork. Players are more likely to succeed when they cooperate and encourage one another.

60. “I Hated Every Minute Of Training, But I Said, Don’t Quit, Suffer Now And Live The Rest Of Your Life As A Champion” —Muhammad Ali

This was written by American professional boxer Muhammad Ali, who is regarded as one of the sport’s all-time greats. He is the only boxer to have accomplished this feat, having won the world heavyweight title three times.

In a career-related interview, Ali made the remark. He was emphasizing the value of devotion and hard work in boxing. Although he claimed to detest working out, he understood that it was vital if he wanted to become a champion.

The quotation serves as a reminder that success is not always simple. It necessitates perseverance, commitment, and sacrifice. We can accomplish great things in the long run when we are prepared to endure hardship now.

61. “They Say Discipline And Dedication And Respect Are The Key Factors, But Patience Is A Virtue That Is Absolutely Essential” —Ria Ramnarine

This was written by Ria Ramnarine, a former professional boxer from Trinidad and Tobago who competed from 1999 to 2012. She held world championships in two weight divisions during her career, winning the minimum weight division of the WIBA in 2005 and 2006, and the minimum weight divisions of the WIBF and WIBA in 2011.This statement was made by Ramnarine during a career interview. She was discussing how crucial patience is in boxing. She claimed that being a champion requires time and perseverance.

The quotation serves as a reminder that patience is a quality necessary for success in any endeavor. We are more likely to endure and accomplish our goals when we are patient.

62. “You Should Never Stay At The Same Level. Always Push Yourself To The Next” —Marnelli Dimzon

Former player and football coach Marnelli Dimzon is from the Philippines. She presently serves as the head coach of the FEU Lady Tamaraw Booters, the Philippines women’s U18 team, and Kaya Women. She has twice been the head coach of the Philippine women’s national team and currently serves as their assistant coach.

In an interview on her coaching philosophies, Dimzon said the following. She was discussing the value of ongoing development in football. She advised players to constantly strive for improvement and never be content with their current level of skill.

The quotation serves as a reminder that we should never be happy with how things are right now. We should constantly try to improve and fulfil our potential.

63. “Persistence Can Change Failure Into Extraordinary Achievement” —Marv Levy

American football coach Marv Levy is regarded as one of the all-time greats in NFL history. He led the Buffalo Bills for 16 seasons, leading them to four straight Super Bowl berths and two AFC crowns.

In a conversation regarding his coaching philosophies, Levy cited this passage. He stressed the significance of never giving up on your goals. He claimed that even if you first fail, you can still succeed if you keep trying.

The statement serves as a reminder that tenacity is essential for success. Persistence increases our chances of overcoming challenges and realizing our objectives.

64. “It’s Not The Will To Win That Matters—Everyone Has That. It’s The Will To Prepare To Win That Matters” —Paul “Bear” Bryant

This was written by American college football coach Paul “Bear” Bryant, who is regarded as one of the all-time great coaches. He spent 25 seasons as a head coach at the University of Alabama, where he won six titles.

In an interview discussing his coaching philosophies, Bryant used this passage. He was discussing how crucial practice is in football. Everyone wants to win, he claimed, but not everyone is prepared to put in the time and effort required to prepare for victory.

The quotation serves as a reminder that success requires preparation. We are more likely to succeed when we are organized.

65. “Champions Keep Playing Until They Get It Right” —Billie Jean King

American Billie Jean King, a former professional tennis player, is regarded as one of the sport’s all-time greats. 39 Grand Slam singles, doubles, and mixed doubles championships were won by her.

King made this statement during a career-related interview. She was discussing the value of tenacity in tennis. She asserted that winners never give up, even after suffering defeat. They continue to play until they master it.

The saying serves as a reminder that winners don’t fear failure. They are aware that failure is a necessary component of learning. They continue to play till they succeed in their objectives.

66. “The Principle Is Competing Against Yourself. It’s About Self-improvement, About Being Better Than You Were The Day Before” —Steve Young

Steve Young, a former American professional football quarterback, is regarded as one of the sport’s all-time greats. He spent 15 seasons as a member of the San Francisco 49ers in the National Football League (NFL), where he won four Super Bowls.

In a career-related interview, Young uttered this remark. He was discussing the value of personal development in football. He claimed that competing with your opponents is insufficient. Additionally, you must compete with yourself and make an effort to improve upon yesterday.

The saying serves as a reminder to continually try to improve upon yesterday. Instead of focusing on how we compare to others, we should work on ourselves.

67. “I Never Left The Field Saying I Could Have Done More To Get Ready And That Gives Me Peace Of Mind” —Peyton Manning

Peyton Manning, a former American professional football quarterback, is regarded as one of the sport’s all-time greats. He spent 18 seasons in the National Football League (NFL) playing for the Denver Broncos and the Indianapolis Colts, winning two Super Bowls with each squad.

In a career-related interview, Manning made this statement. He was discussing how he gets ready for games. He claimed that before entering the field, he always made care to be well-prepared. Knowing that he had done everything within his power to achieve gave him comfort.

The quotation serves as a reminder to constantly try to be ready for any obstacles we may encounter. Being prepared increases our chances of success.

68. “If You Think You’re Done, You Always Have At Least 40 Percent More” —Lauren Crandall

American hockey player Lauren Crandall participated in the 2008, 2012, and 2016 Summer Olympics. She formerly served as captain of the women’s national hockey team of the United States.

Crandall made this statement during a career interview. She was emphasizing the value of pushing past your comfort zone. Even if you believe you have achieved a goal, she advised not giving up. There’s always more you can accomplish.

The saying serves as a reminder to continually try to improve upon yesterday. Instead of settling for less than greatness, we should continually aim for greatness.

69. “I Always Try To Start Out With Some Type Of Goal. Then I Work Backward And Think Of What I Need To Do To Get There And Give Myself Smaller Goals That Are More Immediate” —Kristi Yamaguchi

Former American figure skater Kristi Yamaguchi won the 1992 Olympic gold medal, the 1991 World title, and the 1992 World silver medal. Additionally, she has won the Grand Prix Final thrice.

Yamaguchi made this statement during a career-related interview. She was discussing her method of goal-setting. She claimed that she always sets a significant objective first, such as winning the Olympics. She then works backward and divides that objective into more achievable, smaller steps. This keeps her focused and motivated. The quotation serves as a reminder of the value of having goals and a strategy for reaching them.

70. “You Have To Remember That The Hard Days Are What Make You Stronger. The Bad Days Make You Realize What A Good Day Is. If You Never Had Any Bad Days, You Would Never Have That Sense Of Accomplishment” —Aly Raisman

Three-time Olympic gold winner, three-time World champion and five-time Pan American Games champion Aly Raisman is an ex-artistic gymnast from the United States.

In a career-related interview, Raisman made this statement. She was emphasizing the value of overcoming obstacles. She claimed that tough times help us grow stronger. They give us a sense of accomplishment and help us appreciate the good times.

The quotation serves as a gentle reminder to not allow unpleasant days get us down. We should take all we can from them and use it to fortify us.


A reminder that anything is possible if we put our minds to it may be found in 70 Iconic Sports Quotes That Inspire Beyond the Field. These words of wisdom are from athletes who have excelled, and they encourage us to believe that we can also if we work hard and never give up.

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