What is a Michelin Star Restaurant? 10 Things To Know About The Most Famous Food Guide


Michelin-starred restaurants are the pinnacle of fine dining, and they represent the highest level of culinary excellence. These restaurants are awarded stars by the Michelin Guide, a prestigious restaurant guide published by the French tire company Michelin. The guide was first published in 1900 and is now one of the most respected and influential restaurant guides in the world.

Originating from humble beginnings as a marketing tool for a French tire company, the Michelin Guide has evolved into a global gastronomic authority, revered by chefs and revered by diners alike. It is the ultimate compass for those in search of transcendent dining experiences, bestowing stars upon restaurants that offer not just exceptional food, but also an entire combination of service, ambience, and unwavering consistency. In this article, we will explore the history of Michelin-star restaurants, the criteria for awarding stars, and the most famous Michelin-star restaurants in the world. Keep reading to learn more about the most famous food guide.

1. The Michelin Guide evaluates restaurants on five criteria

To be awarded a Michelin star, a restaurant must meet the highest standards of cuisine, service, and atmosphere. 

The Michelin Guide evaluates restaurants on five criteria: the quality of the ingredients, the harmony of flavors, the mastery of techniques, the personality of the chef as expressed through their cuisine, and consistency both across the entire menu and over time.

2. The highest honor in the Michelin Guide is three stars

FrDr, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Restaurants can receive one, two, or three Michelin stars. One star signifies a very good restaurant, two stars mean excellent cuisine, worth a detour, and three stars indicate exceptional cuisine, worth a special journey.

The Michelin Guide also awards Rising Stars, an indication that a restaurant has the potential to qualify for a star or an additional star.

3. The Michelin Guide was first published by the French tire company Michelin in 1900

In 1900, there were fewer than 3,000 cars on the roads of France. To increase the demand for cars and, accordingly, car tyres, car tyre manufacturers and brothers Édouard and André Michelin published a guide for French motorists, the Michelin Guide. Nearly 35,000 copies of this first, free edition of the guide were distributed. It provided information to motorists, such as maps, tyre repair and replacement instructions, car mechanics listings, hotels, and petrol stations throughout France.

In 1922, they made several changes, notably listing restaurants by specific categories, and adding hotel listings. initially only for Paris, and removing advertisements in the guide. Recognizing the growing popularity of the restaurant section of the guide, the brothers recruited a team of inspectors to visit and review restaurants, who were always anonymous.  Here is a conclusive list of some affordable Paris Michelin-Starred Restaurants. 

4. The Michelin Guide is published in 23 countries

Mos.ru, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

While the Michelin Guide originated in France, it now covers multiple countries worldwide, including the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, and many more countries. 

The first Michelin Guide to Italy was published in 1956. In 1974, the first guide to Britain since 1931 was published. In 2005, Michelin published its first American guide, covering 500 restaurants in the five boroughs of New York City and 50 hotels in Manhattan. In 2007, a Tokyo Michelin Guide was launched. In 2008, a Hong Kong and Macau volume was added. As of 2013, the guide is published in 14 editions covering 23 countries. In late 2022 the guide expanded to Vietnam and Malaysia. By 2023 there were plans to release new guides in Atlanta and the US state of Colorado.

5. Juliane Caspar was the first woman editor of the Michelin Guide

In 2008, German restaurateur Juliane Caspar was appointed editor-in-chief of the French edition of the guide. She had previously been responsible for the Michelin guides to Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. She became the first woman and the first non-French national to occupy the French position.

6. Michelin inspectors visit restaurants anonymously

Michelin inspectors visit restaurants anonymously, and they award one, two, or three stars for those considered at least very good. Inspectors’ meals and expenses are paid for by Michelin, never by the restaurant being reviewed.  Michelin inspectors undergo extensive training to develop their palates and evaluate restaurants consistently.

Michelin has gone to extraordinary lengths to maintain the anonymity of its inspectors. Even the inspectors themselves do not know the identities of their colleagues. This ensures impartiality. In all the years that it has been putting out the guide, Michelin has refused to allow its inspectors to speak to journalists. 

7. The Michelin Guide also awards Bib Gourmand distinctions

Since 1997, the guide has also highlighted restaurants offering exceptionally good food at moderate prices, a feature now called Bib Gourmand. 

They must offer menu items priced below a maximum determined by local economic standards. Bib is the company’s nickname for the Michelin Man, its corporate logo for over a century.

8. There are currently over 2,000 Michelin star restaurants in the world

Mos.ru, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Michelin stars are awarded to restaurants, rather than to individual chefs, so chefs who run more than one establishment can hold more than three stars. There are currently over 2,000 Michelin star restaurants in the world, with the most concentrated in France, Japan, and the United States. Each country has its own set of criteria for awarding stars. Read more about 20 Best Michelin Star Restaurants Around The World

9. The Michelin Guide is the most coveted award in the restaurant world

A Michelin star is considered one of the highest accolades a restaurant can receive, leading to international recognition and an increase in customers. Michelin-starred restaurants often become tourist attractions and can significantly boost the local economy.

Michelin-starred restaurants often set trends in the culinary world, influencing other chefs and restaurants. Chefs who earn Michelin stars gain prestige and recognition in the culinary world. The Michelin Guide has faced criticism for its strict criteria, anonymous inspections, and the pressure it places on chefs and restaurants. However, it remains highly respected in the industry.

10. The Michelin Guide is updated annually, with some restaurants loosing their stars

Sinikka Halme, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Maintaining Michelin stars can be extremely challenging for chefs and restaurant staff, as the expectations are sky-high.  Michelin inspectors revisit restaurants regularly to ensure consistent quality. The Michelin Guide is updated annually, and restaurants can lose their stars if they do not maintain the same level of quality.

If you’re looking for a truly unforgettable dining experience, then a Michelin-star restaurant is the place to go. These restaurants offer an unparalleled level of culinary excellence, and they are sure to leave you feeling satisfied and impressed. Read additional information about the Michelin Guide here

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